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How much longer do heal Mandos/Mercs have to wait!?


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His name is Anore. He makes other mercs feel inadequate. The sky is blue. Now that we have the basic laws of nature established, lets qq more about mercs.


Sure.. Mercs can own in 1.1 when people didn't know what interrupts were.


But like I said, the other team had derps who didn't know how to interrupt. He was, quoting myself, "PVE healing"


It probably wasn't any more difficult then healing a raid.

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Sure.. Mercs can own in 1.1 when people didn't know what interrupts were.


But like I said, the other team had derps who didn't know how to interrupt. He was, quoting myself, "PVE healing"


It probably wasn't any more difficult then healing a raid.


You normally take 1.4 million damage while healing during raid fights? You may want to find different tanks :rolleyes:

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You normally take 1.4 million damage while healing during raid fights? You may want to find different tanks :rolleyes:


If they didn't interrupt it's the same. Not to mention guard in pve fights don't redirect half the damage.


Also the smashers didn't die once.


In summary, all I see are a bunch of bads letting a commando healer freecast with no pressure.

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If they didn't interrupt it's the same. Not to mention guard in pve fights don't redirect half the damage.


Also the smashers didn't die once.


In summary, all I see are a bunch of bads letting a commando healer freecast with no pressure.


Stop trying to say that mercenary is bad at medic. Anore has proven otherwise. I've played against Anore multiple times. The guy is skilled at mercenary medic. He takes a beating to kill. Trying to discredit his record at mercenary HPS is ridiculous.

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Stop trying to say that mercenary is bad at medic. Anore has proven otherwise. I've played against Anore multiple times. The guy is skilled at mercenary medic. He takes a beating to kill. Trying to discredit his record at mercenary HPS is ridiculous.


IN a non rated? It proves literally nothing about hps.

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I've never seen you playing ranked that I'm aware of. BTW, Anore and Aux of Jedi Covenant both can play ranked with commando medic, and do well.


We're talking about a guy on a PVE server.


Raid situation indeed.


My rating is 1631, with 128 wins 59 losses.


74307 player kills, 2351 wins, 38340 medals earned and 4341 mvp votes.


I know what I'm talking about and I have experience.


Your stats, mr. almighty?


Also, I'm sure there are guilds clamoring on the Pot5 or bastion for merc healers.


Oh wait, you're one of the server transfers. Figures.

Edited by PerinnAybara
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We're talking about a guy on a PVE server.


Raid situation indeed.


My rating is 1631, with 128 wins 59 losses.


74307 player kills, 2351 wins, 38340 medals earned and 4341 mvp votes.


I know what I'm talking about and I have experience.


Your stats, mr. almighty?


Also, I'm sure there are guilds clamoring on the Pot5 or bastion for merc healers.


Oh wait, you're one of the server transfers. Figures.




courrier thinks an awful lot of himself, but the world isn't black and white; he still has a reasonable point. just because anore's on a pve server doesn't make him bad, nor does it make his competition perpetually bad. I would hope the LD50 and former Uncensored (now in LD50 and Clutch, I think) have proven that. in any case, I'm sure that every player who's ever played against him will say he's an extremely high caliber merc healer. drop the server bias stuff, please. you're not helping your cause here:


he's going to suffer pushback if he's taking all that dmg. pve healers don't have their cast times doubled simply because they take dmg the way they do in pvp, and there's no predictable timer for when the pvp healer will be interrupted/stunned. if the other team was that bad, then you could count on them to at least blow through stuns while trying to dps.

Edited by foxmob
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Damn makes me happy I don't play on Pot5 considering the amount of butthurt in this thread.


Easy fixes:


1. A different way to get charges besides shooting someone with the Jesus Beam / Pop Gun while you're being focused, because you will not be getting off 5 long casts against someone with a 6/8 sec interrupt and charge / stuns / pulls / etc. Good luck if shield is not up, you are now limited to Trauma Probe on Self, Bomb on Self, and Infusion to keep yourself alive.


Will those 3 abilities keep a DPS at bay? Maybe for a little while, but not nearly as long as a Superspeed Sorc with a bubble or a Scoperative rolling around like a Spider Monkey on crack spamming instants and proccing their upper hand / dodge non stop.


2. Supercharge to discount heals (set number of heals or for duration) or restores more energy, but over time. 15 Energy when popped, another 15-25 over 8-12 seconds or something. As a recovery mechanic you'd want to be careful making it too strong for PVE reasons, but right now the energy refund on it is pathetic for a PVP situation.


3. A fast cast somewhere, somehow - not talking about the alacrity procs attached to some of the lower talents. A half sec off your next big heal for 6 sec after Kolto Bomb, or 1 Sec off your next cast after Infusion. Otherwise shield has to come up more often if we're going to be standing there casting 3 second heals and hope they don't get interrupted.


4. If none of the above, some way to alleviate pressure or get out of jail besides popping HTL. LOS works great against ranged classes, but good luck when the melee gets on your face and hits their HTL or similar (shroud, etc). Scoperatives are already gods at getting away. Sorcs are not bad at all with a short CD knockback, speed, and plenty of instants. Merc Mando has far fewer escapes - workable if we got more output or instants, but if we don't, then something to help with escapes or pressure besides HTL and Shield.


Concussion Charge / Jet Escape is on too long of a CD to matter IMO, and honestly most of our worst matchups will immune through it, leap right back, or take it as an opportunity to restealth and just go again.

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courrier thinks an awful lot of himself, but the world isn't black and white; he still has a reasonable point. just because anore's on a pve server doesn't make him bad, nor does it make his competition perpetually bad. I would hope the LD50 and former Uncensored (now in LD50 and Clutch, I think) have proven that. in any case, I'm sure that every player who's ever played against him will say he's an extremely high caliber merc healer. drop the server bias stuff, please. you're not helping your cause here:


he's going to suffer pushback if he's taking all that dmg. pve healers don't have their cast times doubled simply because they take dmg the way they do in pvp, and there's no predictable timer for when the pvp healer will be interrupted/stunned. if the other team was that bad, then you could count on them to at least blow through stuns while trying to dps.



Anore's healing output there is impressive. The most impressive I've seen for merc healing in a warzone.


But his competition is terrible. His allied healer competition obviously were subpar, the enemy dps was also subpar.


His allies didn't kill two smashers who had only one healer keeping them up when they had a decided advantage. All they needed to do was lift the enemy operative healer. That fact tells me the quality of the match was Meh.


Again his competition, not him, competition was a Pug Non Rated Warzone, with a team with one healer.


Now that I think about it, he definitely talented into the vent 8 heat per stun/root/knockback then. If that's the case, bad focus actually helps his healing output. Why? Because he'll have unlimited energy. Even if he has pushback. He can spam koltobomb, koltoshell. Hardcast abilities when he gets the chance.


Besides pushback matters more if they're actually interrupting. But they weren't. He was healing himself, and a tank that obviously sat too close to him the entire time. Kolto bomb hit minimum 2 people, and he probably ate the full duration of the dot heal. He also had kolto shell going off the entire time. That alone is a ton of healing output.


The damage going out was AOE, and he had two healers and a tank to manage any potential spikiness. His competition was terrible if they were focusing him without interrupting him to hell. But even then, he can manage such a high healing output because kolto bomb is probably healing 3-4 People (which tells me his teammates are baddies) and koltoshell is proccing at least once every 1.5 seconds. He's venting 8 heat nonstop, because of every leap/stun. That he has better resource management than an operative. And he can spam big heals, because they're PVE Pugs who are definitely not interrupting as they should. That he took advantage of all this is remarkable. But it says a lot about the ideal conditions he was under.


If he was with say any of my healer sorcs/operatives or tanks ,he wouldn't have taken so much damage.


Why? because they would've extricated him, flash grenaded, peeled properly, and kept spread out so they didn't take the smash damage as well. Or they would've knocked out the enemy healer, and just helped burn the silly smash who apparently tunneled.


I want to hear Anore's take on the situation or someone in that match! I want to hear him say that his competition was good in that match, because from what I see they were terrible. I want to hear him say he can replicate that feat against competent people, because that's really what Mercenaries/Commando healers really face. And that's what this thread is about.


Otherwise you guys are all just blowing smoke out of your arses.


If you actually read my post you'll see I can comprehend what a Merc can do, I know how to shut it down, and I know his competition was bad. Other than just looking at large numbers, which is remarkable, and congratulations to Anore, please refute my insight from the screenshot with logic.


And please, stop telling me I need to learn to play, because I've played competitively with the best POT5 has had to offer as a Merc Healer. In fact I have more playtime on my mercs then most of you have playing SWTOR. I have played merc healer so much I know the ins and outs of the class. So if you're telling me to L2P, show me your higher rated merc, who's been owning on the Pot5 for the current competition.


Oh you probably won't see me in 2.0 not because teams won't take me in Rateds, I have a couple I know would, but because I'm now in Singapore(12 hour time difference), with 300 latency. Doesn't translate for underpowered Merc heals that require quicker reactions to be effective then sorc/operative. My working hours are during primetime, and I only have two days I may get into rateds if I woke up early enough. I know all three specs of Mercenaries and I know more about theorycrafting than most people in this game. So L2P yourself.


Wait he's in my guild? :/ WTH. -Clutch by the way

Edited by PerinnAybara
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mathrim knows what he's talking about, easily top 5 mercs/commandos on pot5 and one of the more logical and knowledgeable posters on the forums, so as a new xfer to pot5 don't come in and start talking crap to people you have no idea about Edited by OldSpiceSwag
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The damage going out was AOE, and he had two healers and a tank to manage any potential spikiness. His competition was terrible if they were focusing him without interrupting him to hell. But even then, he can manage such a high healing output because kolto bomb is probably healing 3-4 People (which tells me his teammates are baddies) and koltoshell is proccing at least once every 1.5 seconds. He's venting 8 heat nonstop, because of every leap/stun. That he has better resource management than an operative. And he can spam big heals, because they're PVE Pugs who are definitely not interrupting as they should. That he took advantage of all this is remarkable. But it says a lot about the ideal conditions he was under..


this'll be the last I say on the matter, as I think the thread has merit w/o the side tracking, but it's a reg pug WZ. bad comps. uncoordinated "team" play. and a WZ that's conducive to record breaking numbers in 2.0. I don't see anyone arguing any of that. I also know for a fact that this degree of fail is quite (although not as) frequent on Po5. Indeed, I know for a fact that Po5 regs are full of fail and that they were no different from JC before the transfers (different faction balance, same degree of fail). why you would even bring pve vs pvp server into the discussion is beyond me. it's a reg. that's all.


furthermore, if everyone's standing together, then the sage healer should have done a ton more healing and also received a buff to HIS numbers from anore's cloud, yes?


lastly, anore has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread. he didn't post the screenie. he didn't make any claims whatsoever in it. if he's read it at all, he's probably laughing his *** off at us for having this silly debate in the first place.

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this'll be the last I say on the matter, as I think the thread has merit w/o the side tracking, but it's a reg pug WZ. bad comps. uncoordinated "team" play. and a WZ that's conducive to record breaking numbers in 2.0. I don't see anyone arguing any of that. I also know for a fact that this degree of fail is quite (although not as) frequent on Po5. Indeed, I know for a fact that Po5 regs are full of fail and that they were no different from JC before the transfers (different faction balance, same degree of fail). why you would even bring pve vs pvp server into the discussion is beyond me. it's a reg. that's all.


furthermore, if everyone's standing together, then the sage healer should have done a ton more healing and also received a buff to HIS numbers from anore's cloud, yes?


lastly, anore has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread. he didn't post the screenie. he didn't make any claims whatsoever in it. if he's read it at all, he's probably laughing his *** off at us for having this silly debate in the first place.


He should've, but it's apparent the sorc was bad. Who knows? Poor force management? If that was Glory, JoeyDee, any of the sorc healers I've played with, they would've easily broken 2.5k HPS. They break 2k hps easily against competent players after all. Who knows? Maybe he doesn't know how to cut himself and stand in the aoe heals? Or sucks at placing his puddles? I know they didn't lift the sole enemy healer much after all. Those smash never died. Which again, doesn't say much about his sorc/operative healer support and competition.


I bring it up, because Regs are bad on the POT5, but it's worse on a PVE server when it comes to interrupts. But it just emphasize my point, which you obviously agree with.


Again I'm not disparaging Anore, but acting as an authority on the match, which other people are doing, just by saying they know anore, doesn't cut it. Take it from the data available in the screenshot or butt out. Prove you're an Authority on merc with the experience to back if up if you're going to talk like I'm bad.


Not talking to you Foxmob but to Courier in the bottom statement.

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Btw, the 2 smashers Aroted and Lexi are extremely talented players (Lexi a bit more so than Aroted). Aroted is generally just know as good at any class he plays though he isn't in a guild that pushed for leet pvp. Lexi is a Sentinel in Republic Gentlemen (and the 2nd highest sent/mara dps on JC). Republic Gentlemen downed Nightmare Dread Guards 2nd in the US (before the nerf even). Players in a guild that downs NM Dread Guards 2nd in the world know what an interrupt is (and how to survive). Your arguement is invaild.
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Btw, the 2 smashers Aroted and Lexi are extremely talented players (Lexi a bit more so than Aroted). Aroted is generally just know as good at any class he plays though he isn't in a guild that pushed for leet pvp. Lexi is a Sentinel in Republic Gentlemen (and the 2nd highest sent/mara dps on JC). Republic Gentlemen downed Nightmare Dread Guards 2nd in the US (before the nerf even). Players in a guild that downs NM Dread Guards 2nd in the world know what an interrupt is (and how to survive). Your arguement is invaild.


So they focused the merc for 1.4 million damage, while ignoring the sorc and operative healer?


Your argument is invalid. What's their pvp accomplishments? Other than letting a Merc healer hit 2.5k hps.


This is while they both have 8 second interrupts.


Nor does that argument even touch the fact that this was a pug regular warzone, and all the things I listed mechanically.


So does that merc spec into Parallatic combat stims/heat vents? Cause again, they just helped him vent 8 heat every time they leapt to him. I somehow doubt these pve'rs bother to research the "scripts" of this merc healer or his abilities


If that's the best your server has to offer, let me introduce you to Strenx and Mugen.


It really doesn't matter what you say, that screenshot is full of holes, and even the stats on it shows that it's full of holes. That was not a top tier rated match between coordinated people of the top tier players.


That was a random pug warzone. Random Pug warzone.


Add to the fact that for every one time a merc healed that much, 10-20 ok operatives have healed that much in more competitive matches. In ranked. And that they have outhealed that amount in even more difficult matches.


So yeah, keep arguing that mercs are fine. Show me this merc healer you play that you bring to rateds. Cause otherwise you're full of crap. I don't need another operative, sorc or bad dps to tell me that merc healers are awesome yet not play one. I know all my fellow merc healers swapped to operatives and they don't regret it.


So yeah, other than trying to argue that was the match of the century, what else you got?

Edited by PerinnAybara
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Commando/Mercs healers are manageable, but not balanced with the other healers. If skill level across all healers are the same, the Commando will under achieve when compared to the other two healing classes. That's what unbalanced means.


Posting pictures of good players putting up better numbers than average players in a regular warzone proves nothing.

Edited by DimeStax
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