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So everything passed level 50 is required paid content.


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Whether you like it or not, anything after Level 50 should be considered paid content,

not "Free" as Bioware will tell us.


Heres an explanation on how this shady business model works.


They release content that is Level 55 Required like the new Operations. This forces every person that has intention to do ANY kind of end game to buy the expansion. So guess what? All those new Level 55 operations that are "Free"? Too bad, you HAVE to buy the expansion first. Thats 10-20$ PER PERSON that intends to continue to end-game.


Just like server transfers, delay them to the brink of where your subs are fed up, or their servers are dead like Oceanic/APAC and basically have everyone who doesn't want to stay on that dead server or even play the game to transfer with them. Most players leave dead server, players who are left on dead server have to transfer too to even play the game.


Its a very crappy business model, but outside the Subscriber Fee we pay monthly you have to look at the other fees they might try to force out of us later down the road.

Edited by PunisherAS
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Whether you like it or not, anything after Level 50 should be considered paid content,

not "Free" as Bioware will tell us.


Heres an explanation on how this shady business model works.


They release content that is Level 55 Required like the new Operations. This forces every person that has intention to do ANY kind of end game to buy the expansion. So guess what? All those new Level 55 operations that are "Free"? Too bad, you HAVE to buy the expansion first. Thats 10-20$ PER PERSON that intends to continue to end-game.


Its a very crappy business model, but outside the Subscriber Fee we pay monthly you have to look at the other fees they might try to force out of us later down the road.


um, so you mean like other MMO's do? WoW as a prime example. At least this one is 10-20 instead of 40-60

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um, so you mean like other MMO's do? WoW as a prime example. At least this one is 10-20 instead of 40-60


Yes, but how much content do you get out of WoW expansions?

I got 2-3 levels out of the Makeb Storyline... you call that content?

Do you call Nightmare Mode of an operation we've been grinding for months content?


Please explain to me how Biowares price should even be close to 20$..

If I'm a subscriber and I don't buy the expansion, what "New" content would I be receiving just out of curiosity.

I FYI do have the expansion, just making a hypothetical situation.


Can't change my characters appearance, that costs money

Can't play new operations, because I'm required to buy an expansion

Can't play on my server because everyone transferred out, so now I have to to enjoy the game.


Just a few examples of this crappy marketing.

Edited by PunisherAS
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Yes, but how much content do you get out of WoW expansions?

I got 2-3 levels out of the Makeb Storyline... you call that content?

Do you call Nightmare Mode of an operation we've been grinding for months content?


Please explain to me how Biowares price should even be close to 20$..


$10 for subs and $20 for f2p (bioware needs money just to support the servers the free people are using) if perfectly reasonable.


of the 4 wow expansions. 2 had 5 levels. 2 had 10 levels.

They had more dungeons and raids but they also cost significantly more and don't know if I could say that any WoW expansion was actually worth 4-6 times (for subs) as much as RoTHC

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You think 10-20 bucks is a lot of money?


No, I paid for the expansion,

I don't think its right that a Sub that PAYS EVERY MONTH, would be required to buy the expansion to be able to get this "Free" content they release.


If your paying for a subscription, your supposed to get "Unlocked Access" to everything like Operations/FPs/PVP and etc, but in reality you can't unless you buy the expansion.


Its still very shady.

Edited by PunisherAS
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And how far have you gotten in NiM TFB? It's not really the same operation if it's an actual challenge.


As for Makeb giving you 3 1/2 to 4 levels for storyline it's on par with almost every other planet. Then there are the GSI Missions, Microbioncluars & Seek Droid missions both where really fun in my book, and the dailies on Makeb. It is a ton of content for 20$ and a steal for 10$.

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And how far have you gotten in NiM TFB? It's not really the same operation if it's an actual challenge.


As for Makeb giving you 3 1/2 to 4 levels for storyline it's on par with almost every other planet. Then there are the GSI Missions, Microbioncluars & Seek Droid missions both where really fun in my book, and the dailies on Makeb. It is a ton of content for 20$ and a steal for 10$.


A challenge? When did a "Challenge" become "content" Same mobs and same trash. The only new content your getting is fancy new animated armor, and slightly modified boss fights.


A steal it might be, but still shady business model.

Subs aren't getting unlocked access to the game if you think of it the way I'm trying to explain.

You have Limited Access even as a sub until you buy the expansion.

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....anything after Level 50 should be considered paid content....


That is a correct statement.


...not "Free" as Bioware will tell us..


Can you direct me to where Bioware ever said that the 50+ and/or RotHC expansion was "Free" ??


Here is what I saw, when I read the OP's post:


A friend of mine, was very nice to me and gave me a car, for free. He knew that I would probably enjoy driving it, and for whatever reason, I couldn't afford/didn't want to buy my own, so he gave me a car for free...... It even had a full tank of gas!!!


But that sniveling, lying, money-grubbing friend, never told me that, that after it ran out of gas, if I wanted to keep driving it, to see new places and drive on new roads I hadn't been on before, I would have to PAY FOR MY OWN GAS?!!?!?


I can't believe my friend would do that for me. I thought I was just going to be able to keep driving this car, without paying for gas, or maintenance... Next he's probably going to tell me that I need to get my own auto insurance policy...


Gheesh... what a selfish friend. Last time I ever accept a gift from him.

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No, I paid for the expansion,

I don't think its right that a Sub that PAYS EVERY MONTH, would be required to buy the expansion to be able to get this "Free" content they release.


Right and how many months ago did this happen? I mean to be honest this subject was all over the forum for months. I am doing my best but I am trying to understand why you are bringing this up now.


My sub pays for free respecs, much cheaper mod removal costs (a big deal to me as I have lots of alts), it pays for all kind of conveniences like sprint at level 1 etc and gives unlimted access to warzones, fp's and operations and all kinds of other things that f2p needs to unlock.


Was it small as an expansion? Yes. I paid 8 Euros for it. How can I expect it to be more than a small expansion then at such a low cost?


WoW has millions of subs and yes the expansions are bigger but you pay for them as well. So if other games charge subs for expansions, why is it so bad that SWTOR does as well? It was small but so was the cost.

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A challenge? When did a "Challenge" become "content" Same mobs and same trash. The only new content your getting is fancy new animated armor, and slightly modified boss fights.



New content:



(come 2.3) 2 new flashpoints

Brand new dailies NOT on makeb


Changed content:


HM 55 flashpoints

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No, I paid for the expansion,

I don't think its right that a Sub that PAYS EVERY MONTH, would be required to buy the expansion to be able to get this "Free" content they release.


If your paying for a subscription, your supposed to get "Unlocked Access" to everything like Operations/FPs/PVP and etc, but in reality you can't unless you buy the expansion.


Its still very shady.


Just about every other MMO out there, has paid expansions... Large and small, at varying priceranges.... EverQuest, WoW, Guild Wars, City of Heroes/Villains, I could go on and on and on.

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I get pissed off easily :)


I know. Me too.

But it's a waste of energy trying to explain to people that Bioware didn't reinvent the wheel by providing paid content that moves the game forward, which they have to pay if they want to keep up.

Especially when people keep using the same old reasons that have been discussed again and again.

Just let people vent ;)

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New content:



(come 2.3) 2 new flashpoints

Brand new dailies NOT on makeb


Changed content:


HM 55 flashpoints


Quite amusing how people don't have the brains to even read the point I'm getting at.

I'm not saying the game doesn't have content.


I'm stating that its a very shady business model because YOU HAVE TO PAY for the expansion, Even as a subscriber you can't do any of the new content that is released freely unless and ONLY AFTER you buy the expansion.


On top of the money I spent on the Collectors Edition, subscribed since day 1, and spent a small margin of money on the Cartel Market, why should Bioware be inclined to release content that completely requires a 10$-20$ purchase? It'd be one thing if you could still Level to 55 and do operations if your not interested in the expansion, but the sole fact that its required is ridiculous.


If Bioware really wanted to make things alright, Subs irregardless if they purchased the expansion should be able to Level to 55.

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Quite amusing how people don't have the brains to even read the point I'm getting at.

I'm not saying the game doesn't have content.


I'm stating that its a very shady business model because YOU HAVE TO PAY for the expansion, Even as a subscriber you can't do any of the new content that is released freely unless and ONLY AFTER you buy the expansion.


On top of the money I spent on the Collectors Edition, subscribed since day 1, and spent a small margin of money on the Cartel Market, why should Bioware be inclined to release content that completely requires a 10$-20$ purchase? It'd be one thing if you could still Level to 55 and do operations if your not interested in the expansion, but the sole fact that its required is ridiculous.


If Bioware really wanted to make things alright, Subs irregardless if they purchased the expansion should be able to Level to 55.


While RotHC wasn't a traditional expansion in the sense of the word that we're used to, Bioware decreed that it was indeed an expansion. I would defy you to show me one game where you didn't have to pay for an expansion. I sub and I also have the CE, while I sit here, Darth Malgus stares upon your forum posts with incredulousness. Since the launch of F2P, Bioware has maintained that 1-50 content is free. They never indicated that anything past that would be. Now I would invite you to go ahead and unsub if you're feeling cheated as speaking with your wallet is far more ponderous than that of an obtusely written forum rant.

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Yes, but how much content do you get out of WoW expansions?

I got 2-3 levels out of the Makeb Storyline... you call that content?

Do you call Nightmare Mode of an operation we've been grinding for months content?


Please explain to me how Biowares price should even be close to 20$..

If I'm a subscriber and I don't buy the expansion, what "New" content would I be receiving just out of curiosity.

I FYI do have the expansion, just making a hypothetical situation.


Can't change my characters appearance, that costs money

Can't play new operations, because I'm required to buy an expansion

Can't play on my server because everyone transferred out, so now I have to to enjoy the game.


Just a few examples of this crappy marketing.



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Tbh the only gripe I have at the moment with the expansion is that if Bioware aren't willing to fix the group finder to allow level 50 operations at level 55, and i'd say most f2p won't buy the expansion to take part in the 55 HM fps I just wish they'd make the expansion free now. I mean yeah maybe give it anotehr month or 2 but I can't get much done engame now cuz there's just not enough people using the group finder and I have no time for guild shouts etc.
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I am not sure if it is required, I do have the expansion so I can not tell, however I believe that you are able to enter operations without the expansion. You may not be able to use queue finder for that but that is value added on top of being able to enter. Of course you would not want to venture into these ops at level 50, but that is what you are paying for.
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Nah far as I'm aware without the expansion u finish at level 50 and can enter the old ops (KP, EC, EV) though this doesn't happen as nobody queues for them as most subs are 55 and can no longer queue from them due to being locked out of group finder. Only ops that 55 can run through GF are S+V and TfB but people like me who have maybe an hour or 2 to spare a day don't have the time to gear up fro them so I haven't ran an op since 2.0. I can't even run the level 55 HMs cuz I can't get geared up. Just wish they would completely redesign the group finder. Obviously the expansion will be free eventually (probably by Xmas) and then maybe more can get done. For now I'm just trying to get all my characters to endgame so I get all the buffs etc
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Whether you like it or not, anything after Level 50 should be considered paid content, not "Free" as Bioware will tell us.




Its a very crappy business model, but outside the Subscriber Fee we pay monthly you have to look at the other fees they might try to force out of us later down the road.

Then don't partake of it. But you can't expect your rantings to make everyone else feel the way you do.

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