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Ranked "Kickball" Planning Thread


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Another successful night! Thank you all for jumping in. Glad to be able to switch teams and even things up a bit.





It was good to see a great response again. switching up the groups made for some great matches. It was also good to run into some Rep kickballers too.

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It was good to see a great response again. switching up the groups made for some great matches. It was also good to run into some Rep kickballers too.


Rofl we started that Hypergate coming up with all sorts of plans and then being like, "But so-and-so was on our team last time, they might anticipate X we should do Y!" And "No no, they'll anticipate us thinking they'll anticipate so they'll be ready for Y and we should stick with X!"


Then we get to mid and melt. D: "OH CRAP... this is REAL!"


Probably woulda benefited the team a lot more to respec heals during one of my many respawns but it was just too much pressure! D:

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Rofl we started that Hypergate coming up with all sorts of plans and then being like, "But so-and-so was on our team last time, they might anticipate X we should do Y!" And "No no, they'll anticipate us thinking they'll anticipate so they'll be ready for Y and we should stick with X!"


Then we get to mid and melt. D: "OH CRAP... this is REAL!"


Probably woulda benefited the team a lot more to respec heals during one of my many respawns but it was just too much pressure! D:



they totaly through us for a loop by sending everyone to our pylon right off the bat, funny thing was it took us that round and the next to recover. Too bad it was to late for us. :o



So as to what night Ranked kickball matches are on? Times To Be Determined


Wednesday seemed to work last week. Granted it was the night before a holiday, but it has possibilities. There has been some request to get it started earlier. an earlier start may need some one to get it rolling, any volenteers??? :)


Fridays are a good call too becuase it is the start of the week end.


Are there guilds still queueing up on Mondays? for guild team ranked I havent seen anything on this since Sever transfers dropped.


ANY TIME YOU CAN. I have heard that the rep side is coordinating matches also. I think this is happening on a nightly basis. Spontanious Ranked PVP is Great!


Who to talk to....

well here is your chance to volenteer to be a leader on on the server. Also there have been quite a few people who have really stepped up as the go to people, Zuhara, Kupo, Juniormonk/funk/punk/mint, and several others. you can always contact me in game if your looking to get some matches rolling. I can be reached on CherriBomb on imp side and LuvChild on Rep

Also there has been some small talk about getting a web site (posibly on Enjin like this) to help coordinate this community any thoughts on this? I could take this on (with help) if we think it would be worth while.


Well see ya on the KickBall Field!

Edited by Kagonesti
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I'd be willing to head up a team on Wednesdays and Fridays if needed. I'm not a good leader or strategist but the only way to get better is to do it more, right? I usually log in at 8PM Eastern and would be more than happy to start coordinating teams if there are enough folks around that early.
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I got about 4-5 friends who love PvP and would probably be willing to join us for doing kickball. Though i think a few of them can't make it to weekday events cause of work, but i know they would come to the Friday and Saturday ones if we do some then. Also a tip if you will on another game i play(won't name it as its not proper to do so on another games forums lol) the entire community from the server i play on got together and rented a huge VoiP server which has worked fantastically for PvP and PvE combined. I would be willing to pitch in on this if we want to do something like it. Also there is a new alternative to paid VoiPs. Raidcall.com has a very very nice program thats just as good as most other VoiPs but its 100% free to use so that is also an option but I'm willing to do any.
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I'll be available for the Wenesday runs, and perhaps the Fridays as well! I like the idea of it being consistent in terms of weekly kickball, but I'm glad you guys are running this daily :D



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I love the idea of ranked kickball, but recently at least on pubside(the dinfgu planned ranked), I have seen in several instances of ranked teams becoming premades with 4-5 people from a specific guild. This happens when the drafted teams lose people and the team invites people they know to the team creating imbalance. I would hope that people would have the decency to not do this but its not the case. I believe if this practice is not stopped the prosperity of these ranked matches will not last long.
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Self Righteousness


From what I directly saw over the weekend, all 4 instances involved issues with:


1. Picking up that second healer because we ran into the imp kickball teams (Sunday. Had it been pub vs pub it would have been better balance than the blowout it was)

2. People better at drafting than others (Dingfu's teams, Juniormonk's Sunday team)

3. Same faction issues, see number 2.

4. Too many healers/respec advantage in Voidstar (Both positive and negative issue)

5. People who have zero idea how to work with bolster being drafted (both poorly bolstered Pubs ended up on one team, dragging them down extremely)

6. Voicechat

7. Lack of people wanting to lead.

8. Actual premade guild teams queuing at the same time as the kickball people, and were jerks about it (Sunday, booo naming and shaming rules.)


In regards to #7, did you even stick around Thorazine? Like, I don't remember seeing you at all, were you one of the ones who quit a ranked match in progress? I know I didn't see you volunteer to lead the second team any of the kickball sessions - you could have had a direct hand in ensuring the teams were balanced. I don't complain, because I don't lead.


Junior, do you guys have the same issue with nobody wanting to be the other team lead? I know I checked things out a week almost ago, and you seemed to have plenty of people willing to lead squads.

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From what I directly saw over the weekend, all 4 instances involved issues with:


1. Picking up that second healer because we ran into the imp kickball teams (Sunday. Had it been pub vs pub it would have been better balance than the blowout it was)

2. People better at drafting than others (Dingfu's teams, Juniormonk's Sunday team)

3. Same faction issues, see number 2.

4. Too many healers/respec advantage in Voidstar (Both positive and negative issue)

5. People who have zero idea how to work with bolster being drafted (both poorly bolstered Pubs ended up on one team, dragging them down extremely)

6. Voicechat

7. Lack of people wanting to lead.

8. Actual premade guild teams queuing at the same time as the kickball people, and were jerks about it (Sunday, booo naming and shaming rules.)


In regards to #7, did you even stick around Thorazine? Like, I don't remember seeing you at all, were you one of the ones who quit a ranked match in progress? I know I didn't see you volunteer to lead the second team any of the kickball sessions - you could have had a direct hand in ensuring the teams were balanced. I don't complain, because I don't lead.


Junior, do you guys have the same issue with nobody wanting to be the other team lead? I know I checked things out a week almost ago, and you seemed to have plenty of people willing to lead squads.


We didn't have that issue at all. I'm not sure how the teams are forming on the pub side but on Imp side:

1. we invite everyone to 1 large raid group

2. find a spot on the fleet where we can check each others gear, spec, role, etc

3. choose captains

4. I like to ask if anyone has a buddy they want to be sure to be in the same group with. I keep it to just 2 or 3 friends together. anything more is a pre-made like stated above.

5. all healers press "1"

6. everyone gets in vent. I host a server with enough room for two full teams. The two captains break off to their own channel.

7. we make sure to check in after every ranked to make sure the teams are even. We do a lot of swapping.


I think it's important for everyone to realize this is for fun. This isn't true ranked pvp. Once my small guild gets a full 8 pvp'ers we'll try to become the best on the server. but for now this is strictly for everyone to have fun together and to get some quick ranked comms. Maybe that isn't clear to everyone else on Pub side?




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We didn't have that issue at all. I'm not sure how the teams are forming on the pub side but on Imp side:

1. we invite everyone to 1 large raid group

2. find a spot on the fleet where we can check each others gear, spec, role, etc

3. choose captains

4. I like to ask if anyone has a buddy they want to be sure to be in the same group with. I keep it to just 2 or 3 friends together. anything more is a pre-made like stated above.

5. all healers press "1"

6. everyone gets in vent. I host a server with enough room for two full teams. The two captains break off to their own channel.

7. we make sure to check in after every ranked to make sure the teams are even. We do a lot of swapping.


I think it's important for everyone to realize this is for fun. This isn't true ranked pvp. Once my small guild gets a full 8 pvp'ers we'll try to become the best on the server. but for now this is strictly for everyone to have fun together and to get some quick ranked comms. Maybe that isn't clear to everyone else on Pub side?





Junioir is preatty much right on. I think for most of us it is a chance to break into the ranked scene. There is more coordinatin than the average pvp match requires but so far the result has been posative. Something I hope for is that we see Guilds developing toons for future teams, and if we see an emerging guild team apear in a Kickball match *shrug* I for one am not going to leave the game... I could miss out on a good challenge ;) also I am working on a comunity site that has an option ($) for a 50 person mumble that would be very handy.

The biggest thing Iv taken away from this little endevor so far is how good our comunity really is, that's both Imps and Pubs. So dont count the Jedi side out.....if you remember right a few weeks ago all you read on these forums was "the Imps are terrible becuase of server transfers". Im not touting our greatness by any means, but we are moving in the right direction.:D

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Just as another suggestion, when picking teams I would also recommend breaking players off based on roles more than just "healers hit 1". Another problem could ensure where a team will end up with way more DPS than the other, and another could have too many tanks or something similar.


So, the group of players should also then be split up into DPS, tanks, and healers before people start picking for their teams. That way, we'll at least give people the complete chance to voice what they bring to the table in a WZ and the captains can try to balance out their teams based on what they want as best as they can. It doesn't seem like much now maybe (I haven't done ranked with the pugs since last Wednesday so I don't really know how successful it is atm lol), but if the kickball grows to something where everyone on the server plays in the matches at some point, it would be nice to start practicing that method of allowing people to label themselves as tanks, healers, or DPS especially if a majority of the people have never seen them before.

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I think it's important for everyone to realize this is for fun. This isn't true ranked pvp. Once my small guild gets a full 8 pvp'ers we'll try to become the best on the server. but for now this is strictly for everyone to have fun together and to get some quick ranked comms. Maybe that isn't clear to everyone else on Pub side?





I whole heartedly agree. I think the pub side should steal the healers press 1 and encourage more swaps if things are out of whack. We've only had two instances where the draft was really imbalanced, the majority has been really good.


Part of the issue is knowing who is good and who isn't, and we have a lot of people on the pub side - I'd say out of each time I did this we had maybe 4 of the same people. Good example is the sents, theres some in partisan/conq that aren't very good, and some who are still building basic partisan that outdo the partisan/conq people. We also have had I'd guesstimate, 10 people who have participated that bolstered for 1400 or less expertise. It's a rough call and go at it.


Sunday night was kinda a bad experience because of running into your team (we had a lot of very newbish or poorly bolstered people) and running into the premade from another guild taking advantage of us newbs. I hope nobody is basing the Pub Kickball experience solely on Sunday.


(BTW Great time murdering eachother in regs last night. Sorry a lot of us left you with the people in green and blue 35-50 non modded gear late last night.)

Edited by Maelael
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I(BTW Great time murdering eachother in regs last night. Sorry a lot of us left you with the people in green and blue 35-50 non modded gear late last night.)


Hey I was in Green and Blue stuff last night and I did okay. Alright so I was playing my new 55 Operative and kiting like a man possessed and still was posting 300-500k healing :). Supposed it helps that it isn't my first PVP.


I like the idea of this thread and maybe once in a while I will give junior a shout and pop in. Normally my time is taken up with helping guildies or running early dailies.


Have fun guys....

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Hey I was in Green and Blue stuff last night and I did okay. Alright so I was playing my new 55 Operative and kiting like a man possessed and still was posting 300-500k healing :). Supposed it helps that it isn't my first PVP.


I like the idea of this thread and maybe once in a while I will give junior a shout and pop in. Normally my time is taken up with helping guildies or running early dailies.


Have fun guys....


You missed the part about them being level 35-50 stuff. One Sent had a pair of unmodded level 40ish green weapons. I'm still wrapping my head around the Guardian with 1100 bolstered expertise.

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There's no need for sign ups! If you're an Imperial, just be online at 8:30 PST and scan the PvP chat for either my name or Junior's or someone typing "Forming for ranked!" :D


Is it still 8:30? Or is the time changing as well?

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Is it still 8:30? Or is the time changing as well?


I was hoping to maybe get a couple of teams going earlier for East Coast folks but since you all have this stuff down to a science I'll just be there at the usual time.

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4. I like to ask if anyone has a buddy they want to be sure to be in the same group with. I keep it to just 2 or 3 friends together. anything more is a pre-made like stated above.


From my understanding this rule was not followed by the previous ranked night. It didn't happen to myself but 2 friends of mine were on a team. They beat the opposing team and instead of being good sports about it the opposing team refused to que again until those individuals were off the team. Now I don't know about you guys but that is a complete turn off for players like myself who would love to do ranked regardless of what the teams are like.


I myself would like to try this out but if that is the type of feedback I'm going to get if I win a match then I'll probably stay clear of it.

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I myself would like to try this out but if that is the type of feedback I'm going to get if I win a match then I'll probably stay clear of it.


You're most likely going to get it even if the teams were entirely random, or perfectly balanced.


Some people are just whiners.

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