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Is it enough to play SWTOR?


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It will "run" after a fashion. I started SW on a lowly $500 Toshiba laptop with similar specs, but it will be like night and day compared to a more capable machine. I upgraded and the kinds of differences I noticed right away were.


- toons actually had teeth instead of a white space between their lips.

- You could actually see grass, shadows move, and leaves on trees

- Explosions were a whole lot better

- Animations, such as being in a speeder, actually held together rather than leaving your toon dangling in space.

- Details (of course) were a whole lot crisper and, well, "detailed."


I don't want to give a false sense of how good the animation is because even a top notch machine does not manage Hollywood FX standards, but it's kind of the difference between watching a kid's cartoon like Sponge Bob and an animated film such as Shrek. (As stories both suck, I know. Not the point.) The Sponge Bob/Homer Simpson type of cartoon obviously has low production values and is done quickly for TV. Something like Shrek has first class animators with big budgets made for a movie theater.


If you can live with it and the adjacent issues such as lag, screen resolution, fps issues, etc., then why not? Not everyone can afford a $500 GPU when the whole computer cost that much. But if you've ever experienced a top quality machine, you'll never go back.

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