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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

are we skipping bosses now?

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well, for Battle of Ilum, unless some one really really needs gear, all but last 2 are being skipped. L50 hms drop such a crappy gear, it's not worth it... so you go in, and do it for the comms as fast as possible.


L55 hms you kill everyting including bonus (extra comms) for drops. under 50 flashpoints too, usually, for exp (sometimes skipping bonus if to troublesome)

it's like that since ages ago. (about L50 hms)

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Nothing new here. The key to gearing up through PUG groups is to make your needs clear to the group at the very start of the instance. As long as you get the tank on board, the others pretty much have to follow. Battle of Ilum is really just a strange flashpoint...always has been, always will be.
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The drops for most bosses were just not worth it to many groups. If the rewards don't equal the effort, then why bother? I know the only bonus boss my guild did from lvl 50 hm's was Kaon's before it stopped dropping the head token. And back then you only got tionese crystals from bosses and some blue gear except the last boss.


The lvl 55 hm's are much better in terms of rewards, with the bonus bosses giving black market gear. Bioware has gotten better in that regard and also with their gearing progression.

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When I'm tanking I try to keep an eye on time spent on bosses for dps output. If I notice the dps output sucks, I'll skip the bonus and let the group know why. If they were holding back and can put out a better rotation or stim up then I'll generally cave in and give it 2 tries. But pugging any role is a gamble, dps is more-so for bonus bosses due to enrage timers.


take cad for example, if the group can't get the patrol bot down by over 50% during the first freeze... There's no way we could beat the enrage timer or get close enough for me to proc defenses and finish it on the bonus.

Hammer is generally about 3-4 lasers and the boss needs to be downed or we need a really good sniper that can hunker at the right time.

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When I tank FP's I basically go by the assumption that the others as well want a quick run, and by that I tend to skip as much as possible. If however they ask if we can kill additional bosses, no harm to me.
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Sadly, that's the problem nowadays.


People only want to rush through content.


I however, will go for 100% completion for any FP, SM or HM. Of course for the bonus bosses in HM, if DPS isn't high enough then no bonus boss drop(s).

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so yesterday i ran a couple of flashpoints and both times we skipped all but two of the bosses. is this a new trend ? and if so how does a new 50 or 55 player get geared?


No, it's not a new trend. It was a new trend as soon as people figured out how to do it, which was over a year ago. Skipping bosses is the only humane way to do daily flastpoints.


If you want people to do ALL the content in any given flashpoint, BW needs to make it worth it. As it is it's more important just to complete the mission than what you kill along the way.

Edited by Asavrede
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Communication is key


With addition of level 55 I assume in 50 hardmose a skipping is less desirable

Now it's kill everything for exp and gear


Some level 55's want skip stuff but that is just not cool, got to do for the group

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Sadly, that's the problem nowadays.


People only want to rush through content.


We're not rushing through content, we're trying to get the commendations we're coming for in the shortest possible time. We've enjoyed the content before, many times over since there's always people that don't skip, now it's just about meeting BW's prices on gear and schematics that turn content into busywork. No-one likes busywork. I'm all in favor for an option in groupfinder that separates us skippers from your enjoyers and make both sides happy.

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Yes, communication is key, ask the group what they want to do, bonus or not, etc. Majority vote should count here.


I don't understand why people would skip bosses that are in the path anyway, this is especially an issue with Battle of Illum.


If everybody is 55 and and doesn't need gear from there (i.e. all 146s and up) then yes skip (I wonder why you are doing a 50HM then in the first place?).

Otherwise you should not deprive 50-54s and fresh 55s of their chance to get some gear, they may have waited long for the FP to pop and probably want to do every boss for a chance to get gear. It is just selfish to run past everything then...


And 55HMs are only worth doing if you also do the bonus boss IMHO. Bonus boss and end boss are the only ones dropping good gear. (plus the very few comms you get from every boss)

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Well, people have right to want to do bonus... BOI is bad example, you can do it 3 ways:

1. skipp all you can - 12 minute run

2.kill bosses on the way (those 4 skippable ones where one is pain in da bum if dps are acting stupid - leaping to shielded guy leaving healer with 4 ads on him just to get stunned in 5 seconds)

3.do bonus boss - 60 minute run.


if my tank out dps DDs I'll rather quit,ignore and relog then do full run... I get it, people want gear to drop (even if they are capped with planetary comms, they refuse to get rakata grade gear which would improve their performance.. but no.. 'it can drop, why spend coms DUH!!!')

reasons to do bonus boss:

1.expierience... if you want expierience, go makeb. it's faster and you get better loot.

2.loot - loot is crap, go get some gear for comms or makeb.

3.fun - want fun? get friends or do story mode.


if 3 people are under 16k HP, don't even go bonuss boss in Kaon...

wiping 5 times on LR5 LI HM, 4 times on SAV-Rak and you want to do bonus boss? really?

I could go on, but I think I made my point.


some bonusses are nice and on a way (Black talon, tharal V) but considering it's quite often people don't even follow kill order... you just want to finish run and forget you ever met them.


L55hm - these bonuss bosses drop nice. unless group is totaly incompetent, I rarely see skipping it. think only once we skipped bonus boss (wich was odd, as we run past console, I stopped 'hey, let's do bonus' but every one ignored me and just kept on running...but you don't see me making threads about it) and second time our healer was kinda weak and DDs could not meet enrage timer (at 30% lol), so we hat to give up.


edit: remember to consider what I call 'replacement ETA'

when it comes to voting, tank has 3 points (unless lausy tank then it's 1 vote), healer have 2 votes (unless crappy healer - then one vote - but if healer is weak, his gear is voting against doing more difficult bonus), and dps is 1 vote (unless crappy dps - then 0 vote - remember, DPS are fast to replace, if u suck as dps and don't like what group decided on doing/not doing, you won't be missed)

Edited by Atramar
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On 50HM flashpoints, I'm asking if they want to do the bonus on the way. About half of the players answering, including myself, can satisfy any. Maybe half of the rest prefer a speed run and other half want to kill the bosses.

When playing a tank who doesn't need most the drops, I seldom had an issue finding a consensus. Sometimes it's hard to guess what the people really want when none answers.


On other cases, the few issues I met came from impatient rushers. They're often not answering the question about the run or don't care what the other want and start running away. Then they complain for various reasons, making the run unpleasant.


On 55 HM, I'm often surprised that low geared players are able to defeat the bonus boss, even if my tank die first because of the enrage timer. It's always good to try; players get commendations just by enable it and they gain experience for the next time ever if it failed.


The only issue I've in mind is a contemptuous over-geared player telling the others they had no chance to defeat the bonus and refusing to try, forcing her opinion by rushing to the next boss. On the next run of that flashpoint however, with lesser geared players we defeated that boss, showing the problem was that player and not the others.

Edited by Nkya
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Communication is key


With addition of level 55 I assume in 50 hardmose a skipping is less desirable

Now it's kill everything for exp and gear


Some level 55's want skip stuff but that is just not cool, got to do for the group


Quite the opposite, the faster you get through the more flashpoints you can complete in a given timeframe and most of the experience comes from completing certain goals - this does include the bonus boss and finishing the dungeon. But anything that isn't vital to those two things can be skipped easily.

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Sometimes it's hard to guess what the people really want when none answers.


Not hard to guess at all. If they're too busy to type, they're too busy to do the trash, bonus and anything else that's skippable. ;)

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Not hard to guess at all. If they're too busy to type, they're too busy to do the trash, bonus and anything else that's skippable. ;)


I wouldn't assume they try to optimise their key pressing. No answer means you leave the others to decide for you. They might be shy. Notably when they have no clue about the bonus, then can't decide. I met people knowing a flashpoint pretty well, but were happily surprised by discovering a new boss they didn't see before. On my server I could also suspect they don't speak English good enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm really sick of getting stuck with a group of L55s that skip everything, five times this week we've had a L55 tank in a group with lower levels that left when we asked to kill the other bosses or do the bonus because we need the XP or gear , really wish they would stop L55s from doing 50 flashpoints with under 55s. After a 20+ minute wait for a tank on Jedi Covenant I really don't want one to drop because he wants to just get it done fast and can't be bothered to explain to people how an EASY fight is done
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The problem of 55's doing HM50 FP's now should less of a problem as they do not now count towards to the weekly HM55 conflict quest so less will Q for then unless they are farming something.


As a Tank I will be happy to run a full HM50 as long as rest of he group are happy to "space" the inane VO cutscenes, but saying this I am less inclined to Q GF for 50's unless I'm helping a guildie.

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I'm really sick of getting stuck with a group of L55s that skip everything, five times this week we've had a L55 tank in a group with lower levels that left when we asked to kill the other bosses or do the bonus because we need the XP or gear , really wish they would stop L55s from doing 50 flashpoints with under 55s. After a 20+ minute wait for a tank on Jedi Covenant I really don't want one to drop because he wants to just get it done fast and can't be bothered to explain to people how an EASY fight is done


The gear from the HM lvl 50 FPs becomes obsolete very quickly and as for XP, there are a myriad of ways to get extra XP; it's easy to get from 50 to 55 without running any FPs.


Also, people at level 55 want to run the lvl 50 FPs to get basic comms to get isotope-5 to then craft/trade for the 72 gear. There are generally more lvl 55s running the lvl 50 FPs than there are people at levels 50-55 from what I've seen.


Even if you skip some of the bosses, you're still going to get 2-3 loot drops in the FP and the level 55 isn't going to need any of them. Besides, the drops from the lvl 50 HM FPs isn't that great anyway; you're better off spending planetary comms to get the gear from Makeb.


If you want to run a FP with a tank that wants to do all the content, the best approach would be to ask in general chat on the Fleet.


The problem is more that there are not enough people rolling tank classes; my lvl 55 Rep toon always finds a group immediately for both lvl 50 and 55 FPs

Edited by Ayakin_Solaris
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I know how you feel, Me and a friend queued together (me on my dps alt him on his healer) and we got battle of ilum and this tank skipped every single boss even ones I didn't think you could skip


We only did the last boss and the one just before the end.


So we queued again and got him AGAIN! was so annoyed we just kicked him and I logged on my tank


We asked him politely if he would at least do the bosses and his immediate reply was "you wanna find another tank? go for it"


I always do all the bosses related to achievements when tanking, and if people politely ask to do additional ones then sure why not

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