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Easy class


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hello all im new to the game and I am looking for a class that's not hard to play. something that's easy to gear and not a hard skill rotation. I am looking for a class and spec that I can use to just relax and not have to think a lot about what im doing. I will be doing mostly pve but I do enjoy some pvp. don't care if the class is dps healing ranged, im not picky. im mostly looking to play this toon when I have family aggro and not a lot of time to pay attention to the game. don't realy care how over powered , under powered , im not looking to be epic just simple play style.

PS. sorry for spelling

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Gunnery Commando/Arsenal Mercenary is ridiculously easy to play. Spam Grav Round, hit full auto, demo round and high impact bolt when off cooldown. Use mortar volley for groups of weak mobs. It doesn't get much easier than that.


The lack of cover requirements makes them easier to play than smuggler/agent as the cover mechanic can take a little getting used IMO.

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