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S+V: 16M - NiM (World Ranking)

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Grats Frog friends, I'd update the sheet, but Nib still hasn't given me access.


I thought I had it, but I guess not (your email). I added someone from Severity, I guess it wasn't you. PM me your email, I seem to have lost it.


Updated Frog

Edited by Nibbon
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I think the time comes to decide whether we would keep a track of progression in new operations when they come (should be decided before we know the actuall difficulty of new ops). As a general rule, do we track all new operations in HM and NiM, or just the NiM versions. For example, when S&V HM came out, it was just a matter of which guild gets 16 people to level 55 faster, ops itself was very very easy, few people cared to track progress of it. On the other hand, when TFB HM came out, there was an actuall race, as the instance was well designed and tuned. Think we should agree before we know anything about new ops, so our decision in universal and not subject to individual feelings about certain instance


Would be nice to hear a voice of representative of each progress guild out there :)

Edited by Shandellon
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I think the time comes to decide whether we would keep a track of progression in new operations when they come (should be decided before we know the actuall difficulty of new ops). As a general rule, do we track all new operations in HM and NiM, or just the NiM versions. For example, when S&V HM came out, it was just a matter of which guild gets 16 people to level 55 faster, ops itself was very very easy, few people cared to track progress of it. On the other hand, when TFB HM came out, there was an actuall race, as the instance was well designed and tuned. Think we should agree before we know anything about new ops, so our decision in universal and not subject to individual feelings about certain instance


Would be nice to hear a voice of representative of each progress guild out there :)


I already gave my opinion that I do not think HM should be tracked at all. In fact, I only really tracked it to test the tracking system itself. Since I won't be running it any longer, I think it is up to Thin whether he feels like tracking HM or not.

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Agreed that the trend in HM Ops is towards easier progression (HM EC - several weeks, HM TFB 4 Days, HM SV 2 Days) but at the same time, we may have the most bosses released (10) and you never know if one is a wall for whatever reason. I'm for going through the motions and recording progression, because I think it allows us as a 16man community to see how many are out there trying. Despite it being a smaller sense of accomplishment than NiM, it's still fun to have a place to respectfully post accomplishments.
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  • 2 weeks later...

here comes the SS of the super hard content!!... first time group doing this... our dps was too fast, got a nightmare before the apparition adds of course we were not expecting it being so easy to push :( in 8 u get thundering blast, but never nightmares -.- lol, and dps out of practice in this mode didnt take leftover add, wiped at boss 30% on our first attempt on styrak lol we had 30 mins for title, but meh couldnt one shot, had people AFK couldnt kill for title... hopefully you get titles next week, we might be bored enough to go do this again lol.


BTW: 2 shoted Trasher with normal strategy, the nerf is insane easy... rest one shot but styrakz :(. 4 melee (2 ops) - 6 rdps ( 3 snipers, 1 madness sorc totally not getting one shoted by stuff :) 2 mercs )




dash: http://i.imgur.com/EX918X5.jpg 1 shot


titan achieve: http://i.imgur.com/Wr4lss5.jpg 1 shot


trasher: http://i.imgur.com/OJyA5I4.jpg 2 shot (real mechanics no cheese)


city: http://i.imgur.com/hYdjVHa.jpg 1 shot


puzzle: http://i.imgur.com/1VHTrLc.jpg 1 shot


warlords: http://i.imgur.com/As19sJ2.jpg 1 shot


Styrak: http://i.imgur.com/rHVcKU8.jpg.. 3 Shot

Edited by Carlenux
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Next time we one-shot 8-man content after wiping on 16s all night during real progression I'll be sure to post in the 8-man thread. /bow


the thing is you guys are still in progression, because no one has title, so we basically are in the competition :) not our fault :S

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That is undeniable. What does that have to do with initial progression with no gear?


of course :) but we are not competing for anything, we dont care, we will never do 16, we just bored and want achievements, just posting our kills, but every time an 8 man post all the 16 guilds (the few that are still progressing ) QQ and post a lot of stuff against us, how hard it is, how you one shot 8 man, but nothing is true.


how i see it is and how it really is... 16 man grabs your BEST 8 man and barely do 8 man, grats, you just did 50% of the job, now grab the other 8 including 2 of those alt tanks under geared and do it one shot + titles too then i would tell you, even if is less hard since its no extra coordination from strangers in the group. , that we are equal.


because 8 man to do 16 have to grab 2 groups, and have 2 tanks going alt dps + adjust to random / complete strangers play styles from 2 different groups .


so i am proving you wrong how 16 is not harder, i just grab 2 alts 6+8 group of strangers and cleared it all even easier than we do on 8 -.-.


so for your arguments to make sense, you need your weak links 8 man group that you dont use in your 8 man clears including their 2 tank alts, to clear it as easy as you do, when / if you do that, we can all agree content is equally leveled :).


reality is: WH, TFB p2 , Operator P2, maybe DGs is harder in 16 and maybe pre nerf trasher is harder in 16.... the rest of the encounters are just a joke compared to 8 in our 2 8 man groups + 16 man opinions.


PD: is always 16 man groups that complain when 8 guilds clear your content in multiple threads, you never see an 8 man guild complaining when you " one shot " our content... one day you will post " Grats good job" instead of "fully geared multiple groups, welcome to big leagues, we one shot your content" and other excuses that no one cares.


Edit: last post, nibbon doesn't like comments in this thread and i like them and have nothing against any 16 guild because i don't care lol, don't answer our post with *** hole comments like in TFB post or other threads, and i might not add how easier it is than 8 man in our 16 clears and we can avoid all this... Good luck on your titles.

Edited by Carlenux
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I won't quote your wall of text. Fact of the matter is that 16-player guilds have tried to express their interest in using our threads as a place to post a screenshot and say grats, while you are accustomed to using yours to pick fights and tell everyone how good you are (even in the server forums). Let's use this space for just that, and stop this ridiculous banter about 8 vs 16. Fact of the matter is I actually am impressed, despite how facetious and ego-maniacal your posts come off (and you wonder why people respond negatively...). Edited by Classicks
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^ , not a victim, not at all, just clearing your content and answering everyone' s hating comments on 8 vs 16 :D... good luck on your runs.


Thanks. It's nice to switch it up sometimes. We did a 2h 8m TFB this week when attendance was down, maybe we'll do it for SV someday.

Edited by namesaretough
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I won't quote your wall of text. Fact of the matter is that 16-player guilds have tried to express their interest in using our threads as a place to post a screenshot and say grats, while you are accustomed to using yours to pick fights and tell everyone how good you are (even in the server forums). Let's use this space for just that, and stop this ridiculous banter about 8 vs 16. Fact of the matter is I actually am impressed, despite how facetious and ego-maniacal your posts come off (and you wonder why people respond negatively...).


5 posts and i have yet to see a " gratz on your clear guys well done" , i feel too much hate... Read http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=643815&page=16 ... 1 grats = 8 man guild, rest are 16 guilds Trash talking. making up excuses, not my fault big leagues felt more like Little Leagues.. none of this happens if you answer " Gratz Guys" like people do on 8 thread if you post your 1 shots from 50% of your 16 group :D

Edited by Carlenux
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Thanks. It's nice to switch it up sometimes. We did a 2h 8m TFB this week when attendance was down, maybe we'll do it for SV someday.


yeah saw that, u guys were enraging on tentacles because u were doing 16 man Strategy instead of 8, wasting too much time on set up, we had same problem in 16 pushing fast and not waiting our healers couldnt heal thru, tfb 8 is easier in general if you use a good group of dps :), its all dps, in difference with 16 where dps can sit in a corner and healers are like OMG! with the dmg lolz

Edited by Carlenux
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5 posts and i have yet to see a " gratz on your clear guys well done" , i feel too much hate... Read http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=643815&page=16 ... 1 grats = 8 man guild, rest are 16 guilds Trash talking. making up excuses, not my fault big leagues felt more like Little Leagues.. none of this happens if you answer " Gratz Guys" like people do on 8 thread if you post your 1 shots from 50% of your 16 group :D


The premidonna of all mamas... I wouldn't even bother with him fuse ..he always plays victim :)

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Grats Hatred, spreadsheet updated. Now please get out of this thread. This is a place for kill postings and grats. Take your forum trolling elsewhere, please.


not trolling, just answering your communities hating comments, but i totally understand your point :), anyways, i posted my " kill postings" and none of the answers were "Grats" so should ask them to get out of this thread too :) lol, thx anyways for the only Grats, appreciate it bro, take care.

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not trolling, just answering your communities hating comments, but i totally understand your point :), anyways, i posted my " kill postings" and none of the answers were "Grats" so should ask them to get out of this thread too :) lol, thx anyways for the only Grats, appreciate it bro, take care.


I was asking everyone to get out of the thread. I get an email every time someone posts in either progression thread.

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