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What good is the groupfinder?

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I wonder why even have the group finder?

1: It seems to take forever, especially for Dps, at times it could take the whole day.

2: why have planetmissions (fp) as part of the story when the Grouping Phobia is so extreme?

Let me give an example: On one of the planets; Illum the mission(s) battle for Illum and False emperor are given as story missions, however they are still FPs, and if not taken from the illum npc doesn't count in the story line ( I did false emperor as a GF flash point before finishing Illum, and it did not count as completed illum mission, so I had to run it again), then when you ask for group, standing by these NPCs that gives the missoon everyone on the server goes nuts and begind to tell you to use GF........Looncy to say the least.

3: Whit all the classes why is it so much harder for one class type ( DPS) to get missions

4: Whit the days long wait in GF, maybe the developers should remake the FPs so that they can be soloed like the normal mission, though naturally a bit tougher.

5: Gear is all important here, another reason to get something done with the GF, you can't solo the FPs or Ops, and to even be able complete them you need good gear, gear thant you (almost) exclusively get from waiting in GF to get an ops/fp etc to run....it simply takes too long:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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1. It takes forever b/c everyone is dps. Tanks almost never wait. Healers usually have very short ones

3. If u takes the ilum mission then queue u should be able to finish it. Nobody goes to illuminate to hang out and look for fp groups

5. You can do the l50 ones without any special gear

Edited by Infalliable
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prime time dps wait is usualy under 30 minutes, on my server on rep side I usualy wait 15 mins and on imp similar time it's 25.

operations is different, requires more people to que.


que in, do some story quests, or node farming, or space mission or practice roration on fleet/ship dummy.



roll a tank/healer


I agree that fps could be tuned for one extra dps and operations for 2 extra/4 extra (depending on mode) so it would be 5-10-20 instead of 4-8-16.

Edited by Atramar
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1. The group finder takes long as dps because too many people are dps, and there aren't enough tanks and healers. Roll a tank or healer if you want faster queues. And a whole day? It never takes longer than 2 hours and most of the time it is just 30-45 minutes. If it takes more than 2 hours it is bugged and you need to re-log. Never for me has it taken 24 hours.


2. Ilum is the only case this happens, and it is not a required class mission so not a big deal...


3. @ answer 1


4. No...flashpoints are made to be a special group experience. That's what makes them fun and they are built for a tank, 2 dps, and a healer. If they are solo-able...there is no point in doing them.


5. Soloing ops? Even more ridiculous. They are for an experienced guild with good communication to down. Join a guild. That's what you are supposed to do in endgame, they will help you with FP's and ops. If ops and fp's were solo-able it would be too easy to gear up and too many people would be geared too fast. Guilds are the key, i'm pretty sure a PUG can't do 16 man NiM TFB.

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I was able to duo all the fps on ilum, now I can solo them. I was/am tank spec with a dps guildie when I duo'd. Possibly you can try that?


But to your main point, when I play my dps characters I seldom queue. I mainly ask my guild what FPs people feel like running and usually that turns into two full groups doing fps all night. EAwares new role neutral fps are coming out to make your queue time as dps easier on time.



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Thank you all for the answers, and while "advice" given here is good I still have issues with the whole GF thing.

I realize there a huge number of DPS characters out there, and honestly to start on level 1 with a healer or tank "just to get the queue running faster" is to me a non option.

I have had some awesome, though rare FP experiences and find them very fun for the most part.


As to the get your guild involved, everyone keeps saying that and I have been somewhat of a guild "nomad" changing the guilds every now and then, I have still to this date ( been paying the game roughly 3 months total) more than 7-8 people from any guild I have been in, all usually of various levels, now to duo an FP under these condition is plausable IF somone from the guild is a matching level and logged on, honestly that is a rare occurance.


As to my claim that the GF queue takes all day; with that don't mean 24 hours, but usually my entire playing time that day, this is usally 4 hours +


As to gear...a level 55 character only needs to run so many FPs (50s) before his gear is maxed on the level dropped, it is still undergeared even for the beginning of the endgame content, like makeb, this place is insanely gear depended compared to other level 50 areas.

The only way to make sure you get good gear is to run the "nevercomming" 55lvl flashopints, operations and weeklies etc.....but to have even a remote chance to "contribute" gear is needed. LOL


another reason why I think some, maybe even all FPs should be made "solo-possible" is loot, nobody likes nija looting, but honestly running 184947734533756577399 flashpoints and loosing the greed roll every time is tiering in the long run, we all want progress, also choosing need on non class gear is a sure way to NOT spend 184774646664 years grinding for credits to buy the much needed gear for the companions.


I play a 55 Sentinel DPS, and ONLY because HK-51 comes ( more or less) top geared I have 1 companion geared enough to go to a level 50 area.

With prices ranging to the absurd, millions of credits which takes weeks even months ( if you include the repair costs) to get to buy 1 single upgrade or piece of gear for the companions, the current way the FPs are built is even more frustrating.


Yes I can try find a new guild again, I have spent a few days, weeks in the guilds I have been in and well, everyone can't be on at the same time all over the world, so I have drawn the short straw here, ending up with 3-8 on at any time with a level range of 25 lvl or more in differance, it makes "guild runs" extremely hard and rare.


I do however hope it is a server thing, as I have noticed when I started a character on the RP server, ) I usually play the PvE server) that people were more group oriented, though naturally that is a must for RP.



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I play a 55 Sentinel DPS, and ONLY because HK-51 comes ( more or less) top geared I have 1 companion geared enough to go to a level 50 area.

With prices ranging to the absurd, millions of credits which takes weeks even months ( if you include the repair costs) to get to buy 1 single upgrade or piece of gear for the companions, the current way the FPs are built is even more frustrating.




Sorry, dude. But you talking crap...

Are you trying to gear your comps into ultimate or something?

Damn, just farm enough comms for Makeb mods. Or complete daily and gear comps with classic or basic comms.

Dont see a problem here at all.

Edited by Kingsbount
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:)As to gear...a level 55 character only needs to run so many FPs (50s) before his gear is maxed on the level dropped, it is still undergeared even for the beginning of the endgame content, like makeb, this place is insanely gear depended compared to other level 50 areas.


The only way to make sure you get good gear is to run the "nevercomming" 55lvl flashopints, operations and weeklies etc.....but to have even a remote chance to "contribute" gear is needed. LOL


I play a 55 Sentinel DPS, and ONLY because HK-51 comes ( more or less) top geared I have 1 companion geared enough to go to a level 50 area.


If you have completely geared yourself out in the Lvl 50 Hardmodes then you have more than enough gear to do the Makeb planetary missions. You should also have a full bank of planetary comms which you can use at the makeb comm vendor to adequately gear out any other companion you wish. Go and finish Makeb and it will get you a decent start on acquiring the basic comms you need to prepare for the 55HMs. Then continue earning the basic comm with Makeb and GSI dailies and you will be ready for 55HMs in no time.

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Roll a tank.



Otherwise, there's nothing to complain about. Want it to change? Make it seem like tanking is easy(which it isn't, especially with the amount of idiots that populate all the servers).


yep, I know a few people that are terribad tanks. They gave up on tanking even after I had a 1 on 1 training with them In a 50 FP showing them taunt, cc placement, ect ect. Some of the people I taught have kept their tanks and run well with them, but it isn't just a jump in and roll with it role...

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