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2 bugs with new patch


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Two thoughts that immediately come to mind are:


Was this patch, and I mean this exact version of the game, put up on the PTS prior to going live? If so did Bioware actually pay attention to the bug reports? Because these are really obvious bugs that are noticeable right away by players. If this exact version was never published to the PTS prior to going live then why not? There needs to be more testing before changes go live to catch really obvious stuff like these chat and jumping bugs.


The other thing I want to say is that I don't think it's good enough to say 'We know about it and it's on schedule for the next patch'. The next patch should be for new features and minor fixes. Known annoyances that you guys just broke with your 'patch' need to be fixed with a small patch right away. There's no excuse not to. If you can't test properly then you need to fix issues ASAP and save the rest of the changes for the next patch.


The speeder companion bug was a 'known issue' minutes after that 'patch' went live and yet it was allowed to stand for two weeks, including over the Double XP period where people were leveling alts and the amount of companions they had sometimes would equal how many they could send. Very annoying to send all your companions out and then realize you can't get on your speeder or you'll ruin mission.


And really, how hard is it to just issue a small patch to fix that bug? That couldn't be done for two weeks? Really?

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Seriously? With a straight face and no apologies you are saying 2.2.3? That is unreal. You allow things like this that are so amazingly annoying and act as if it's really no big deal. I only have 3 toons that I get on any kind of regular basis and I hate this chat window nonsense already. I can't imagine hard core players that are on all of their toons every day.
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Two thoughts that immediately come to mind are:


Was this patch, and I mean this exact version of the game, put up on the PTS prior to going live? If so did Bioware actually pay attention to the bug reports? Because these are really obvious bugs that are noticeable right away by players. If this exact version was never published to the PTS prior to going live then why not? There needs to be more testing before changes go live to catch really obvious stuff like these chat and jumping bugs.


The other thing I want to say is that I don't think it's good enough to say 'We know about it and it's on schedule for the next patch'. The next patch should be for new features and minor fixes. Known annoyances that you guys just broke with your 'patch' need to be fixed with a small patch right away. There's no excuse not to. If you can't test properly then you need to fix issues ASAP and save the rest of the changes for the next patch.


The speeder companion bug was a 'known issue' minutes after that 'patch' went live and yet it was allowed to stand for two weeks, including over the Double XP period where people were leveling alts and the amount of companions they had sometimes would equal how many they could send. Very annoying to send all your companions out and then realize you can't get on your speeder or you'll ruin mission.


And really, how hard is it to just issue a small patch to fix that bug? That couldn't be done for two weeks? Really?


I agree! FIX IT!!!! I can't stand it omg. Normally minor bugs can be ignored or circumvented but noo I have to deal with these 2 super annoying ones that affect everything you do in-game (I jump around a lot and also the chat box thing impedes my vision when raiding/questing bla bla)

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When I go to work today, I'm going to call several of my customers and tell them I have a shiny updated product for them. Then, I'm going to break it before I put it in the box and ship it to them. After they call and complain, I'll tell them that I knew it was broken before I shipped, so it was a known issue. Then, I'll remind them that the next shipments won't be going out for 2-3 weeks, so they'll just have to live with it for now.


Seriously, BioWare. You have to be the most incompetent development team in the history of gaming.

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New bugs:


Some NPCS seem to be missing heads, found one at the Giant's Spear Command Post on Makeb. Right near the macrobinoculars droid mission pick up.


Also this in [Heroic 2] Reap The Whirlwind mission (Tatooine). The mercenary you talk to just before the final boss fight has just a pair of eyes floating above an empty chestpiece. That adds to the existing bug in there that causes the heroic music from the boss fight to continue to play for an excessively long time. Bugs come, and do not seem to go... I am sad for the slow deterioration of the game.

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