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And if me doing that offends you somehow fox mob I'm sorry but I don't intend on stopping anytime soon.

let me get this straight, half a dozen LD50s flame you and this thread. I partially support you (kb's a good thing, agree with your first post) and also acknowledge that your guild has earned the hate of many in the community, and this is all about me hating on you? sheesh.

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a Far better one without you guys, I believe. alot more fun to just be able to play without a bunch of over achieving try hards already fully geared ..queing up for lulz in regs.


My work is done here...

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I think you should go back and read the comments. Nobody responded to what the OP said. We simply put up a few gifs as jokes to our homies in US. They love a good joke as much as anybody. Take a deep breath my fellow nerd.


Btw, it appears you like joking with Kenny as much as we d



Is that salad dressing or lotion at the end of that table? I'm disturbed either way.*shudder*:eek:

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let me get this straight, half a dozen LD50s flame you and this thread. I partially support you (kb's a good thing, agree with your first post) and also acknowledge that your guild has earned the hate of many in the community, and this is all about me hating on you? sheesh.


lol naw ik why LD hates us but theyre not really on this server anymore so their opinions dont really matter to me as much, and LD is never going to change lol so i was trying to figure out what your gripes with us are. Ik LD just sees us as inferior ppl and players and i cant change that. lol were you on a vanguard? assault tree i think it was? maybe a voidstar? i think i remember going against a bloodline guy or 2 in a voidstar. that was def a GG. i had fun that round. naw me and shatter werent superqueing at all. we had 3 players for a little bit but then it was just me and him queuing together. i appreciate the support on the kickball btw, and i see your point about your gripes with Unicorns, and my wearing that guild tag irks you, which i can understand, but theyre my friends and i have fun pvping with a lot of them and i intend to keep wearing that guild tag for as long as i possibly can

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Hey guys, so I've noticed that coming back to this game...The PvP community is just awful. SO I had an idea, maybe if people grouped up together and made premades, it would teach players that need a little more help to get better, and it would give life back to the community. Back on Shii-Cho we had a Battlemaster chat (back when Battlemaster actually mattered), and it was there to give the better players an opportunity to create premades to help players that A.) never get a premade because your name isn't "known" and B.) It would bring life to the community and people could actually get to know each other, group together, and learn how to have teamwork. Which is lacking on the Imperial side of PvP.


We had an awesome PvP community back on Shii-Cho and I wanted to try to give it a little life here too. So I'm creating a Battlemaster chat on JC and I hope everyone uses it and maybe we can give life back to the game, make new friends, and have a better community!


All you have to do is /cjoin Battlemaster


Battlestation Sexywagon is also willing to help train players, help them with specs, and form premades as well. Just message Damsyl or any other Sexy member if you're interested.





This is a great idea. I suggested this on the Juyo server before the first server consolidations. Every Wednesday night at 8pm Eastern we'd have pre made groups queue. It was very successful for a few weeks before the consolidations.


I'm glad to see people trying to bring the PvP community back together. ^.^

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lnaw me and shatter werent superqueing at all. we had 3 players for a little bit but then it was just me and him queuing together. i appreciate the support on the kickball btw, and i see your point about your gripes with Unicorns, and my wearing that guild tag irks you, which i can understand, but theyre my friends and i have fun pvping with a lot of them and i intend to keep wearing that guild tag for as long as i possibly can

i know you weren't. looked like a few pixels and you two. said I know for a fact that he does cuz I was in one once, which is what I think I said. anyway, I can't speak for the rest of the ppl on the server, but you (as a guild) do have some work to do to earn my trust/respect. and the kb thing is solid in my book. defending farming in a reg instead of just playing objectives and ending it...not so much. but that's a dead horse at this point.

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Holy dramafest. That's all I'm saying to that point.

And good for bsw, should they round out their team to replace those who quit the game they could very easily dominate this server.

It would be fun for us to get back into the pvp like we used to (I miss a lot of the old school players that we had, a few of them even came back for a while but because the PvP community was so awful...They left :(...I'm seriously considering recruiting people and going into ranked for practice though! WTB TANKS! :p )


Agreed! Like I said I like bsw, even deega.:D

DEEGA! He came back too, along with Kyn (Mosh) but hated how bad the commuity was and they weren't really having fun with the game anymore. We like you guys too, I think we saw a few LD's on GW2 in WVW.


This is a great idea. I suggested this on the Juyo server before the first server consolidations. Every Wednesday night at 8pm Eastern we'd have pre made groups queue. It was very successful for a few weeks before the consolidations.


I'm glad to see people trying to bring the PvP community back together. ^.^

That's awesome, back on Shii-Cho we always had something like that on the first day of resets for weeklys. (Anyone remember Ilum) We would be out there fighting for hours before it died out (even when the pugs were the underdogs on that server, they still put up a good fight) We had a really awesome PvP community back on Shii-Cho so I'm just trying to figure out something else we can do. The PvP community is awful, the pugs are so bad because they don't have direction and it's just extreamly frustrating. So I want to help people out, and give life back to this community.


ASIDE FROM ALL THAT. BSSW is happy to be back, and as long as we are here...We're going to try to make a difference on this server.

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i know you weren't. looked like a few pixels and you two. said I know for a fact that he does cuz I was in one once, which is what I think I said. anyway, I can't speak for the rest of the ppl on the server, but you (as a guild) do have some work to do to earn my trust/respect. and the kb thing is solid in my book. defending farming in a reg instead of just playing objectives and ending it...not so much. but that's a dead horse at this point.


ahh okay gotcha now. yea just all water under the bridge way i see it. and if you were that VG you were putting a bit of a beating on me :(

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it was a typical frustrating pug. I think you had a tank 2 sorc heals and you. couldn't get a 2nd person to stay focused on you when the sorcs were away.


push a sorc into barrier, one of the other 2 healers healed him up. c'est la reg.

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Hey guys, so I've noticed that coming back to this game...The PvP community is just awful. SO I had an idea, maybe if people grouped up together and made premades, it would teach players that need a little more help to get better, and it would give life back to the community. Back on Shii-Cho we had a Battlemaster chat (back when Battlemaster actually mattered), and it was there to give the better players an opportunity to create premades to help players that A.) never get a premade because your name isn't "known" and B.) It would bring life to the community and people could actually get to know each other, group together, and learn how to have teamwork. Which is lacking on the Imperial side of PvP.


We had an awesome PvP community back on Shii-Cho and I wanted to try to give it a little life here too. So I'm creating a Battlemaster chat on JC and I hope everyone uses it and maybe we can give life back to the game, make new friends, and have a better community!


All you have to do is /cjoin Battlemaster


Battlestation Sexywagon is also willing to help train players, help them with specs, and form premades as well. Just message Damsyl or any other Sexy member if you're interested.




Hopefully things pick up soon, I'm getting restless. ~ Chuckles

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I would also be willing to help people with PvP spec and gear questions, or strats and team work. I am an experienced pvper who has a lot of rated games. I transferred here from pot5 to play with a few family members who are not PvP oriented and just wanted to do story quests. I was a member of I am Legend and Stoic ( Hostile Takeover). The name is Soulfly the u in my bane is alt. 0252 please whisper me add me or inv me to group if I'm on and ill try to answer any questions you may have or play some games with you. I do have a small vent channel or we could maybe ask US aboutusing their channel. I look foward to meeting some new people.
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