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Vanguard Class Representative


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Hey folks,


As we explained in this thread, we are launching a new program where you, the players, will elect a representative for your Advanced Class. This person should be someone who is an active member of your class community, is respectful towards other members, and is very knowledgeable about the state of your class. Reply below with your nominations! Please nominate other players by their forum handles.


As a note, keep things positive! Normal forum rules still apply.


-The Community Team

Edited by EricMusco
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From the Vanguard side of things here are the people I feel have not only got an excellent grasp of the class but some of the issues we face (in no particular order):



mfourcustom (when he is not telling people to roll a sniper :p)


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From the Vanguard side of things here are the people I feel have not only got an excellent grasp of the class but some of the issues we face (in no particular order):



mfourcustom (when he is not telling people to roll a sniper :p)



=p I have my good days with Vg/PT and bad days with it and i know sometimes i get WAAAY outta hand its just my frustration gets the best of me from time to time. I love the vg/pt class played since launch and it would be an honor to represent the class i even made this goofy video talking about the class and the nerfs. (i'll link below) but either way i just hope someone that understands the class and what needs to be done with the class gets it, not these random people that are more worried about what our blaster rifles and armor looks like :cool: Thanks to those that picked me so far though lol means alot.


On a side note i've pvped and done pve on my vanguard as both tank and dps :D:D most people think i am only a pvp player.




Edited by mfourcustom
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Who are the potential Vanguard representatives that actually PvP (i.e. play competitive Ranked)?


well my last rated game was about 3 weeks ago before i started to get bogged down with computer and real life issues and god willing i should be back in one of my guilds rated teams Friday night but as far as experience in rated goes i have played over 200 rated games (of course most being PRE 2.0) :cool:

On a side note i think every player mentioned in this thread has probably a lot of rated pvp and pve experience.

Edited by mfourcustom
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While I will say that I mostly PVE, I did used to enjoy PVP a lot more, and would gladly get into it again if our class was better. I wanted to throw out there that even though I hope to see us fixed in PVE, I feel like we are currently more broken in PVP and thus have no issue if that is the primary focus of the first round of questions. I feel like any real change to PVP will have a positive impact for us in PVE right now anyway, so really any change in that direction will be welcome :). So having someone who is focused a little more on PVP is not as bad as some people try to make it seem!
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Question to the nominees:


Will you commit to working with the PT Rep to make sure that our two groups don't ask the same three questions?


I may be wrong, but, while I realize we don't match up 100% 1 to 1 with them, I'd hate to "waste" a question that has already been asked by our Imp "friends" about a shared ability / feature.

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