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Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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To be honest, I would say 'special snowflake'.


The option to get Treek via level 40 is there for people who have that level/want to get it without paying and through effort. Surely that's what counts, the personal achievement of getting her via the Legacy system? Or do you simply want to be able to 'show off' Treek to those who have yet to get to that Legacy level? Don't get me wrong, I do think there should be more extras and little rewards for getting a higher lever Legacy, but BW have decided that Treek will also be available via the CM as well, and I personally have no problem with that.


Not everyone has the time to wait until they get to level 40 Legacy, which is a rather too high level in my opinion anyway (Also I say wait because, in my opinion, gaining Legacy is more of a grind then the show of excellence and effort that many say it is, especially as it seems to be a system rather bias against those who level alts, compared to those who play endgame content more, but that's another debate for another thread).


As I said before, I would personally prefer it is Treek was added via a long solo story quest, but as it is, I dont see what is wrong with the options BW are giving the players. Also, when the game adds instant level 55 characters and high level gear only available via the CM, then it will be Pay to Win and I would be arguing against that. :i_angel:


Gotta say that rolling alts is what I love about this game. There are 8 unique storylines that are available and I want to see them all. I have been a sub since launch (well 5 days after launch) and I only reached LL50 about a month ago. It does take time. I do also do endgame with my guild. We do Ops twice a week. Granted, some people can't even get on twice a week. But I think that keeping it limited at LL40 would be a good thing and show some love for those of us who have leveled our legacy that high.

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.... But I think that keeping it limited at LL40 would be a good thing and show some love for those of us who have leveled our legacy that high.


This seems to be the only reason the legacy only types can come up with, without saying what they really mean.


So, how does my getting the little furry bugger with CCs hurt you?

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This seems to be the only reason the legacy only types can come up with, without saying what they really mean.


So, how does my getting the little furry bugger with CCs hurt you?


Didn't say it hurt me. I just don't want everything given out on the CM. The whole point of this game is to quest and do things. I don't want SWTOR Barbie and Friends Jedi Edition. I want to quest. I want to have something to do and earn a reward after it. I have no problem with buying HK after doing the quest once. I did it and I feel it is a reward for what was a decent quest that actually made you go to different planets and find the parts you needed. I even applaud the addition of FPs to the quest. I think it should be the same for the Ewok. Let us quest for him. After all that is the purpose of this MMO, to quest and do things. Not sit like a lump on the station or your ship and spend CCs to get things like this.

Edited by OldRepJedi
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Didn't say it hurt me. I just don't want everything given out on the CM. The whole point of this game is to quest and do things. I don't want SWTOR Barbie and Friends Jedi Edition. I want to quest. I want to have something to do and earn a reward after it. I have no problem with buying HK after doing the quest once. I did it and I feel it is a reward for what was a decent quest that actually made you go to different planets and find the parts you needed. I even applaud the addition of FPs to the quest. I think it should be the same for the Ewok. Let us quest for him. After all that is the purpose of this MMO, to quest and do things. Not sit like a lump on the station or your ship and spend CCs to get things like this.


Well excuse me for having leveled in a different way than you did, but I have put in my time, and have quested, I just happen to have the subscriber benefits for that, i.e. CCs, and I don't go near the fleet unless I have to.


All it seems is a whine.. if you didn't do it MY way you shouldn't get the little furry bugger.


Too bad....

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But I think that keeping it limited at LL40 would be a good thing and show some love for those of us who have leveled our legacy that high.


Here's a thought: what if Bioware's intention with this companion is to make it broadly available to the player base, NOT exclusive to long term high legacy ranking veterans?


Clearly... this is the case with Treek. Whereas for HK-51... they put it behind a quest chain.


I find it mind boggling that every piece of new content that is released... some players want it to be very exclusive and difficult to "earn" and only "earn". It is doubly mind boggling in the context of a companion where many veterans rarely even use companions, much less are interested in spinning up one more in their stable. Many veterans are completely dismissive of companions.. whereas newer players, even free players can make effective use of Treek....if they even like furbies as companions.

Edited by Andryah
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As someone with well over 2mil credits, and LL41, I will NOT be purchasing Treek with credits.


I will be using the CCs that I got without having to do any work, other than subscribing. And I'll save my in-game credits for something else.



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Didn't say it hurt me. I just don't want everything given out on the CM. The whole point of this game is to quest and do things. I don't want SWTOR Barbie and Friends Jedi Edition. I want to quest. I want to have something to do and earn a reward after it. I have no problem with buying HK after doing the quest once. I did it and I feel it is a reward for what was a decent quest that actually made you go to different planets and find the parts you needed. I even applaud the addition of FPs to the quest. I think it should be the same for the Ewok. Let us quest for him. After all that is the purpose of this MMO, to quest and do things. Not sit like a lump on the station or your ship and spend CCs to get things like this.


If Treek was available via a solo story quest along the lines of HK, I would probably be on the side of those who don't want Treek on the CM (Or at least for initial purchase, if you complete then quest then you should be able to unlock for all). I thought, for the most part, earning HK was fantastic, although I didn't really like the fact that you had t to do HM FP's to get the quest items, partly because not everyone plays endgame in this story-based MMO and it kinda spoiled the fun of going back to the planets and actually searching for HK parts.


The thing is, they are not adding her via a quest even with the Legacy level, and I just dont think that having a high-Legacy level requirement is in anyway making up for the lack of quest, or is in anyway the same as earning her via a quest. Having a Legacy-level requirement alone just cuts to many players out of being able to obtain her, I think.


Gotta say that rolling alts is what I love about this game. There are 8 unique storylines that are available and I want to see them all. I have been a sub since launch (well 5 days after launch) and I only reached LL50 about a month ago. It does take time. I do also do endgame with my guild. We do Ops twice a week. Granted, some people can't even get on twice a week. But I think that keeping it limited at LL40 would be a good thing and show some love for those of us who have leveled our legacy that high.


It's what I adore about this game too. I have sixteen alts now, as I want to see each class quest from a different side (I have a male and female of each class, each of a different Light/Dark alignment too) although probably due to the fact I rarely do any endgame content, I only have a level 31 Legacy (Almost 32! :i_biggrin:) Don't get me wrong though, even if I was level 50 Legacy I would be supporting the idea of having Treek on the CM. Also, I do think that there should be more un-buyable Legacy items and rewards available, I just dont really think Treek is suitable to be an exclusive one.


Specifically, Treek is a healer/tank character. Now to me that sounds like a companion more suitable for someone who is leveling alts and wants to have a better time playing there tree/style (Given how some classes dont get tank and healers until later in the game) Now I am just generalizing here, but players with a level 40 Legacy or above may either already have a lot of high level alts, or have one or two, and be more interested in concentrating on endgame rather then soloing/leveling alts. That is why it is a shame, I think, if Treek was only available, and rather wasted, to such a high Legacy level alone.


Also, I am rather more in the camp of thinking that gaining personal satisfaction from, say Legacy levels, is rather more important then having a unique item to show off on the Fleet. :i_angel:

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Here's a thought: what if Bioware's intention with this companion is to make it broadly available to the player base, NOT exclusive to long term high legacy ranking veterans?


Clearly... this is the case with Treek. Whereas for HK-51... they put it behind a quest chain.


I find it mind boggling that every piece of new content that is released... some players want it to be very exclusive and difficult to "earn" and only "earn". It is doubly mind boggling in the context of a companion where many veterans rarely even use companions, much less are interested in spinning up one more in their stable. Many veterans are completely dismissive of companions.. whereas newer players, even free players can make effective use of Treek....if they even like furbies as companions.


I see your opinion and I respect it. But there has to be something for the veterans that do put in the time and have had the patience to level up past LL40. I get the point of the CM. But when everything is made readily available for CC's it doesn't do this game justice. This game could be so epic. I get why there were massive player defections the first 6 months, and that was a fail on EA's part. They didn't take into account the hardcore gamers with no life who were going to burn through everything in the first month. But now with the CM, they don't even try to give us something to do with quests. A companion should be a quest line. Every companion you get is from a quest line. Why now with the Ewok. And as for players that can't use companions, that is what the capital planet quest are for, to learn how to use them. Giving a lvl 55 companion doesn't help anyone learn how to play their character or learn to use their companions effectively

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As someone with well over 2mil credits, and LL41, I will NOT be purchasing Treek with credits.


I will be using the CCs that I got without having to do any work, other than subscribing. And I'll save my in-game credits for something else.




I don't blame you, thats half your total in game money, buying the companion would be a poor use of that.



P.S what is "well over" 2 million credits?

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i just thought of a great solution.


for people who are too lazy to play the game, give them the option to bypass in-game mechanics and rule-sets as currently planned, so they can buy the ewok instead of actually doing something in-game.


for people with legacy level 40, give them the ability to kill ewoks purchased with CCs. that would be fun for everyone. people that play the game can kill ewoks while playing the game, and those too lazy to play the game can watch their ewok be killed and wait for it to respawn (not necessarily a permanent death, though if the cartel market fans had to buy a new ewok every time theirs got ganked, that could keep bioware solvent for at least another month.)

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I don't blame you, thats half your total in game money, buying the companion would be a poor use of that.



P.S what is "well over" 2 million credits?


~4.5mil on my main, with a minimum of 200k on each of 11 alts.


I still haven't used HK on any of my alts, because I'm cheap and hate spending money, in-game or out. ^.^

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i just thought of a great solution.


Just so you know, its not.


for people who are too lazy to play the game, give them the option to bypass in-game mechanics and rule-sets as currently planned, so they can buy the ewok instead of actually doing something in-game.


It's not lazy, there is an option. You can get Treek via Legacy if you want and have the satisfaction of accomplishment, or you can buy her via the CM. It's not like your skipping the entire game to get her, and not everyone has the time to level their Legacy to such a high state. Why should she be locked to a large amount of players, especially when she seems to be designed to be a leveling companion? Why should she be restricted to a group of players who either dont care about soloing or leveling alts, or already have many high level characters? It's not really like the Legacy system is a quest or anything anyway. I would have much rather she was added via a long HK style quest, but as she is not I do not see why she cannot be made available on the CM. Besides, in my eyes the Legacy system its simply a measurement of how much time you have played the game/done Endgame content, rather then a level of skill or anything else.


The only reason some people (Not everyone, but some) want to have her seems to be so they can show her off on the fleet and say "You haven't got this companion, ha-ha!" which is rather sad I think.


for people with legacy level 40, give them the ability to kill ewoks purchased with CCs. that would be fun for everyone. people that play the game can kill ewoks while playing the game, and those too lazy to play the game can watch their ewok be killed and wait for it to respawn (not necessarily a permanent death, though if the cartel market fans had to buy a new ewok every time theirs got ganked, that could keep bioware solvent for at least another month.)


Ah, Ewok and CM hate, I see. If you don't like her, then simply don't buy her. If you dont like the CM, then don't use it. It's all very simply really. If you want to kill an Ewok, then buy you own damn Treek, then you kill her as much as you want!(Although why anyone would want to do that is beyond me and rather . . . spooky). Leave mine alone! :i_angel:

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Just so you know, its not.


lazy is as lazy does. and i don't hate ewoks. i just prefer ewoks in-game to be earned through in-game rule-sets and mechanics, and out-of-game ewoks to be earned through out-of-game rule-sets and mechanics. when bioware makes bad decisions it hurts everyone who likes the game, which includes me. buying stuff from the cartel market is not part of the game. that's shopping. the cartel market exists as an ancillary institution to support the game. releasing new stuff that goes beyond cosmetics like empty armor sets through the cartel market is only good for people who prefer shopping over playing the game. companions do stuff. companions are not empty armor sets.

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lazy is as lazy does. and i don't hate ewoks. i just prefer ewoks in-game to be earned through in-game rule-sets and mechanics, and out-of-game ewoks to be earned through out-of-game rule-sets and mechanics. when bioware makes bad decisions it hurts everyone who likes the game, which includes me. buying stuff from the cartel market is not part of the game. that's shopping. the cartel market exists as an ancillary institution to support the game. releasing new stuff that goes beyond cosmetics like empty armor sets through the cartel market is only good for people who prefer shopping over playing the game. companions do stuff. companions are not empty armor sets.


But companions dont give you an edge over other players or anything do they? It's not like Treek will replace healers or Tanks in Nightmare Op's will she? It's not like adding her will stop players doing the content or learning how to play the game? No, she is simply an optional companion, one who seems to be designed to help level alts rather then being an essential endgame item. Treek is optional, like the empty armor. The only real advantage is the fact that she is an Ewok, has a cool character and will help those classes and trees who find leveling tough because they have yet to get a healer/tank companion.


Don't get me wrong, as I have said before I would be on your side if they made Treek available via a long solo quest like HK, but they haven't and I think that was a mistake. The only way you can get Treek outside the CM is via having a level Legacy of 40, which, for a healer/tank combo seems utterly ridicules, given how players at that level either care more about endgame then alts, or already have a lot of high level alts, not to mention the amount of time it takes to get to that level. In the end, Legacy feels to me like just a bias way of telling how long you have been playing the game. Sure, they should have rewards and stuff, but why dose Treek have to be one, let alone a high level reward? So why not have the option of unlocking her via CC as well as via Legacy for free if they have the level?

Edited by Cyberwoman
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lazy is as lazy does. and i don't hate ewoks. i just prefer ewoks in-game to be earned through in-game rule-sets and mechanics, and out-of-game ewoks to be earned through out-of-game rule-sets and mechanics. when bioware makes bad decisions it hurts everyone who likes the game, which includes me. buying stuff from the cartel market is not part of the game. that's shopping. the cartel market exists as an ancillary institution to support the game. releasing new stuff that goes beyond cosmetics like empty armor sets through the cartel market is only good for people who prefer shopping over playing the game. companions do stuff. companions are not empty armor sets.


You want Treek to be earned, but you're fine with letting her be bought for 1 million credits and legacy 40? Neither of which is earned but is rather given away by the game.

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You want Treek to be earned, but you're fine with letting her be bought for 1 million credits and legacy 40? Neither of which is earned but is rather given away by the game.


Sort of in the same way that one's paycheck is not earned, but given by one's employer?

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Well, I think if they're going to screw over the achievement of people who *earned* their legacy 40 (and a million creds) by giving the ewok friend on the cartel market, then they should screw over the HK achievement and sell the last two parts for it on the market too, because some of us play solo, and why shouldn't we get it too. Seems fair to me.


Plus Bioware would make even more money...

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Sort of in the same way that one's paycheck is not earned, but given by one's employer?


Paychecks are earned. credits are not. I haven't done anything to earn a single credit on my characters. I've quested. That is all I have done. Quested and PvPed.


You want Treek to be earned? Throw in a massive quest line. Do not force PvP or groups on people. Just make it a massive quest line that can be soloed (Unlike HK). That'd be earning Treek.

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Paychecks are earned. credits are not. I haven't done anything to earn a single credit on my characters. I've quested. That is all I have done. Quested and PvPed.


You want Treek to be earned? Throw in a massive quest line. Do not force PvP or groups on people. Just make it a massive quest line that can be soloed (Unlike HK). That'd be earning Treek.


I haven't done a single thing to earn a dollar in my paycheck. I've written design specs and updated project plans. That's all I've done.


You really don't see the parallel?

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