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Premades are ruining ranked pvp!


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Seriously Dev's, how many people have to leave this game before you fix this problem of 8 man guild premades super queuing (holy hell that does not look right...whatever spellcheck, you win this round) in my ranked warzones.


It's getting to the point that you cant just round up any old 7 tom dick and harries and log in for a night of ranked pvp without some jerk guild premading up and ruining my evening of competitive ranked pvp. What we need are two more ques. One where members of all the same guild go, and one for pug ranked. They should duplicate that throughout the different brackets too. It's not any more fun at 15 than it is at 55.



Seriously...it's been a year and a half devs....wake up!

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as much as you are trying to be a comedian, supposedly we will be able to solo queue for RWZ in 2.4.....


And can you imaging the whinging when that happens... This post wont be satire, it will be a real thread about people complaining of pre-mades in Ranked Warzones.

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i just don't see why they don't match pure pugs against pure pugs and premade vs premade with the wz finder. I have both imp and pub toons. i bounce back and forth the same play period of a few hours. on my imp toon.. the wz is all pug imps and the pubs have a guilded group of 4 coordinating and wrecking shop.


sucks a few games, so i think.. i'll just go on my pub toons then. so get a wz, pure pug on pub side, and there's an imp guilded group of four wrecking shop on the pug.


why set up skewed matches? there's obviously premades and pugs of both factions. it really seems like pure pugs and que'ing solo is at a disadvantage in pvp. you're already handicapped before the match even begins. now recently there's a bug where chat lags in the wz several seconds from hitting send.. til when it is in the chat /ops box.


so now not only are you behind the 8 ball, and lots of rage quits so it's 5 vs 8 (the 8 contains the premade vent guild) and now you can't even effectively communicate with the pug 5 because by the time "west" comes through ops chat the node is already gone.


the pvp needs addressing

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Got a source for that or just randomely pulling things out of your ***? Your friend Chad is not a reliable source by the way.


who is chad?


someone that went to one of the cantina tour things and spoke with the devs/CSR guys present were told. i believe that a recap was posted somewhere, i will try to find it for you

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who is chad?


someone that went to one of the cantina tour things and spoke with the devs/CSR guys present were told. i believe that a recap was posted somewhere, i will try to find it for you


Oh I think you know who Chad is... you know

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  • 1 year later...

I have played in pugs since the beginning of the game and in premades ever since you could have a premade. I like the pugs because it is a real challenge and you feel you've achieved something when you win. I have been in a few pugs where we 3 capped and dominated, but, nine times out of ten it will be the Double premade groups that do this and decimate the opposing team. If you are on the double premade team this is maybe fun for the first few minutes of the game, but, then it's just random and boring. You would think that any intelligent players that actually wanted a challenge would stop playing in the double premades and return to just pugging it. This wont happen though.


There are millions of people that will cycle through this game that derive pleasure from destroying their enemies mercilessly and BioWare will always be happy to supply the ammo as long as they are getting the money.


There has been a slow trickle off of player base since the beginning because of this type of behavior in pvp. it will continue until all that are left are the F2P's and the Murderous Rampaging Neurotic Bully Mentaliy players.

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I have played in pugs since the beginning of the game and in premades ever since you could have a premade. I like the pugs because it is a real challenge and you feel you've achieved something when you win. I have been in a few pugs where we 3 capped and dominated, but, nine times out of ten it will be the Double premade groups that do this and decimate the opposing team. If you are on the double premade team this is maybe fun for the first few minutes of the game, but, then it's just random and boring. You would think that any intelligent players that actually wanted a challenge would stop playing in the double premades and return to just pugging it. This wont happen though.


There are millions of people that will cycle through this game that derive pleasure from destroying their enemies mercilessly and BioWare will always be happy to supply the ammo as long as they are getting the money.


There has been a slow trickle off of player base since the beginning because of this type of behavior in pvp. it will continue until all that are left are the F2P's and the Murderous Rampaging Neurotic Bully Mentaliy players.

Stop necroing old threads please...

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