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Newbie seeking help with Lethality rotation pretty please


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Most of us are happy to have a discussion about it, even if repetitive, if you don't feel like contributing, you are free to ignore the thread.


Oh boy... how about "PvE Guide to the Lethality Sniper by B'oard ". So im contributing now. Because NONE of you linked that. As if those questions are not answered. There are Sniper Forum Guidelines: "Before making a new thread, search and see if there is already an existing thread."



At the beginning there was no troll, but someone just like to feed the troll. Im just saying the truth, not against any of you.

Edited by X-Boson
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Oh boy... how about "PvE Guide to the Lethality Sniper by B'oard ". So im contributing now. Because NONE of you linked that. As if those questions are not answered. There are Sniper Forum Guidelines: "Before making a new thread, search and see if there is already an existing thread."



At the beginning there was no troll, but someone just like to feed the troll. Im just saying the truth, not against any of you.


Dude. I don't know about you but I personally have fun answering questions newbies have. I like being able to teach them, and they may have questions about stuff, and reading a guide is not live and questions on that forum are less often answered. Also, I would get really board if all I did were link to B'oarder's guides. (pun intended). Your math and spreadsheets is nice but plz don't hate on our way of explaining sniper dps . :p

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Personally i love all 3 sniper specs, i would experiment with all the specs to find what exactly suits you,


Currently i am running full leth spec, didnt like hybrid too much so personal choice i went full leth, the dps is still good, i can pull 1.2-1.5 mill damage and im far from best.


I also dont tend to use ambush/snipe that often when you can have a orbital strike placed on a nice objective getting loads of them.


i wud consider suggestion u buy field respec on ya legacy well worth it, i find marksman is the king for huttball but yet again its personal choice. good luck :)

Yeah full lethality does more dmg especially in void star than Hybrid. I pulled 1.05 mil switching targets and putting up DoTs. But 1.2 to 1.5 mil??? That must be on rare occasions and stretching it somewhat. I've personally never seen someone get over 1.3 mil DMG in a game. And snipers I've seen cap at around 1 mil..1300 DPs maybe 1.1 mil. Tell me though what you did to get 1.5 mil and I'll compare it to my 1 mil game. :)


And yes MM is so the king of Huttball. Hybrid is viable for everything, but best in AH. Lethality best in all else IMO. It annoys me so much when I see snipers running around in Voidstar playing MM. When I can get 2 times more DMG than them...I've seen 1 sniper pull off a mil with MM, and in Huttball which makes it even more impressive.

Edited by MasterJacer
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Yeah full lethality does more dmg especially in void star than Hybrid. I pulled 1.05 mil switching targets and putting up DoTs. But 1.2 to 1.5 mil??? That must be on rare occasions and stretching it somewhat. I've personally never seen someone get over 1.3 mil DMG in a game. And snipers I've seen cap at around 1 mil..1300 DPs maybe 1.1 mil. Tell me though what you did to get 1.5 mil and I'll compare it to my 1 mil game. :)


And yes MM is so the king of Huttball. Hybrid is viable for everything, but best in AH. Lethality best in all else IMO. It annoys me so much when I see snipers running around in Voidstar playing MM. When I can get 2 times more DMG than them...I've seen 1 sniper pull off a mil with MM, and in Huttball which makes it even more impressive.


1.5mil? oh...overlooked the pics I linked yesterday at [PVP] Marksman vs. Lethality? Look, u said "reading a guide is not live". Thats because ppl used to ASK all the time, but not even try to read or understand. I hope this is not happening in their rl. Otherwise Im teaching as well. Im sry that I have to post Sniper Forum Guidelines again: "Before making a new thread, search and see if there is already an existing thread." . As if i did something wrong here.

Edited by X-Boson
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Yeah full lethality does more dmg especially in void star than Hybrid. I pulled 1.05 mil switching targets and putting up DoTs. But 1.2 to 1.5 mil??? That must be on rare occasions and stretching it somewhat. I've personally never seen someone get over 1.3 mil DMG in a game. And snipers I've seen cap at around 1 mil..1300 DPs maybe 1.1 mil. Tell me though what you did to get 1.5 mil and I'll compare it to my 1 mil game. :)


And yes MM is so the king of Huttball. Hybrid is viable for everything, but best in AH. Lethality best in all else IMO. It annoys me so much when I see snipers running around in Voidstar playing MM. When I can get 2 times more DMG than them...I've seen 1 sniper pull off a mil with MM, and in Huttball which makes it even more impressive.


having a great healer or two at ya back perminantly kinda helps with them numbers especially if u face any teams that dont make a sniper a priority, i wasnt over saying the numbers its very possible, and ive seen snipers do better than 1.5 mill, think best i seen on my server was just slightly over 2mill.


best i had was 1.5mill, average games in pugs can be alot less depends on ya groups and and groups u face. i normally will get 450-800k most matches then in good games with good groups it can go the numbers like million plus,


That particular game i had two guildie healers with me that didnt get focused at all, i found a good position in a civil war game and wasnt proper focused during game, just had my dots flying around, focusing healers down and well times orbital strikes, on everyone and it was a pug v pug group that was intence with only side turrets taken and all gathered very nicely in groups around middle turret and neither side turret fell to other team so the game went on for maximum time it can i supose.


As for 1.5million im shocked u questioned that since theres people that can get 3-4million damage so 1.5 isnt that amazing hence why i said im not the best but i do my best.

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having a great healer or two at ya back perminantly kinda helps with them numbers especially if u face any teams that dont make a sniper a priority, i wasnt over saying the numbers its very possible, and ive seen snipers do better than 1.5 mill, think best i seen on my server was just slightly over 2mill.


best i had was 1.5mill, average games in pugs can be alot less depends on ya groups and and groups u face. i normally will get 450-800k most matches then in good games with good groups it can go the numbers like million plus,


That particular game i had two guildie healers with me that didnt get focused at all, i found a good position in a civil war game and wasnt proper focused during game, just had my dots flying around, focusing healers down and well times orbital strikes, on everyone and it was a pug v pug group that was intence with only side turrets taken and all gathered very nicely in groups around middle turret and neither side turret fell to other team so the game went on for maximum time it can i supose.


As for 1.5million im shocked u questioned that since theres people that can get 3-4million damage so 1.5 isnt that amazing hence why i said im not the best but i do my best.


Ok yeah that sounds right... the 1 mil i got was solo queueing, i haven't been in any outstanding premades/ranked. I've seen it also depends on the amount of other dps. If you have a lot of other good dps, sorcs, juggs, snipers on your team then you do less. Not very many other dps and you do a lot more. I think someone said theoretically you could get 2 mil easily being the only dps in a sea of tanks and healers. xD

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