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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WTB Advanced Class respec.


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Talent respec - yes

Advanced Class respec - NO!


You have 8 character slots. There are 8 advanced classes in all. Do the math.




They already cave to pressure, the question is if the pressure is great enough in this instance.


It isn't.

Edited by Excedrin
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You probably don't see issue to change between all 8 advanced classes but it doesn't mean there is no problem with it and its good for fun game with characters and classes that have diversity/differentiation/uniqueness and as result the longevity of the game.


Don't ppl that want AC swapping realize that even if it looks good initially, how fast this game will become boring if you can be everything and like everyone else from day 1?


Because having more options almost always leads to a boring game.

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Talent respec - yes

Advanced Class respec - NO!


You have 8 character slots. There are 8 advanced classes in all. Do the math.




What is wrong with having advanced class respec? It is no different then normal respec.


You either is against it or you are for it. If I like to tank and heal, why should I not be alowed to respec to be able to tank or heal? Why only tank and dps, or heal and dps? Why not tank and heal?


"You ahve 8 characters slots", so what? You can still respec from the spec you have. There is simply no difference in it that you guys are afraid of changes.


Do the math? yes please do the math, not all of us has the time to LvL up character to 50. Unless you are unemploeed and live at your moms place.


And again fanboys use the only word they know, lazy.


It is never about being lazy. It is about being convinient. But you dont know about that.


I dont even know why I respond to a troll. They are the ones who is afraid.


Just give 1 good reason why it should not be in the game? You have respec in the game, why not advanced respec too? Some people want to use the hours tey put in the game on the character they play with.


But soner or later it will come that too. The nei sayers will have to swap game again. Find a new release and troll the forum for people who wants to improve the game.


EDIT: I forgot. This game is made for casual players, not hardcore gamers. A casual player will at most have about 3-4 characters they will play, not 8. If you play 8 characers to Lvl 50, then you really need a life.

So in the end, it will gain the game alow for advanced respec.

Edited by Mamono
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That statements so flawed im giggling. Both AC's share quite a few of the same abiilities with the extra few keeping them apart.


So because both a Sith Inquisitor and an Imperial Agent both have heals but have an extra few abilities keeping them apart, they're essentially the same class?


Sorry man, but a healing sorc and a tanking assassin are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from each other.

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So because both a Sith Inquisitor and an Imperial Agent both have heals but have an extra few abilities keeping them apart, they're essentially the same class?


Sorry man, but a healing sorc and a tanking assassin are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from each other.


They share the same story so they are the same class.

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They share the same story so they are the same class.


And if you think they're the same class, then you haven't actually played either.


If what you're saying is true, then what's the OP complaining about. After all, based on your logic:


Marauder=Sith Warrior=Juggernaught

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I totaly support this, If i can buy a ticket to enter the VIP area for 1mil credits why cant i buy a ticket to change my adv. class.




There's nothing in the VIP area, other than some vendors that sell reskinned versions of the same equipment you can get anywhere else.


IE...nothing game changing.


It's a false comparison.

Edited by MikeMonger
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And if you think they're the same class, then you haven't actually played either.


If what you're saying is true, then what's the OP complaining about. After all, based on your logic:


Marauder=Sith Warrior=Juggernaught


The story doesn't change at all based on your advance class, so it is the same exact class. There is literally no harm in allowing limited AC respecs. No one is asking to change from a Bounty Hunter to an Agent. They are asking to not have to relevel their same exact class and see the same exact story if they decide they would rather their class be a tank than a healer.

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Dual Talent Tree Spec : Yes

Advance Class Respec : No


I would only agree to an Advance Class Respec if it cost 10 Million Credits. Why? Because it would allow the player to think hard about his or her choices. I can understand someone making a mistake and didn't like the class they are playing. So 10 Million Credits will allow you to stick with your final choice.


Now 10 Million Credits isn't hard to obtain, it may require a month of saving up but as the economy grows, this amount will be achievable much earlier.

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The story doesn't change at all based on your advance class,


But your game play, group role, and equipment needs to. RADICALLY.


so it is the same exact class.


No, it isn't. It's two classes with the same story.


There is literally no harm in allowing limited AC respecs.


If you allow people to go from tank to healing to DPS back to tank, then why limit class changes to simply the same base class? Might as well let Bounty Hunters become inquisitors and vice versa. Because that would be just as fundamental a change as going from sorc to assassin.


No one is asking to change from a Bounty Hunter to an Agent.


You're asking for a change that's JUST AS FUNDAMENTAL.


Tell you what...play a healing sorc and a tanking assassin up to level, say, 15. Then come back here and try to argue that they're the "same class". Because they AREN'T. They share some abilities, but the bulk of those abilities are radically different from each other.

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But your game play, group role, and equipment needs to. RADICALLY.

No, it isn't. It's two classes with the same story.


If you allow people to go from tank to healing to DPS back to tank, then why limit class changes to simply the same base class? Might as well let Bounty Hunters become inquisitors and vice versa. Because that would be just as fundamental a change as going from sorc to assassin.


You're asking for a change that's JUST AS FUNDAMENTAL.


Tell you what...play a healing sorc and a tanking assassin up to level, say, 15. Then come back here and try to argue that they're the "same class". Because they AREN'T. They share some abilities, but the bulk of those abilities are radically different from each other.


Who cares if you need new gear? Leave that decision up to the player. Sometimes respeccing within your advance class requires completely changing your roll and gear, radically. So that isn't an issue at all.


You are way exaggerating to make your point.

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Who cares if you need new gear? Leave that decision up to the player. Sometimes respeccing within your advance class requires completely changing your roll and gear, radically. So that isn't an issue at all.


You are way exaggerating to make your point.


How am I exaggerating? Agents and bounty hunters need different gear to be effective. Sorcs and assassins need different gear to be effective.


But what's interesting is that you completely and totally ignored the rest of that post....


Like I said, you seem to think that going from healing to tanking is "no big change". I'm simply stating that it's a FUNDAMENTAL change.


For most base classes, you have two options....DPS'ing and one other, healing or tanking. That's PLENTY of flexibility without needing the option to completely change classes.

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WTB Advanced Class respec, having to deal with pug tanks has shaked my will to live. Feels like "WOW" all over again. So yeh give me the ability to pay a large sum of credits to change, heck i'll even part with my 100k to stop these painful experiences.


Inb4 level to 38 again.


You're told explicitly in the game that the choice can not be changed. No.

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How am I exaggerating? Agents and bounty hunters need different gear to be effective. Sorcs and assassins need different gear to be effective.


But what's interesting is that you completely and totally ignored the rest of that post....


Like I said, you seem to think that going from healing to tanking is "no big change". I'm simply stating that it's a FUNDAMENTAL change.


For most base classes, you have two options....DPS'ing and one other, healing or tanking. That's PLENTY of flexibility without needing the option to completely change classes.


And you have completely ignored my point that it doesn't harm anything at all.

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It does, actually. The quests you do are tied directly to class. Allowing such a respec would drastically alter the game for you and their quest system.


The quests don't change at all based on on your advance class. Not one single bit.

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And you have completely ignored my point that it doesn't harm anything at all.


Just like you completely ignored my point that if you allow radically changing roles by giving players the ability to change advanced classes, you might as well give players the ability to change base classes as well.


Does it "harm" anything? No. Because it's a GAME. Does it kind of eliminate the ENTIRE POINT of classes in the first place? Yup. And by NOT playing a certain role from the beginning, you stink at it later on. You can always tell in instances which sorcs respecced from DPS to heals.

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You're told explicitly in the game that the choice can not be changed. No.


Exactly. If you want to change your decision, make a new character. It's not difficult, and the time you spend leveling up the new character is part of the cost of changing your mind.


Not everyone rolls the class they want to be as their first character. Sometimes you have to play around before you find the one you want to stick with. That's part of the game.

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Just like you completely ignored my point that if you allow radically changing roles by giving players the ability to change advanced classes, you might as well give players the ability to change base classes as well.


Does it "harm" anything? No. Because it's a GAME. Does it kind of eliminate the ENTIRE POINT of classes in the first place? Yup. And by NOT playing a certain role from the beginning, you stink at it later on. You can always tell in instances which sorcs respecced from DPS to heals.


Again you are exaggerating the point. If you don't want players to radically be able to change their roll, which you can already do within your advance class, than you may as well lobby against respeccing at all.

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Ah, base class, right. What about primary stats? If those change then you would go to instant suck.


Primary stats never change. Secondary stats might but that is true of respeccing within advance classes as well.

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Again you are exaggerating the point. If you don't want players to radically be able to change their roll, which you can already do within your advance class, than you may as well lobby against respeccing at all.


No, I'm really not. WHY is the difference between tanking assassin and healing sorc not as fundamental as the difference between tanking juggernaught and healing IA?


Yes the assassin and sorc share a few base abilities. SO DO THE JUGG AND THE IA. The only difference is that the names of the abilities and the animations are different.


And the difference between healing sorc and dps sorc IS NOT THAT SIGNIFICANT.


Both actually have nearly IDENTICAL ability sets....only 1 or 2 abilities gained from putting points in the trees are different. The rest of the tree simply buff or slightly modify the EXISTING abilities.


For example...both a healing and dps sorc have whirlwind. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that depending on where you put your points, that whirlwind could affect 1 or up to 3 targets.


Which is NOWHERE NEAR as fundamental as going from light armor to heavy armor with massive damage reductions.

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No, I'm really not. WHY is the difference between tanking assassin and healing sorc not as fundamental as the difference between tanking juggernaught and healing IA?


Yes the assassin and sorc share a few base abilities. SO DO THE JUGG AND THE IA. The only difference is that the names of the abilities and the animations are different.


And the difference between healing sorc and dps sorc IS NOT THAT SIGNIFICANT.


Both actually have nearly IDENTICAL ability sets....only 1 or 2 abilities gained from putting points in the trees are different. The rest of the tree simply buff or slightly modify the EXISTING abilities.


For example...both a healing and dps sorc have whirlwind. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that depending on where you put your points, that whirlwind could affect 1 or up to 3 targets.


Which is NOWHERE NEAR as fundamental as going from light armor to heavy armor with massive damage reductions.


A healing sorc and a dps sorc use completely different abilities and play completely different roles. Again, you just don't want it, which is fine. But you also have no real argument against it other than "I don't want it."

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