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BC PVP 2.2 and Beyond Records


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I wasnt told that I needed to include the date until I was out of the wz. So whatever I guess.


Name: Vaugn

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/Ugz6lvr.png

Record Broken: Most Solo Kills in a Single WZ, tied for 2nd

Value: 6

Type of Match: Unranked

Date of SS taken: 8/20/2013

Edited by Daydreamer_Prime
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If you want to talk about fair, then explain why Luix didn't take the time to fill out the format for the record claim or post the phrase in chat, when he puts forth the same effort in taking the screenshot and posting it here.


He didn't put the date or phrase in the chat because he's never posted a record before and wasn't aware of the rules. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. You've gotten what, three freebies because you didn't have the date in yours either? How is this any different?

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He didn't put the date or phrase in the chat because he's never posted a record before and wasn't aware of the rules. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. You've gotten what, three freebies because you didn't have the date in yours either? How is this any different?


Luix did not just forget to put the date, he didn't even take the time to make a proper record post. He could have just copy/paste another one and change the infos, but I guess it's to hard and takes to much time to do for some people. Even if he wasn't aware of the rules, they are all written right at the beginning of this thread on the first page, clear and simple. Seriously getting a record for standing still at snow for 20 minutes and not even taking the time to fill out the form properly isn't worth a record. But I'm not the admin here, AntonMercer his and he decide how things work.

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Luix did not just forget to put the date, he didn't even take the time to make a proper record post. He could have just copy/paste another one and change the infos, but I guess it's to hard and takes to much time to do for some people. Even if he wasn't aware of the rules, they are all written right at the beginning of this thread on the first page, clear and simple. Seriously getting a record for standing still at snow for 20 minutes and not even taking the time to fill out the form properly isn't worth a record. But I'm not the admin here, AntonMercer his and he decide how things work.


What is hilarious about this is that you have never liked me xD


Secondly is objective points not part of the game? Do you think I wanted to sit on a node all game? Not really but that is what ended up happening.

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Some people does not understand the difference between right and privilege. Getting on a privately kept ranking list is a privilege not a right. And to avail a privilege you have to follow some rules. Its in every sector of life period. If you dont like the rules, you dont get the privilege, simple.
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He didn't put the date or phrase in the chat because he's never posted a record before and wasn't aware of the rules. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. You've gotten what, three freebies because you didn't have the date in yours either? How is this any different?


I'm not saying it's a big deal. I'm just saying, it's not exactly like Anton here is trolling anyone or actually doing anything wrong aside from the "cool story bro" thing.


Even then, the response we created from my "freebies" created the screenshot confirming other screenshot rule. Anton didn't like the tauntaun mount as proof of date kind of thing, as bugs could create complex problems and such. If that's his decision, then that's his decision.


To ask for exceptions and offer alternatives is one thing, while complaining about what is fair and unfair after a denial is another. I support the first one, and if IE Anton decided to remove all records that don't specifically followed the rules he started with, then I'd would agree that it's fair. I'd be pissed, sure, and would think it's kind of silly considering that there would be no flexibility but in the end of things, this isn't my thread and this isn't something I am in control of. He is being more than fair, since he even decided to confirm Luix's screenshot through Syneone's despite Luix's response and the lack of claim on it, so I'd say he's being more level headed than most people would have been in situations like that.


So while I hope no one is taking this personally, I'm still on Anton's side on this one. I'm also having a hard time believing that Luix didn't know about the date rule, as I distinctly remember having a discussion about how most people didn't agree with it where he was apart of it. But Idk, my memory has failed in the past on multiple occasions :/

Edited by ZooMzy
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Name: Tazzi, Sabina, Wolfbane, Greenz

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/udCXawB.jpg

Record Broken: Most kills in a warzone (Top 4)

Value: 96, 89, 82, 73

Type of Match: Unranked

Date of SS taken: 8.17.13


Records are in order (Tazzi had 96, Sabina had 89, Wolfbane had 82, and Greenz had 73). This match was a slaughter fest to say the least. Also: 5 F********** hit points away from immortal!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


Name: Wolfbane

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/AQ11ZhE.jpg

Record Broken: Protection in a single life (#4)

Value: 550643

Type of Match: Unranked

Date of SS taken: 8.19.13


Name: Tazzi

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/pBamNTA.jpg

Record Broken: Most heals in a single life (#4), Heals per second (#3), Highest single heal (#4)

Value: 1743951, 2049.3, 7655

Type of Match: Ranked

Date of SS taken: 8.17.13


3 records here again.


Name: Wolfbane

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/5FiOGNt.jpg

Record Broken: Protection in a single life (#4)

Value: 540826

Type of Match: Ranked

Date of SS taken: 8.17.13


Name: Tazzi, Daz, Bluey, Sabina

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/pBamNTA.jpg

Record Broken: Most kills in a warzone (2-5)

Value: 42, 41, 40, 40

Type of Match: Ranked

Date of SS taken: 8.17.13


Not sure how disorganized this will look, but hopefully you can figure it out easily. If you need me to redo the records I will, long as they all get posted. :D

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WOW! Lot of records! Everything is updated. Now there were a lot of records and some records that were posted may have gotten knocked off by other people as I was updating. I update by poster's post so that means EVERYONE"S record was in the record area... if only for 10 seconds :D.


Geez Wolf that VS was a total slaughter.. i feel bad for the other guys...:cool:


Also. in just a fun little twist, and small RPish style, I've added a Dominated Category Counter to both the ranked and unranked sections at the top. "What's that?" you may ask? Well I'll tell you. A dominated category is any category that has all 5 rank spots filled in which at least 3 are held by one faction. This is just to mimic the whole "war" between the factions, and possible encourage more pvp, as Imps are controlling unranked and totally dominating ranked :eek:


Also... just to clear things up. Rules are rules. If you do not have a date or phrase in your SS you must have someone else back you up whether directly or indirectly. Period. (So sorry Vaughn you need to get backed up) Concerning items that are new to the game in an update providing proof... this will be entirely up to me, as certain items are persistent and their "shininess" and valid proof wear out after a certain time. For now, the only items that will be allowed for proof of screenshot will be the tauntaun and veractyl mount icons in one of your quick bars as they are very distinctive and are clearly brand new since 2.3, But I would still prefer the trusty date in SS, as the use of items is kind of a last resort. I may also consider event quests as well, since they only happen during a certain time.


Another also, lol, you have until this saturday to post for challenge #3, 30,000 objective points WITHOUT going over! Prize choice of two isotope 5 vials or 100k!

Edited by AntonMercer
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Challenge #4 is here! The closest to 14 medals, again, WITHOUT going over will claim last challenge's prize of 100k or 2 iso 5, and this challenge prize of 100k. There will be a bonus of 100k for whoever gets 14 exact. Any ties will be determined by normal tiebreaker rules, and no posting for others, also there is no separate winner for rank or unranked. So that's a possible 300k! Have fun!


EDIT: I am now taking donations for future challenge prizes! I do not have an endless supply of credits, and will have to stop offering it as a prize for a little while. If you have double or triples of any inexpensive cartel items or any other items you don't need and think they would make a good prize just send it in a mail to any of the toons in my sig! Please label the mail with the (PVP CHALLENGE DONATION) subject and see you name with your donation in my post! (If you wish to remain anonymous please indicate such in the mail)

Edited by AntonMercer
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