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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear fanbase... Why?

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Going F2P has definitely helped the game across the board, especially when it comes to new players and their retention. The problems the game had prior to F2P weren't because it was too hardcore though, BW just couldn't deliver compelling content quickly enough to keep players around. That and public opinion mercilessly beat it with a stick. I'm not sure I'd agree that the Cartel Shop has made things more casual as opposed to more convenient, but that could just be chalked up to semantics. Prior to these last few updates I feel players, both casual and hardcore, were embracing the F2P transition a lot more than people are now saying. But 2.1 and 2.2 were incredibly underwhelming, especially for subscribers. We wouldn't be having any of these conversations right now if they'd just have made Treek obtainable like HK-51, but apparently that didn't make enough CC.


We're at a point where I'd expect people to be ticked off considering the last few content updates, and I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing one's opinion at the direction of the game. If BW had listened initially perhaps the game wouldn't have derailed itself. I fully expect it to calm down once 2.3 hits though. ((Note this last part isn't really directed at you, Artemis. I know you don't have a problem with opinions.))


A fair point. My opinion on the matter is pretty subjective naturally and isnt meant to represent the last word.

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