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The fate of ahsoka

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I did one of these right after season 5 ended but since its has been a few months I thought I would bring it back up. Since ahsoka left the order I thought of a few places she would have gone too. The first one was that she would go to onderon to b with lux, the second was that she become a bounty hunter and work with ventress, and final one is that she went to shili or kiros to b with her people. There were also some threads that she helped the rebellion or didn't survive the purge. Which would you think is going to be her actually fate?
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She'll be one of those gray jedi living life away from the war between the republic/seperatists the empire/rebellion.

In the mortis episodes her future self told her to stay away from Anakin. I don't know how all this connects but yea.

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By the time Luke is around, all the Jedi are dead, except Obi-wan, Yoda, a Jedi in the expanse (was nearly killed by Darth vader before fleeing into the expanse), Nomi Sunrider's descendant (who meats Leia), and A plant Jedi protecting some old Lightsabers. So chances are Ahsoka met order 66.
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You know what would be cool if Ahsoka had a child with Anakin and thats the real reason she left the order because she wanted to raise her child away from the war and away from everything but she would still teach the child the ways of the force and how to become a jedi and oneday the child would meet its halfbrother and halfsister,Luke and Leia just imagine how cool that would be the chosen one having a secret child with his padawan i mean sure it would be taboo as **** but imagine what they could do with the idea they could make a movie about the kid or a tv series or something the child could be a part of the new jedi order founded by Luke just imagine.....
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You know what would be cool if Ahsoka had a child with Anakin and thats the real reason she left the order because she wanted to raise her child away from the war and away from everything but she would still teach the child the ways of the force and how to become a jedi and oneday the child would meet its halfbrother and halfsister,Luke and Leia just imagine how cool that would be the chosen one having a secret child with his padawan i mean sure it would be taboo as **** but imagine what they could do with the idea they could make a movie about the kid or a tv series or something the child could be a part of the new jedi order founded by Luke just imagine.....


Not possible since humans and Togruta are not capable of procreating with each other. Togruta, like Twi'leks, have a differant biological makeup from human beings. Only very heavy gene therapy by both partners would allow it, something that is both very expensive and risky.


It would also NOT be cool if Anakin had a child with Ahsoka seeing how she is not an adult. When she leaves the Order she is only 16, maybe 17. She's a kid! But since Togruta cannot be impregnated naturally by a human we will not have to worry about this, Thank the Maker.

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I'm sorry, but I would start a riot in Disneyland if this happened.... Ruined EU anyone?


IMO, they ruined the eu when they dropped a moon on Chewie, turned Jacen into a Sith, & killed Mara. U may as well accept that we'll now have the "eu" & the "du" (Disney universe)

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I'm sorry, but I would start a riot in Disneyland if this happened.... Ruined EU anyone?


Explain how, exacly, Ahsoka Tano making an appearance in Ep7 would ruin the EU? I would love to hear how you think this would ruin anything. The deaths of Chewie and Mara Jade didn't ruin the EU. Jacen becoming Sith didn't ruin anything. Hell, not even the novel The Crystal Star (the worst novel written) ruined the EU. So exactly how would Ahsoka ruin anything?:rolleyes:

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I expect she survives, she wasn't a Jedi when Order 66 was initiated so she would not have been a priority. Some remaining sense of loyalty in Vader may have also protected her. Wookieepedia lists several dozen active Jedi survivors of the purge and at least one survival due to not being an active member.
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I've this weird suspicion that Ahsoka IS coming back in ep7, or at least in Force ghost form, or a recorded holo.


However, I've a feeling the "fate" of Ahsoka lies in SWTOR time. The not!Ahsoka Inq companion and her ending is probably what would've happened to Ahsoka post S5 had she gone wandering and met a Grey Force-user.


Maybe, just maybe, Ahsoka's the descendent of the Sith Inquisitor and Ashara!

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I expect she survives, she wasn't a Jedi when Order 66 was initiated so she would not have been a priority. Some remaining sense of loyalty in Vader may have also protected her. Wookieepedia lists several dozen active Jedi survivors of the purge and at least one survival due to not being an active member.


Jedi didn't have to be apart of the Order to not be hunted down....example? Kento Marek, no longer a Jedi and was still hunted down by the Empire. Besides not be a priority? She was an apprentice to Vader....why wouldn't she be a priority? If nothing else something personal.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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man in white armour (MIWA):'imperial delivery services, are you Ashoka Tano?'

AT:yes, it's me, who is it from?

MIWA:ah, it's special delivery from emperor him self and your old master, I'm sure you'll love it, sign here, here and here'

AT: ok, ok thanks, have a great day!


Ashoka opens the box, it's a holo transmiter. presses a button, message plays.

*Hi, this is Emperor* *and I'm Darth Vader* *and this is ORDER 66*

*bomb explodes*


the end.

Edited by Atramar
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Jedi didn't have to be apart of the Order to not be hunted down....example? Kento Marek, no longer a Jedi and was still hunted down by the Empire. Besides not be a priority? She was an apprentice to Vader....why wouldn't she be a priority? If nothing else something personal.


Marek resumed his role as a Jedi during the invasion of Kashyyyk, poor example. He was killed for fighting Vader not hunted down as part of the purge.


Anakin cared about her deeply, more so than any of the other Jedi even Obi Wan with whom he had an almost love-hate relationships at times. I see no reason why this wouldn't manifest itself in a willingness to let her alone if she keeps her head down.


I sincerely doubt this.

'Spared' is a bad choice of words. She would have been a lower priority target due to not being a Jedi and some vestige of affection in Anakin may have helped. If she kept her head down during the purge it is quite conceivable that she survived.

Edited by LadyDrusilla
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Marek resumed his role as a Jedi during the invasion of Kashyyyk, poor example. He was killed for fighting Vader not hunted down as part of the purge.


Anakin cared about her deeply, more so than any of the other Jedi even Obi Wan with whom he had an almost love-hate relationships at times. I see no reason why this wouldn't manifest itself in a willingness to let her alone if she keeps her head down.


Even if Vader wanted to spare her, Palpatine would definately want her dead, in his eyes she could potentially try to redeem him, making her a threat. Besides once Anakin/Vader comitted himself to the Sith he had to re-evaluate his past, which would definately put Ahsoka in danger.


So essentially she's under threat from both of them, and has little or no resources to avoid them.

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If she dies, I sincerely hope it's a case of death by Vader.


If not then I hope she matures a LOT by the next time we see her.

Currently rewatching TCW in chronological order, and one thing I noticed is how much Ashoka has matured since the beginning of the show. Even her horns have grown.


Also I don't feel Vader killing Ashoka would make much sense. I don't feel he has it in him to destroy his own Padawan.

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Marek resumed his role as a Jedi during the invasion of Kashyyyk, poor example. He was killed for fighting Vader not hunted down as part of the purge.


Anakin cared about her deeply, more so than any of the other Jedi even Obi Wan with whom he had an almost love-hate relationships at times. I see no reason why this wouldn't manifest itself in a willingness to let her alone if she keeps her head down.


No Kento was hunted down as part of the purge, otherwise why would the Imperials have bothered with him? Its even said in the intro, that the Emperor's spies located him which prompted the invasion, he was already found there was no use in hiding so of course he was going to fight rather then just lay down and die. You said that since Ahsoka was no longer with the Order, that she was exempt from the purge...which isn't true is what I am saying.

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No Kento was hunted down as part of the purge, otherwise why would the Imperials have bothered with him? Its even said in the intro, that the Emperor's spies located him which prompted the invasion, he was already found there was no use in hiding so of course he was going to fight rather then just lay down and die. You said that since Ahsoka was no longer with the Order, that she was exempt from the purge...which isn't true is what I am saying.
She'd be exempt from Order 66 but not the Great Jedi Purge which targeted all Force sensitives. However that still gives her an improved chance of survival, it all depends on were she chooses to hide and if Vader chooses to track her down. TBH I can see Vader turning a blind eye to Ashoka. That said I'd rather not see her in Ep7. I feel to many Jedi survived the Purge when Luke was literally meant to be the last of them. An apperance in Rebels? I'd welcome it. No appearance at all? Suits me.
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