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Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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I would have to disagree. I know a lot of players who are very casual and spend more time talking and shopping than playing. People want options, and BioWare is happy to oblige. I'm glad I can choose to spend credits or CC on it. Not everyone has a level 40+ Legacy. I personally have a lvl 5, and am down to just one character now. I don't have 20+ hours a week available to play.


I am not a raider (hardcore or otherwise) and don't have the luxury of free time needed or the want of an alt-o-holic nature to give me a higher legacy. BioWare understands it has a lot more casual and F2P gamers than the others who insist "hard work is its own reward". I don't have time to make an MMO a 2nd full time job. So purchasing with CC is a great option for me. Plus, I likely spend more on CC in a month than most players spend on subs in a year... and BioWare knows it :D


Translation: I'm rich and I want everything now...


How did you earn your so-well paying job that allows you to spend more money on the CM than most people make in a year? By studying and working hard for it? Or by demanding that you be given the job since you can't be bothered to work for it?


A virtual environment is no different from a real environment in that regard.


P.S.: Considering that you claim to have everything from the Cartel Market us "poor folks" can only dream of, I would recommend that you allow other people to have exlclusive items as well once in a while.


In the end, you will still have the better looking character.

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Translation: I'm rich and I want everything now...


Translation: I'm jealous


P.S.: Considering that you claim to have everything from the Cartel Market us "poor folks" can only dream of, I would recommend that you allow other people to have exlclusive items as well once in a while.


Snark...but at least it is consistent with your jealousy.


Also, where did he ever call anyone "poor folks"?


And just to put a cherry on top for you... you spelled exclusive wrong... but I'm sure it was a typo, rather then due to being denied access to things "rich folks" take for granted. :p


Seriously... let other players play the way they choose to play, and let them discuss it with others if they choose to. It is after all a public discussion forum.

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Translation: I'm rich and I want everything now...


How did you earn your so-well paying job that allows you to spend more money on the CM than most people make in a year? By studying and working hard for it? Or by demanding that you be given the job since you can't be bothered to work for it?

I wrote a book. It sold very well.

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That would be incorrect. Even if you use CC's, you still need the legacy 25 to purchase the ship GTN, you still the required legacy levels to purchase the ship mailbox and the ship repair droid. So, the use of CC's does not necessarily negate the legacy level requirement, and it should not when it comes to this new companion, either.



This in incorrect. I am only legacy level 10 and have bought all the ship stuff including the GTN, mailbox, repair droid, and sparring dummies with cc's. I will also buy the ewok when it comes out. I just don't understand what makes someone think it is OK to exclude people because they don't have time to play the game 24/7.

Edited by AzuthTheHighOne
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This in incorrect. I am only legacy level 10 and have bought all the ship stuff including the GTN, mailbox, repair droid, and sparring dummies with cc's. I will also buy the ewok when it comes out. I just don't understand what makes someone think it is OK to exclude people because they don't have time to play the game 24/7.


Yo don't have to play 24/7 to get it. Hell I've gotten over legacy level 40 on multiple servers and that's with working 40-50 hours a week school one night a week and 2 kids. Its actually not hard really so your statement is rather hyperbolic.

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Please re-read my definition more carefully, taking note of points I underlined (specifically to encourage reading and understanding words like "only). IF it's only available via the Cash Shop AND gives a clear advantage in playing (winning).. then...


Right. And since nothing will be available ONLY via the cash shop, nothing they could ever do would be p2w. Hell, the G7 ship components that made everyone's heads explode were not p2w by that definition, right?

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A book or a bunch of pro BioWare forum posts? I'm guessing this guy gets some CCs per-post


i assumed he's actually j k rowling.


i disagree with your stance on buying stuff through the cartel market, but i appreciate your works. well done superman_AZ

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Oh, not about him, I'm all for more companions. A petition for, then against him being on the CM is...just beyond me.


i believe this happened because some people want an option to pay for the ewok with CCs, and other people don't think this should be released in the cartel market.....

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Translation: I'm rich and I want everything now.

This is the internet. We're all millionaires and married to supermodels if we want to be. Anyone who claims on the internet to be rich might as well claim to be a world-class triathlete and have a PhD in nuclear physics while they're at it.

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This is the internet. We're all millionaires and married to supermodels if we want to be. Anyone who claims on the internet to be rich might as well claim to be a world-class triathlete and have a PhD in nuclear physics while they're at it.


So you've heard of me then?

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A book or a bunch of pro BioWare forum posts? I'm guessing this guy gets some CCs per-post

I wish they would pay me... in Cartel Coins. You're one crazy little conspiracy theorist. No, I wrote a suspense novel and it did fairly well on the market. I hesitate to say more than that as others who love to hate me will say I am "bragging" about money. So, I would say ask Eric Musco if I am anything more than a forum poster, but it is unlikely that truth and logic would ever penetrate that tinfoil hat of yours.

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This in incorrect. I am only legacy level 10 and have bought all the ship stuff including the GTN, mailbox, repair droid, and sparring dummies with cc's. I will also buy the ewok when it comes out. I just don't understand what makes someone think it is OK to exclude people because they don't have time to play the game 24/7.

I often wonder the same thing. Only thing that comes to mind is "special snowflake" and "elitist". They want the companion to be a symbol for the excessive free time they have to play a GAME, and exclude others simply because they have a life and don't have the want or need to get Legacy lvl 40+.

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I often wonder the same thing. Only thing that comes to mind is "special snowflake" and "elitist". They want the companion to be a symbol for the excessive free time they have to play a GAME, and exclude others simply because they have a life and don't have the want or need to get Legacy lvl 40+.


That's an incredibly elitist way to criticize others for being elitist.


Aren't you the one upset that you can't be the Special Snowflake unless you get the option to buy Snowflake status?

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I wish they would pay me... in Cartel Coins. You're one crazy little conspiracy theorist. No, I wrote a suspense novel and it did fairly well on the market.

Just quit while you're ahead. Many agree with your basic position. Your pointless cyberbragging is ... pointless.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Seriously... let other players play the way they choose to play, and let them discuss it with others if they choose to. It is after all a public discussion forum.


No, actually, if I had 250$, I would spend it on more reasonable things than gambling on the CM. Buy a better computer, save it for a vacation, car, house or even donate it to some charity organization. But whatever, it's his choice, he does whatever he wants with it.


If people can petition to buy content intended for invested players (high credit and legacy req) for real money, why can't I petition to buy the nice looking Cartel armor sets intended for casual players for real money? Here's where you tell me that you can buy them on the GTN and for the most part you'd be right, but you can't buy every Cartel item off the GTN or at least not for a consistent price like the CC value of said items. (For example, the Solus Secant or Aratech Rose mounts were never resold on our server or at least there were so few that I somehow missed them.)


Legacy was promised to be an awesome part of the game with regular updates and rewards worth working for. Yet after a year, we got nothing but a 1hr ship pass and a title, which (while helpful) are hardly the awesome rewards we all want to strive for. Having a legacy AND a credit requirement is basically spitting into people's faces, if they can just bypass the level requirement with Cartel Coins. I mean why have a legacy system in the game at all, if everyone can buy everything without investing any time into doing anything?


If people can demand everything for money because that's how they enjoy playing the game, they might as well be selling Kell Dragon armor and instant 55 characters on the CM because that's how I enjoy playing the game. And how does that affect other people's gameplay experience? They can do ops and quests to level and earn gear.


P.S.: I'm sure the post is full of typos.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Nice, what genre?

It's a suspense murder thriller about a serial killing which occurs inside a maxium security prison, and no one can figure out who is doing it or what kind of weapon is being used.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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