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State of General Chat


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So people decide now is the time to play the game! after all it is free to play and they have seen and heard good things about the game play, shame no one bothers to tell them how shocking "Red Eclipse" is for community interaction in major play hubs (Fleet etc...)


You only need to stand for five minutes to get a grasp the issue with a cross section of the population that inhabit our server :mad:


Basic questions are met with intense sarcastic wall of text which to be blunt would put off any new player from bothering to take the time to get to play the game, why should they when the people that make up the MMO are pompous t**ts.


I know not everyone can or should be tarred by the same brush but really it is beyond the joke, it doesn't take two minutes to give the correct answer and help someone along their journey, I understand that the same questions are then repeated throughout the day but why should experienced players need to be around the central hubs in the first place.


You have been around longer and there are unlocks for the Starship which take the biggest majority away from being around the area, the only main reason now for any experienced player to be on Fleet is the mission terminals and the guild bank so that would leave genuine new players seeking the help and support of the community.


I will get those same moronic comments below this but open your eyes, you choose to play an MMO you choose to share experiences and the game with players from all walks of life and it doesn't take much to reduce looking like a douche.


Gaming People


Activist:- Suited to experiential rather than reading anything

Pragmatist:- Solely works alone and researches how to improve

Reflector:- Still sat there reading the manual before even pressing launch

Theorist:- Paper everywhere with the stats, maps etc


Next time someone asks the question, reflect how you was on the first day you got to Fleet and didn't have a clue where everything is.

Edited by DarthFletcher
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I think General Chat on any server is always going to be a bit like this to be fair.


A lot of the TRE community is built around the externally managed website - http://redeclipse.eu and answers to any and all questions are given here, it is also a LOT more active than this server forum because of that community feel it has.


Any advice I can give to a newer player is don't take general too seriously, and find a guild. There are a lot of good ones out there on TRE that suit all types of players, and don't be afraid to move on if the one you find isn't the right fit.


Also worth noting with an F2P resurgence, server transfers, the DXP this month and the fact that UK schools are starting to break up for summer - the state of chat is a lot worse than normal as there are more new, casual or younger players on at the moment.


Have faith!

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To be fair majority servers are all similar, ive never known a mmo server for any game that didnt have its share of *****, nasty buggers etc.


But dont always be fooled by what you see in general chat, i on a regular basis will help people asking questions, i just do it in whispers so they dont miss the answer they seek.


And back when i knew nothing i had people helping me, the server is full of helpful people, a dozen you see in general chat are a very small proportion of the community.

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Personally I haven't seen continuous bullying in the general chat, ppl really answer to questions and have conversations like normal people. Ofc there will also be the sarcastic type of answers and trolling but that's life. Given that I don't stand reading the gen chat on the fleet all the time, I still wouldn't say it's alarming. Personally I whisper ppl answers if the chat is flooded with stuff to get the message and answer across to whoever was seeking it. I'm sure that against 1 ******** in the gen chat there is at least a few nice ppl, any day.
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It can be bad and what people don't realise is this may be the first mmorpg a player has played so it will all be brand new to them.

I see lots of snipy remarks such as "check your codex" when for the same effort the player saying that could just give the answer to the player asking.

The one we are having lots of at the moment is "where is mission priority dropbox". You should see some of the comments when people ask that. But as I have said in general chat, on our server its quite slow loading, even I went past it once as it didn't load and had to track back and ive been here since launch so newer players are running/riding past it before it loads.


Like other posters, I always answer when I can as it doesn't hurt to be helpful and whats the point in playing a mmorpg if you cant help other players. I also see at times people selling materials for recommended GTN prices (ie cheap) and often buy these and mail the item back to the player with a note on price checking.


On the starter planets, there are now credit farmers spamming constantly and as soon as you ignore/report 1, another pops up but to be fair to the playerbase, often I see players telling newer players how to ignore etc in general chat

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I could not agree more with all the comments in this thread. I admit , i am no new starter of this game , but even i ask questions and get scorned in general chat. It`s a little unsettling as you see new players asking the most simple of questions on where things are and people jump down their throat`s , telling them to " Look on the Map "..


Why are people like this ?

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Because the internet makes even the smallest person feel like they are the embodiment of Chuck Norris.


Don't take it to heart.


Since seeing this thread, I have been going out of my way to answer questions that seem genuine. Some may be trolls, and if its an easy spot, they get flamed. You may not see something as a troll, but others might - this could be some of the new people getting flamed you see.


Personally, if someone is asking where the GTM is on Fleet, and they are above level 10, you have to wonder if they should be allowed to play online games.

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If the question is a reasonable one, I answer it. But when it's something like "where's the appearance designer" (this was asked on the fleet) it simply means the person couldn't even be bothered to check the map. Same with the whole which crew skills go together question. If people took the time to read the information provided, they would not get the sarcastic and unhelpful answers they get.
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