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If you are going to just let people buy the Ewok...


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Astro I did not miss your point ....... I am trying to tell you that they are not earning the car..... they are buying the car in your scenario.... They earned money from their jobs to buy the car...... How and why they are buying the car is a mute point... so one guy finances his car the other pays cash they are still buying the car. They are not ( repeat ) not earning the car....

My analogy worked because one earned the car the other bought the car.... :eek:


well we have to agree to disagree. our philosophies is apparently incompatible. i will always attend that i earn the whatever i buy, whether that is true is not , i suppose is up to the individual person.

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...and surpass any requirement to earn it. At least give us two different styes of the Ewok.


A basic one for those who purchase it and one that looks a bit more tricked out (however you would trick an Ewok out) perhaps with different fur color and pattern and different gear so that we can tell who actually worked for theirs.


That way everyone gets what they want. Folks can buy one, and those of us who have earned the Legacy Levels to get her can have our trophy companion.


Totally agree with the OP. a version that rewards long time players, is a sensible and appreciative thing to do. It also gives a small motivation for people to work thier legacy system.


Thanks OP, you are right on target.

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yup, i used them when i got it.


Well if that's the case then it does seem like you will be able to have an ewok with cash and use her before legacy level 40. It still isn't P2W it's pay to have a psycho ewok. i might get one as i really hate Quinn.





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Now explain how a F2p game generates revenue. It's because of people that purchase things off the CM that this game exists and you are able to play so stop complaining over something that in no way effects yourself

other than you not being able to claim video game glory to help your self-esteem


I'm sorry can you point out to me where I said obtaining legacy lvl 40 was an accomplishment?


I have simply been pointing out the fallacy of your argument.


I could give two hoots if you can buy the ewok or if there is even a legacy requirement attached to it.


Again you have not earned anything in relation to this game. You have bought things.



1. To acquire or deserve as a result of effort or action:



1. To acquire in exchange for money or its equivalent; purchase.


My opinion seems to be the same as Merriam-Webster on this subject.

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Now explain how a F2p game generates revenue. It's because of people that purchase things off the CM that this game exists and you are able to play so stop complaining over something that in no way effects yourself

other than you not being able to claim video game glory to help your self-esteem


this game generates revenue from subscriptions. also, i paid for the box when it was released, so there is that.


if they got rid of subscriptions and didn't tell me, i feel i kind of got screwed.


also, in cased you missed it, buying stuff to circumvent in game mechanics and rule-sets is different than earning something. that has nothing to do with whether you can or cannot, should or should not, etc., buy something off the CM. the guy was just saying they're different things. if you have to pretend that paying to bypass the process is the same as going through the process to earn something, because you think there is more prestige in 'earning' but can't bother with the process, then maybe you also have self-esteem issues and it might be best if you just stayed clear of the cartel market for a while. if it's an important difference, just go ahead and earn it through the in-game system instead of the cartel market. if not, just buy it and avoid the game.

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I don't understand what "working for it" means. I have 8 million credits and legacy level 44. I did all that before I knew there was going to be an Ewok companion put into the game. I didn't "work" at getting the legacy and credits necessary for purchasing this new companion. I've just played as I wanted since early access and the money and the legacy levels are a naturally occurring thing.


The only way your "people should work for this companion" argument has any leg to stand on is if Bioware is going to remove everyone's credits and legacy levels when they release the companion.


If that happens and everyone has the choice to work at earning the credits and legacy or bypassing the whole thing and using CC, then yes, you "work for it" siders have a point.


But that's not going to happen. I can walk up to the vendor and buy Twerk or whatever her name is just as fast as someone else can press Buy It in the Cartel Market.


I'm not going to because I think it's a stupid companion, but that's a whole different argument.


The difference is many people are not at legacy level 40 yet. I myself already reached lvl 50 months ago, but I know many people in my guild who haven't even reached 35 yet, and they have been playing since launch.


so for those who haven't reached legacy lvl 40 or don't have a million credits (I myself don't have a million credits on a toon). it seems they have to work harder in game to get the companion compared to someone who also isn't legacy level 40 but simply buys them out of the cartel market.


Now as I stated in the many other threads. No where did Eric Musco say using cartel coins bypass the legacy requirement. However if it does then that is going to leave a bitter taste in many subs mouths.

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This thread just another "Waa, waa, I want to be a special snowflake!" rant. If Mr. X buying Treek from the CM somehow meant Mr. Y could not get one via creds+legacy 40, then Mr. Y would have a legitimate complaint.


Brother, I AM a special snowflake. All I am trying to do is do my part in helping make special snowflakes out of everyone who has a Legacy Level of 40 or better.


I love to help.


Enjoy your 4th!

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Now as I stated in the many other threads. No where did Eric Musco say using cartel coins bypass the legacy requirement. However if it does then that is going to leave a bitter taste in many subs mouths.

Why, because it somehow detracts from their ability to get Treek with creds+legacy? That's just "I want this and I don't want you to be able to have it."


Brother, I AM a special snowflake.

If you say so.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Why, because it somehow detracts from their ability to get Treek with creds+legacy? That's just "I want this and I don't want you to be able to have it."


If you say so.


or it's "i want recognition as someone who plays the game instead of someone who bypasses the game by buying crap on the cartel market"


you choose not to understand. you don't want your opinion to change, so it won't. so you can go ahead and be the special cartel market bioware snowflake.

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It's why they call me "The"BBP. If you were special, you would be "The"branmakmuffin.



Are you so certain I'm not? I don't like to flaunt it.


Sure, /highfive and an LOL.


or it's "i want recognition as someone who plays the game instead of someone who bypasses the game by buying crap on the cartel market"

So Treek ia crap, is it? If it's crap, who cares who has it or how they got it? It's crap.

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Why, because it somehow detracts from their ability to get Treek with creds+legacy? That's just "I want this and I don't want you to be able to have it."



If you say so.


It's. childish and selfish. I mean y'all would have a case and I would completly agree if this was something you have trying to do for a year to achieve legacy level 40 to be able to get this new companion then find out folks can just purchase it but it's not. Everyone just recently found out about it and some people happen to already have legacy 40 and want something extra because its going to be available to everyone. absolutely selfish

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It's. childish and selfish. I mean y'all would have a case and I would completly agree if this was something you have trying to do for a year to achieve legacy level 40 to be able to get this new companion then find out folks can just purchase it but it's not. Everyone just recently found out about it and some people happen to already have legacy 40 and want something extra because its going to be available to everyone. absolutely selfish

You're not the first person to make this point (not that I am, either), but it's a good point.

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Now explain how a F2p game generates revenue. It's because of people that purchase things off the CM that this game exists and you are able to play so stop complaining over something that in no way effects yourself

other than you not being able to claim video game glory to help your self-esteem


What does my post that you quoted have to do with the drivel your spewing? NOTHING


Did I mention anything about anything your are rambling on about? NO


Was I complaining ? NO


Maybe you misquoted, I don't know. I do know my post was talking about the meaning of buy vs. earn and how someone was not understanding the difference.


I have said in multiple post I don't care if you buy the Ewok buy 50 of them for all I care. Again the point I was making is that that person was buying them not earning them.


But to answer your question I do believe that monthly sub account revenue accounted for half of the revenue the game takes in by itself and I would bet that those same subs fund a majority of the CM revenue. That is just an educated guess on the last part though.

Edited by Skaol-dirtyd
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So Treek ia crap, is it? If it's crap, who cares who has it or how they got it? It's crap.


as far as i'm concerned, anything bought off the cartel market comes from means outside of the game. anything in-game that comes from outside means is crap because it reduces the value of the in-game economy and mechanics. in-game stuff that comes from actually playing the game is different.


you wouldn't understand the difference, and i already know you disagree, so there is no point in replying to this. you just go ahead and keep on being the special snowflake you are.

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I have said in multiple post I don't care if you buy the Ewok buy 50 of them for all I care. Again the point I was making is that that person was buying them not earning them.


But to answer your question I do believe that monthly sub account revenue accounted for half of the revenue the game takes in by itself and I would bet that those same subs fund a majority of the CM. That is just an educated guess on the last part though.

Then, what, exactly, is the essence of your beef re: this thread's topic, if you don't care who gets Treek or how they get it?


as far as i'm concerned, anything bought off the cartel market comes from means outside of the game. anything in-game that comes from outside means is crap because it reduces the value of the in-game economy and mechanics. in-game stuff that comes from actually playing the game is different.

So if they make Treek purchasable from the CM, it will by definition be crap and you won't want it. So you should be hoping they put it on the CM so you'll save a million creds. What if it's something bought with CC via the Legacy interface rather then the CM interface? Is it still crap? What if it's bought off the GTN with creds "earned" during game play? Is still crap then?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Then, what, exactly, is the essence of your beef re: this thread's topic, if you don't care who gets Treek or how they get it?



So if they make Treek purchasable from the CM, it will by definition be crap and you won't want it. So you should be hoping they put it on the CM so you'll save a million creds. What if it's something bought with CC via the Legacy interface rather then the CM? Is it still crap?


Take the time to read the posts from around page 4, it is all there. I am not going to get into to this again.

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So you don't even know yourself what your beef is. Fair enough.


Stop being daft. I know exactly what I was talking about. I am just not going to go back through it for someone to lazy to read through the post who just tries to come in and interject with no knowledge of what they are talking about.

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Sorry RL has squat to do in the game... You did not earn anything by buying it.. in the context of the game. You bought it ......


I don't care if you can buy the Ewok or not.... I don't care if there is a legacy requirement or not...


But buying things through the CM is not "earning" anything.


That's awfully subjective. But of course that is your right.


I contend that anything purchased through in game means requires the same effort as using the bathroom. However, more times than not earning cash is just a wee bit more difficult.


There is no effort in a video game. You push plastic keys and a puck. You probably burn more calories blinking.


Talk challenge and reward, the only reputable gauges that can be used inside games. Paying with cash presents an award with no challenge. And looking at it that way being challenged deserves a bit more recognition.


But guys...please stop pretending playing video games is an athletic endeavor.

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