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Juggernaut Class Representative


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I vote for LMarLfoxL because he's probably the only Juggernaut in this thread that actually plays ranked seriously on a regular basis AND does PvE progression. He's also the only Juggernaut I know that doesn't regstar all day and do hard mode flashpoints.
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That was exactly what I was going for, my votes for you but I don't really care to much who wins. What I do care about is that someone doesn't win because they told all their guildies, who have never touched a Jugg, to vote for them. That would be a real loss for any class forum.


Edit: Think I found the source, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=660014


Btw, the guy who posted that thread is probably the biggest idiot on The Bastion. Anything he says/does should be taken with a grain of salt.


Just to give you an idea, he's a Commando that uses a Vanguard set bonus (increased Stock Strike crit %)

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I'd happily second your and/or Dire's nominations. Y'all are about the only regularly active PvPers on the class boards of late.


Because of this reply, I'm forced to resign myself as a complete model of juggernaut gameplay. I pvp, yes, but people such as yourself represent a larger field. When you become elected, simply listen to all pvp contributions. Just remember to disregard the rampant qq. I'll always provide you a reliable source for the future of juggernaut pvp.

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From what I can tell it seems to either be people who are DPS Juggs, or PvP Juggs that are wanting to be the Juggernaut Class Representative. I am an Immortal Spec Juggernaut who PvE/PvPs as that spec. The only issue/concern I have is that the Blade Turning doesn't work when you have a PvE tank set bonus equipped. Whoever can promise that will be addressed as an issue, seeing how it has been broken since last September, will be getting my vote. Edited by Dyronis
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  • 2 weeks later...
Which jugg is actually a tank?


I both tank and DPS, and for the last week have been only tanking on the Jugg (after playing primarily DPS on the Jugg since creation). I also tank on my Guardian.


Regardless, whoever is voted as the Representative would be well served to solicit input from all aspects of the community and base their issues/questions on things that the community at large identify as issues, not simply the representative's pet project or preferred playstyle.

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You are ignoring my point, which is these "PVE buddies" are folks that know each other because of their activity on these boards. I'm not discounting your capabilities, because I don't know who you are. I'm saying that, because I don't know who you are, I am not keen on the idea of you representing the class that I main.


Regardless, this is simply the nomination phase. They are putting up a vote at some point, if I understood their plans correctly. We all know that if you want it, then at that point you are going to bring in every person you can find to vote for you.


This debate, at this point, is meaningless. I think Ark should get the position, because he has demonstrated his knowledge and willingness to help the community at large here. You and your friends seem to think you should have the spot, presumably because you play a mean Jugg in PvP.


I really don't know ANYONE who plays a DPS jug in PVE besides me, so I just prefer anyone who's willing to share some knowledge.

Edited by ZayneDraay
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