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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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As the title says, what are yours?


I'm starting this off-topic thread so that people can confess whatever they want (within the law of their country of origin) about themselves, without ridicule.


I'll throw the first punch, to get everyone started.


I am transgendered.


Simple as that.


PS: Rules of the thread:


1) post what you want


2) respect other posters.


2 rules, shouldn't be too difficult ;)



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Remember two years ago when you went on that business trip to Tokyo?

I slept with Jessica. Twice. I'm sorry man, I felt really bad about it afterwards. She was terrible.

This feels like the most appropriate way to tell you this.

I hope you can forgive me.



Edited by SecretRoboPanda
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I'm afraid of hitting 30.


I'm scared I'll change my mind about not wanting kids.


I'm afraid of going out to find a new job, getting it, and then becoming the victim of a round of redundancies and end up losing my home.


I'm scared of becoming bigger than a (UK) size 8 :rolleyes:

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I ate the last cookie!


But I am not doing what I should be doing to find a job and start with my life :(



I am transgendered.


It is sad that we live in a world where people need to confess about something that like that :(

What I mean is that it shouldn't be a problem in itself that needs to be concealed somehow (even subtly).

Edited by znihilist
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As the title says, what are yours?


I'm starting this off-topic thread so that people can confess whatever they want (within the law of their country of origin) about themselves, without ridicule.


I'll throw the first punch, to get everyone started.


I am transgendered.


Simple as that.


PS: Rules of the thread:


1) post what you want


2) respect other posters.


2 rules, shouldn't be too difficult ;)




Cool thread.


I confess I spend far too much time watching **** when I should be working. I also confess to really disliking people who think that watching too much **** is a bad thing.



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A couple years ago. I fell into a deep depression. Stopped working, stopped going to school. I just played video games all day, went to sleep, woke up to play more video games.

During this time I was doubting what I wanted to do with my life. All my life I knew I wanted to do something with computers, and I started doubting it, doubting myself. Some bad thoughts start racing through your head when what you believed was your calling for your entire life, starts to slip away. Once I got out of my depression I knew I still wanted to be a programmer though.

I didn't tell anyone until I got myself out of it. I didn't even tell my husband. I was like this for close to 6 months.

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I confess that I am way too introverted. I spent too much time playing games and less time on my studies. The peace and security of online worlds is of a great comfort to me. But as a result I no longer care very much about friends and I have lost my will to meet people. Also and this is harder to admit I take things way to personally and get upset too quickly.
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I feel guilty when I have leftovers after a meal. So much food that it goes to waste, while others starve :(


On the plus side, no matter what I eat, I still retain my trim figure /hellyes!!!

Edited by chimex
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I confess that I am way too introverted. I spent too much time playing games and less time on my studies. The peace and security of online worlds is of a great comfort to me. But as a result I no longer care very much about friends and I have lost my will to meet people. Also and this is harder to admit I take things way to personally and get upset too quickly.


did you read my mind?!?




and i ran over a chipmunk the other day in a state vehicle (i work as a park ranger), i felt horrible :(

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Heyo! I figured I might as well get some stuff off my chest. Warning to all: Everything you are about to read is 100% true. This is all real insights into my life. You're going to think I'm messing around, but I swear, all real, all me.


-My legal name is Ernest, but I actually do go by the name Moonshadow personally. My friends call me Moon or Moony. I changed my name for three reasons: 1) Because I was being harrassed in high school and needed to hide from some pretty twisted classmates on Facebook. 2) It is my favorite spell in one of my favorite RPGs of all time, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I loved it because it was my go-to spell on my Argonian Assassin.and 3) Because I needed to reinvent myself because being Ernest got way too stressful. I was not very social, I was closed off, I wasn't very popular, so I changed myself completely and now being Moonshadow actually helped be become a more tolerable person to interact with.


-All of my best friends live out of state from me. I made a lot of new friends during high school, but as anyone who graduates, those friendship dry up quickly. So I made plenty of friends online, in gaming clans and online matches. My best guy friend is name Joe, he lives in the UK. Solid dude, he's trying to become an internet video gaming critic like TotalHalibut and WoWCrendor. My best gal friend is named Claudia. She lives in Chile and is a model/DJ in the South America goth scene. She is so sweet and cool. She's like the cool goth chick friend I wanted in high school.


-As stated above, I am a total fan of the Goth lifestyle. It's so dark and alluring. I want to shop at this place in New York called Gothic Renaissance, but it's like high end gothic fashion so it's majorly expensive. But I always stop buy and window shop whenever I go up there and the clothing just freaking calls to me. I love it so much.


-I am a major Omnigamer. I play every sort of game you can imagine. Platformers, RPGs, Shooters, Puzzle, etc. I am currently playing a crap ton of MMOs, I am leveling an Assault loadout in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and I just started Old World Blues in Fallout: New Vegas. Gaming is one of my favorite passions and writing lore for an upcoming MMORPG is a dream come true.

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Heyo! I figured I might as well get some stuff off my chest. Warning to all: Everything you are about to read is 100% true. This is all real insights into my life. You're going to think I'm messing around, but I swear, all real, all me.


-My legal name is Ernest, but I actually do go by the name Moonshadow personally. My friends call me Moon or Moony. I changed my name for three reasons: 1) Because I was being harrassed in high school and needed to hide from some pretty twisted classmates on Facebook. 2) It is my favorite spell in one of my favorite RPGs of all time, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I loved it because it was my go-to spell on my Argonian Assassin.and 3) Because I needed to reinvent myself because being Ernest got way too stressful. I was not very social, I was closed off, I wasn't very popular, so I changed myself completely and now being Moonshadow actually helped be become a more tolerable person to interact with.


-All of my best friends live out of state from me. I made a lot of new friends during high school, but as anyone who graduates, those friendship dry up quickly. So I made plenty of friends online, in gaming clans and online matches. My best guy friend is name Joe, he lives in the UK. Solid dude, he's trying to become an internet video gaming critic like TotalHalibut and WoWCrendor. My best gal friend is named Claudia. She lives in Chile and is a model/DJ in the South America goth scene. She is so sweet and cool. She's like the cool goth chick friend I wanted in high school.


-As stated above, I am a total fan of the Goth lifestyle. It's so dark and alluring. I want to shop at this place in New York called Gothic Renaissance, but it's like high end gothic fashion so it's majorly expensive. But I always stop buy and window shop whenever I go up there and the clothing just freaking calls to me. I love it so much.


-I am a major Omnigamer. I play every sort of game you can imagine. Platformers, RPGs, Shooters, Puzzle, etc. I am currently playing a crap ton of MMOs, I am leveling an Assault loadout in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and I just started Old World Blues in Fallout: New Vegas. Gaming is one of my favorite passions and writing lore for an upcoming MMORPG is a dream come true.


i would just love to say that I also admire your love for this game and your very witty sense of humor.

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I sometimes feel sad for the low level pubs that wave at me. sadly if I see them I have to kill them


which is why i could never get into playing on a pvp server, i hated the possibility of not even having a chance to survive in the wild against another player

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