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the state ov pvp empire side is ****


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empire pvp is trash.

republic got 2-3 healers per WZ, empire got 2-3 healers per DAY.


0 empire pvp guilds, 0 empire premade, people dont augment gear at all, cant focus enemy MARKED healers.

matches where empire scores 0 kills in total aint nothing special. republic got twice the kills most of the time (thanks to no empire healers)

reroll republic like I did and just farm your way to any pvp gear you like. to roll empire at this god forsaken server is game ending decision

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matches where empire scores 0 kills in total aint nothing special. republic got twice the kills most of the time (thanks to no empire healers)

Lets break this down:


Empire kills = 0

Republic get double Empire kills.

Republic kills = Empire kills x 2

Republic kills = 0 x 2

Republic kills = 0


Republic pvp is just as bad!!!










Yay, maths

Edited by I_Sithed_MyPants
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Lets break this down:


Empire kills = 0

Republic get double Empire kills.

Republic kills = Empire kills x 2

Republic kills = 0 x 2

Republic kills = 0


Republic pvp is just as bad!!!










Yay, maths


fail sarcasm is fail

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i have no idea what pvp some of u guys are doing, but sat we had 13 level 55 games, 12 were wins and 1 loss and we played empire side, Sunday i had around 12-15 games and it was 50%/50% on wins and losses.


This is based since transfers were opened up.


all those games were pug games.

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as the title states the empire on this server are the most clueless people ive ever seen in pvp i mean even the level 10-14 reps that dont know where to get an advanced class have a better idea


Ever thought you might be the problem? :cool:

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I recently was in a match with a lot of healers on both sides (am a healer myself). What a stalemate if I ever saw one...


What's bugging me is that people leave WZs far too quickly. In another match there was a guy who was supposed to guard a turret. We sadly lost one turret, but it was still early, no problem in fighting back in time. No, he called us noobs and left the group... while the opposition had 1 player calmly take that turret.


Sorry, but I don't get attitudes like that. At all. I know it can be frustrating sometimes (most of the time :p) but leaving like that? Just no.

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I have had mixed experiences, but I would never be critical to the whole of the empire side. I had played with many very good players and some who are not as good. Perhaps instead of whining about how rubbish people are you might want to help people to play better. Quite frankly who cares if you lose a few games I lose games, but still come out with a large amount of XP, Warzone Tokens and MVP awards...


Stop whining about a small minority of people.... just makes you look bad not them :mad:

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I have had mixed experiences, but I would never be critical to the whole of the empire side. I had played with many very good players and some who are not as good. Perhaps instead of whining about how rubbish people are you might want to help people to play better. Quite frankly who cares if you lose a few games I lose games, but still come out with a large amount of XP, Warzone Tokens and MVP awards...


Stop whining about a small minority of people.... just makes you look bad not them :mad:


This. Of course it's great when you win matches, and that should probably always be your goal when queuing up for a WZ. But whining and quitting when it doesn't go your way or your special tactic isn't used? That's just poor. Even more so when you decry yourself by insulting your team mates.


On the other hand, I hate it when players don't follow the objectives and play deathmatch instead. And afterwards they get mad that the WZ wasn't won. :rolleyes:

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This. Of course it's great when you win matches, and that should probably always be your goal when queuing up for a WZ. But whining and quitting when it doesn't go your way or your special tactic isn't used? That's just poor. Even more so when you decry yourself by insulting your team mates.


On the other hand, I hate it when players don't follow the objectives and play deathmatch instead. And afterwards they get mad that the WZ wasn't won. :rolleyes:


Are you part of the Empire side? If so feel free to friend me for some warzone games :cool:

Edited by Panakuva
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Are you part of the Empire side? If so feel free to friend me for some warzone games :cool:


I am! Can't play ranked yet though as I just leveled my two PVP chars to 50 (Salmíssra and Yar'blek). Don't want to level further too fast because I group up with some of my guildies from time to time and they have to catch up with levelling in order for us to be able to play some ranked together in the future. I do have two 55s but don't PVP with them. Still a PVEer at heart ;)

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I am just wondering who is winning the warzones :)

Either on Republic or Imperial Fleet, there is always people who cry about their faction always losing pvp. Same goes for the forums.


Is there a secret 3rd faction who always wins? It´s a conspiracy and they are listening... i need mor tinfoil !!!!!

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Hehe, probably. I do have a few pub alts (which I only use for crafting nowadays). Maybe I should play a little bit of pvp on their side and see if it's any better. Which I doubt to be honest.


Voidstar on imp side is a blast lately I have to say. Always good teams and smooth wins.

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I am just wondering who is winning the warzones :)

Either on Republic or Imperial Fleet, there is always people who cry about their faction always losing pvp. Same goes for the forums.


Is there a secret 3rd faction who always wins? It´s a conspiracy and they are listening... i need mor tinfoil !!!!!


Its tauntauns I tell you ! I blame the silly, useless tauntauns from EV that do nothing even if you taunt them and die in a couple hits !


I am pretty sure they put up disguises and flood warzones at certain times.


On a more serious note though, its justabout getting lucky with whoever ends up at teams.

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Agreed, I think the 55 level PVP state is still pretty grim on empire side at the moment, haven't played any < 55 for a while.


But it's taken me around 20-25 games to get my weekly. I've frequently been experiencing people going off to node guard, not calling incomings at all, even after death. People taking orbs on hypergate and running around with them instead of bringing them to pylon. Tanks not using guards at all.


Things like this that level 55 players should know if they're choosing to play PVP. It makes solo queuing frustrating

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dunno, i was able to do my weekly on my tank sunday, total of a day 20 games 15 wins imp side. winning spree ended around 10pm, but not cause reps got better.

when you see score board, and my tank have 2 times more total damage then 2 snipers, you just know why you lost....

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Tues night got 6 straight wins and 1 loss, then logged on sat morning got 2 out of 3 games won, then sat night finished my weekly off in 6 ranked games 5 loss/1 win and the one win was against republic side rest were emp v emp.


Most weeks is easy to get ya weekly done. would really suggest also is start to get to know the people u see regular in pugs that do a average-good job and start trying to get mini teams going makes a huge difference.

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dunno, i was able to do my weekly on my tank sunday, total of a day 20 games 15 wins imp side. winning spree ended around 10pm, but not cause reps got better.

when you see score board, and my tank have 2 times more total damage then 2 snipers, you just know why you lost....


Exactly this sort of crap, just joined a game, had a team that were down by about 40 points with 3 already sitting at our node - gave up almost immediately. I was in for half of the game and finished with second highest damage, the ones that were fighting were beyond clueless. And there is people complaining in the chat about crap team. Welcome to Red Eclipse PVP.

Edited by rickibalboa
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Lol. Tranfered on Eclipse from ToFN. And I honestly thought that one have to look very hard to find PvPers worse than empire side there.

Seems I was wrong.

First two WZs.

Alderan. All 8 people go mid. Never captured it. It have started 5 vs 8 on mid. 6vs 8 later. When me and my friend switched to grass it was two of us agains 4 enemy team there. 1 on snow. 6 men on mid vs 3pubs.

And they still failed to capture it. Just kept farming those resps in the mid paying little to none attention to anything else. No stuns, no cc whatsoever.


The second one.


6 imps on mid. 2 imps vs 4 pubs on east. Calling for help for 2 minutes. No one's comings till captured. 4 comming after it is too late. And after they regain control everybody left. No one's guarding.


So, sorry if it sounds like a whine post or if it seems that I'm boasting. I know that I'm pretty avarage player and I've seen lots of similar WZs on ToFN.


But can anyone tell me is it the common situation on Eclipse?

Or maybe I've just picked wrong time? Or am I extreamly unlucky?

Edited by jeyfree
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