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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Easiest Hard Mode

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Given that Story Mode False Emperor doesn't give elite comms, and is supposed to be of similar level as Hard Mode Black Talon, I'd say that it doesn't.


I'm not fully aware of what weekly quests rewards give, but I'd bet they will not give something better than basic comms, probably not elite comms.


EDIT : Not fast enough. I saw that someone said that Athiss gives elite, but note that Athiss is tuned for level 55, unlike Black Talon. Logic says it should be one of the least easy FP with Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu which are the only three HM FP for lvl 55.

Edited by Altheran
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Athiss would likely be the easiest, although there are a few trash pulls that might test you a bit if you don't have either stealth, or decent CC capabilities.


Hammer Station might not be all that bad... Nothing immediately comes to mind that might cause 2 good players to stall on... You'd have some boss adds to deal with at the droid and the last boss, but you could likely work around it if you had to.


Mando Raiders would be a non-starter in my opinion, since the sulky's hit so freaking hard, and your dps would have to be pretty awesome to beat the timers on the turrets at the final boss.


Cademimu would be a bit of a challenge at the last boss, since the chances of both players getting shackled at once would be decently high.


All of that said.... If you are trying to 2-man HM FPs for the sake of "seeing if you can do it"... that is one thing. But if you are trying obtain/maximize Elite coms gain? Shortmanning flashpoints is not the best way to do it. If you really want to shortman something to try to maximize gear gain in the Black Market/Arkanian tier, you should think about running 16-man Story Mode Terror From Beyond or Scum and Villainy with 10 people. (2 tanks, 2 healers, 6 dps) Since you will get extra coms for running in 16-man mode, and there will be double drops from every boss, to roll against 9 other people instead of 15 other people. It's not really that hard.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Actually I just want to run with me and one other person, and we are now at the stage where we are after Elites.


Well that may be a different story....


What gear are you in now? If you are going progression, tier by tier, (without doing Operations) I am going to assume you are in.... 61/63 (maybe) gear from level 50 flashpoints?? and some Prototype (blue 66) level 55 gear from Makeb?


If that is the case, I think you are in for a very very serious struggle ahead of you, approaching HM 55 FPs trying to 2-man them. If I was going to attempt a 2-man of the 55 HMs, I would want both myself, and my partner in crime to be just about full Black Market/Arkanian. (Artifact purple 69 gear)...

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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...how do we get that gear if not from the 55 HM's?


You get Elite Coms from:

As you mentioned, the staged weekly on Makeb

- (solo or team)

Classic Operations Weekly for Hard Mode Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace or Explosive Conflict

- (8 and 16-man operations)

Terror From Beyond & Scum and Villainy

- (8 and 16-man operations)

Level 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints

- (4-person teams)


But if we are doing things only the two of us...


You'll see... That the vast majority of the content that yields Elite Commendations, is designed, intended and tuned for more than 2-man duo teams. While the flashpoints CAN be duo'd, you really cannot do them with less then 4 people unless you are really overgeared, which if you aren't running Ops, you simply will not be.


The simple fact is this: If you want to exclusively DUO with another player, and not venture into 4-man Flashpoints, or 8/16man Operations, you ARE going to eventually hit a point, where there is content that you simply cannot clear and gear you simply cannot obtain. (And you have hit that ceiling right now, unless you want to just buy the gear from the GTN, but if you aren't doing Ops, why would you need Ops gear anyway?)


IF you don't want to expand and play with other people, and you only want to duo (which I am NOT trashing by the way... you play the game the way it is the most fun to you, and who am I to say that you're doing it wrong?)... when you hit 55, and finish Makeb, and see all of the STORY content for your class, you are going to be pretty much forced to go re-roll new toons with your Duo-buddy, and see another class story....

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But if we are doing things only the two of us, how do we get that gear if not from the 55 HM's? I know you get 12 a week from the staged daily on Makeb, but I know of no where else.


Two Man KP HM, very easy on lvl 55 and you get both ulti and elite from "Classic Ops" Weekly Mission.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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1 Classic ops 20 a week

2 Story TFB Op 20 a week

3 Story S & V Op 20 a week

4 Story Toborros Courtyard Op 12 a week

5 Weekly 3x 55 HM 20 a week

6 Daily HM 55 group finder (requires 4 people) 10 a day

7 Daily HM 55 Completion (will probably require 4 people in your level of gear) 10 a day

8 Spawning the bonus boss in each HM 55 2 per run (Most of the bonus bosses have tight enrage timers, so you may not be able to kill them)

9 Loot from each boss in a hm 55 (2 i think?)


You're in for a very long slow arduous gearup if you do it the way you're suggesting.

My suggestion would be to make artifice and cybertech toons and make yourself a full suit of purple 66 gear before even attempting to 2man the 55 hard modes.

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But if we are doing things only the two of us, how do we get that gear if not from the 55 HM's? I know you get 12 a week from the staged daily on Makeb, but I know of no where else.


If you can run this flashpoints with a team of two, you don't need the rewards they'll provide because you'll be overgeared already.


Also you get 10 more commendations using the group finder once a day.


You will have the recommended gear level for them by equipping the 66/blue mods you can find at low price on the GTN. 61/purple gear is also suitable.

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We have bought all our gear we can using basic comms, what rating is that? (I'm at work and don't remember), plus we have everything with at least level 6 augments added.... still under geared?


In my opinion, no you aren't going to be able to really duo the HM 55 FPs in Basic Coms gear.


Think about it this way:


Basic Coms buy 66s, which is minimum level 53 gear.

Hard Mode 55 Flashpoints, drop Black Market (69) and Elite Commendations, which are level 55 gear. (not to mention, the CONTENT is tuned for level 55)


You aren't really going to easily shortman content, intended for level 55 players, wearing level 53 gear.


I could be completely wrong, and you could both be l33t players, and maybe you can do it.... The only way to find out, is to TRY it for yourselves, and see how it goes.


HOWEVER - my feeling (along with most of the people that have commented here) is that, if your desire in-game is to exclusively DUO, you have reached the limit of the content you can do. And if you want to keep just DUO'ing with your partner, it's time to re-roll new toons and see a new story. If you want to continue on your current level 55 characters, and progress in gearing and see more content, you are going to HAVE to start teaming with other folks either for flashpoints or operations.


You're trying to use handtools to completely build a house from the ground up by yourself, when there's an entire shed full of powertools and a crew of construction workers waiting to help you that you are choosing to ignore.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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We have bought all our gear we can using basic comms, what rating is that? (I'm at work and don't remember), plus we have everything with at least level 6 augments added.... still under geared?


As a starter for HM 55 FPs, you GF with all 4 HM checked gives you 10 elite comms daily. Also, even if you are in 66s decked and auged pulling 2 man will be either very difficult or impossible depending on the FPs. In addition, I highly doubt you will be able to beat the enrage timer on bonus bosses, which drop an elite piece so you defiantly do not want to skip these. In addition, if one of you is not a healer, it won't work. A comp geared in below 66 gear is now going to heal a HM 55 FP.


In addition, one more factor to take inconsideration is the time you need to finish these FPs. As an example me and my guildies are in mostly 72 gear.We usually run EV for the weekly classic Ops. We could 4 man it if we want, but it would take us 90 mins plus to finish something that could be done in 40-45 mins. With allies you could run FPs potentially 50% faster, which means if you have a tank you probably could run 2 FPs through GF than trying to 2 man them with a friend.

Edited by Ottoattack
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...We usually run EV for the weekly classic Ops. We could 4 man it if we want, but it would take us 90 mins plus to finish something that could be done in 40-45 mins...


My goal is to get it down to 30 minutes for a Hard Mode EV run... The closest I have gotten, was with a pug about 2 weeks ago... I started the timer when we engaged the turrets, and stopped it when Soa died... 31m 12s... If we hadn't had someone go afk for a few minutes before we did the Council, we would have had it. The key is, to run with 2 healers, 5 dps, and 1 tank.... the most time consuming part of EV, is the trash on the circle in between Annihilator and Gharj... if your tank is decently geared in 69/72s, he can just never stop moving going around the circle, and just keep picking up all the adds while the dps clean them up. The tank can make it to the cave to round up the dogs, while the rest of the group is still in the tunnel where all the adds spawn when you walk in... if you do it right.


Back on topic - to the OP, I really think you and your duo-buddy should really consider the option of teaming with other people at this point in the game. You're trying to make something happen, that isn't really going to happen.


My recommendation would be, to scrap the idea of trying to 2-man HM 55 FPs, and either try your hand at 4-man FPs, or some 8man Operations. If it's not your cup of tea, your best bet, if you want to continue strictly duo'ing, is to re-roll and play a new class to see another story.

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What server are you on? I am on Jedi Covenant. On the off-chance that you are also (are you pubside or impside?) I will gladly team with you and your duo-partner. I PuG a LOT. I play with people of many varying levels of skill and knowledge, and unless they are simply incapable of following simple directions, things are usually just fine. I have no problem explaining mechanics of fights to people who have never experienced them before. And I am NOT the only person who feels this way. I know a lot of players that have no problem helping other players when it's their first time.


Find me a player who says he has NEVER made a mistake that wiped a raid, and I guarantee he's a liar :p


My experience in-game with "first-time" operations players, has been, as long as you tell the group upfront, that it's your first time, unless it's 2am in the morning and the rest of the team just wants to get it done fast and go to bed, or you showed up for a Hard Mode TfB/S&V having never done Story Mode... then the group is usually willing to help you along. Everyone was new to all the content at least once.


So if you aren't on my server to take me up on my offer.... The next time you are on Fleet, and you see someone looking for members for Hard Mode Eternity Vault (you are way overgeared if you are in 66s) or for Story Mode Terror From Beyond or Scum and Villainy (if you are in 66s, you should be fine...) answer the call. But make sure to let the team know that it it's your first time!


(you can always head over to Dulfy.net and look up her operations boss guides too... give you an idea of what to expect.)


Keep the following in mind (DOs/DON'Ts)


DO tell the group it's your first time.


DON'T stand in any big circle on the ground :p


DON'T touch a glowing object if you don't know what it does.


DON'T run ahead of the tank and accidentally pull mobs.


DON'T use any sort of AoE when trash mobs are CC'd


DO have fun.


Honestly, I am just concerned about not being very good, and screwing up the rest of the group


My wife also plays SWTOR. She is the epitome of a CASUAL player. (I was trying to help her one day with her Marauder's rotation, she is level 49... and she says to me "I will just click it when it lights up. That's what I always do.") I love that woman to pieces, and she LOVES the storyline content in SWTOR, but she is not by any stretch at all, an end-gamer or raider. She plays to have FUN. She tends to be mildy (to majorly) intoxicated while she plays. And, she has completed, with me, on her 55 dps Sage - Story/Hard/Nightmare Eternity Vault & Karagga's Palace.... Story Mode Explosive Conflict (at level 50 and 55) and Story Mode Terror From Beyond & Scum and Villainy (both at 55). She is smart, and can follow the directions given to her while we play, but she isn't ever going to lead an operation on her own, or top a dps chart. She contributes to the group, we beat enrage timers, and she enjoys it for the experience she's having, not the progression factor.


So don't feel like you are going to ruin a team. The simple fact that you feel that way, means you probably care enough to follow the directions moreso than a lot of "winners" I have pug'd with that HAVE wiped raids. (usually because they won't speak up to say it's their first time)

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I really appreciate that, and am sorry I am not on your server. We'll give it a try, let them know up front we're new and see how it goes.... what's the worse that can happen... right? (but, the big shiny circles are pretty. :))


Thank you.

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Honestly, I am just concerned about not being very good, and screwing up the rest of the group
With that attitude, I would heal or dps any group you are in.


I had much the same attitude when I first started doing 50 HMFP over a year ago on my sawbones. What I discovered was I was just as good as other players and when I did screw up (everyone screws up from time to time), it was no big deal. Now I run with the big boys in a regular group progressing through operations. I still screw up from time to time, just apologize and try to learn from your mistake. Don't get me wrong, I hate when my toon dies and I still consider every wipe my fault, but it really is no big deal.

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