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Adding bowcasters again? Really?


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What gave you the idea to bring back bowcasters? Did people whine enough for you to give in and basically make recycled weapons?


You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


Well its over, because now everyone will have another chance to run around with bowcasters and now when you use a bowcaster people aren't going to wonder or ask you where you obtained it because they will automatically assume you got it from the new bounty hunting event.


"Oh you've been playing in this game since release, you got a bowcaster from one of those unique events? Well guess what, I've been playing for 2 weeks and I already have a bowcaster"


Why does Bioware want to destroy uniqueness in the game?


If you have UNIQUE EVENTS, you should keep the rewards UNIQUE. And let me guess, this new event will occur over and over and over?


And an ewok with a bowcaster? for real bioware? "What should we add to this bounty hunting event? Hmm i know, an Ewok! And uhhh...let him use a bowcaster! YAY! "


the chevin event was one of the shortest events in the game.


to be honest the best event ever was the rahkghoul event. that was the best fun ive ever had. im still keeping my dna samples hopeing they run it again. Halloween would be a great time to run it.

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They're not the same bowcasters. They have different names and different appearances. For whatever silly reason that you feel you need to have something that nobody else has to feel like a special snowflake, you still have it. I got my bowcasters from the Chevin event, let some new people get new bowcasters from another new event.


I agree 100%. I missed the Chevin event and there for my chance at a bowcaster; so I'm looking forward to this event. I have plans for the hat for my Smug, the pistols for my BH and the Bowcasters for my trooper and sniper.


However, I do agree with the first post; even though it was a little whiney. I feel that this event should NOT be a monthly thing running for a week at a time. That takes away from the unique nature of the event and the rep rewards. I mean, after you max rep, there's no need to run the missions anymore unless they are fun. Should be like the gree event; 1 or 2 times a year and that's it.


Those are just my opinions though. I'm looking forward to the bowcasters, even though the ones from the Chevin event do look far better than the new ones (so yes, I'm a little envious; but it's all good)

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Non-issue. I expect to see new versions of old things...because recycling has been a mainstay of MMO's forever.


Besides which, there is a good chance we will see the Chevin event again like we see the Gree and should be soon seeing the Rakghoul...

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State of the SWTOR forums everybody


Yeah, because telling everyone who might have joined after whatever event it was was long finished and gone that they can effectively get stuffed is a real huggy-bunch of nice, right?


As with every single gear oriented game, where your looks are decided by what you wear, not what you make at character creation (i.e. the majority versus a sadly minority group) then the only response on 'uniqueness' will have to be 'Get over it'.

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Since this event was announced to be a monthly event, I don't expect the items to be "unique". Since we were told that events would make a return, I don't expect those items to be unique either.


In fact, I don't expect anything to be unique considering as soon as 2 people have an item it ceases to be unique.


I expect rare, like the Czerka Crate-o-matic, but never unique.

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You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


If you have UNIQUE EVENTS, you should keep the rewards UNIQUE. And let me guess, this new event will occur over and over and over?


The one thing you overlook here is the fact that the majority of players don't actually care about what you did in game to get something or how unique you feel.


Welcome to the New Age.


The era of the Poopsocker is over. The days of the PKer have ended. The age of the "leetest" have passed. No one cares that you slogged 5 miles through rain and mud to get to school everyday. I know I don't - and I slogged that 5 miles too. I also don't care that there are these new fangled things called school buses that kids can take so they don't have to slog 5 miles through rain and mud like you and I did back in the "good ole days". I am just grateful that there are now more options for traveling and I still have my choice of which to take.


In fact, I don't expect anything to be unique considering as soon as 2 people have an item it ceases to be unique.


Holy *(yeah you know what I mean)* Batman! This guy has got to be the smartest person on the interwebs!

Edited by TravelersWay
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You want an entire class of weapon to be unique??


Variety is awesome. I was around for the Chevin event, but I don't feel like I want to punish everyone who wasn't. It lasted like 2 weeks, one time. Some people may have been on holiday or having a baby or something, I don't think missing a 2 week event is some bad thing people did and should exclude them from ever having a type of weapon.


BW never told you that was going to be a unique item in a one-off event, you decided that yourself. They'll probably bring Chevin back some time anyway.


No one deceived you. You just decided that you want to be better than everyone else. Newsflash: You're not.

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Yeah, because telling everyone who might have joined after whatever event it was was long finished and gone that they can effectively get stuffed is a real huggy-bunch of nice, right?


As with every single gear oriented game, where your looks are decided by what you wear, not what you make at character creation (i.e. the majority versus a sadly minority group) then the only response on 'uniqueness' will have to be 'Get over it'.


This is why companies will create more of a limited time promotional item, to ensure that even those who showed up at the store after the promotion can get one. OH wait....

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This game is for everyone and to deny new players cool stuff because they were not here before is not very kind


I wasn't born until late in 1964, so I was not around to purchase that new '57 Chevy. Let me go down to the Chevy dealer and have them whip me up a new one, since denying me one because I was not around at the time is not very kind.

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I wasn't born until late in 1964, so I was not around to purchase that new '57 Chevy. Let me go down to the Chevy dealer and have them whip me up a new one, since denying me one because I was not around at the time is not very kind.


Ah, but you can go down to a classic car dealer and still get one...


Edit: And no, I'm not chasing you around. I didn't see the poster until after I posted.


I don't think they should bring back the Chevin bowcasters unless they bring back the event, but that shouldn't preclude new bowcasters from coming out.

Edited by Grayseven
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What gave you the idea to bring back bowcasters? Did people whine enough for you to give in and basically make recycled weapons?


You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


Well its over, because now everyone will have another chance to run around with bowcasters and now when you use a bowcaster people aren't going to wonder or ask you where you obtained it because they will automatically assume you got it from the new bounty hunting event.


"Oh you've been playing in this game since release, you got a bowcaster from one of those unique events? Well guess what, I've been playing for 2 weeks and I already have a bowcaster"


Why does Bioware want to destroy uniqueness in the game?


If you have UNIQUE EVENTS, you should keep the rewards UNIQUE. And let me guess, this new event will occur over and over and over?


And an ewok with a bowcaster? for real bioware? "What should we add to this bounty hunting event? Hmm i know, an Ewok! And uhhh...let him use a bowcaster! YAY! "


I complitely agree. Everything is Cartel Market now, there is nothing you could actually earn that is unique exept some stupid titles like "Hair of Revan" (which could only be gained from the CC shop), yeah I mispelled that intentionaly. "Oh look, I'm a hair of Revan! Fear me for I have money!".


I have that title too btw so don't come ************ that I'm just jealous.

Edited by Beansoup
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Ah, but you can go down to a classic car dealer and still get one...


Edit: And no, I'm not chasing you around. I didn't see the poster until after I posted.


I don't think they should bring back the Chevin bowcasters unless they bring back the event, but that shouldn't preclude new bowcasters from coming out.


At the same time, I see no reason to bring items that are no longer available in game back just because some people were not here to obtain them. I say this as someone who has some "unique" items and did not acquire others. I do have several of the bowcasters from the chevin event, and the no longer obtainable hagnafarri pet. I did not acquire any of the korrealis speeders.


I did not get a set of the republic containment gear from the plague event, but I am not here asking that they re-introduce that armor so I can get it. I missed my chance. I accept that.

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So you're running around with a "unique item" and want everyone to notice.


But nobody does. What's a bowcaster, anyway? Why does it matter? When I'm in game I'm not looking at other players wondering if something they are carrying is unique. I barely notice them. They are either moving fast, or they are so small I can't make out any details. If you are carrying something "reahlly speshul!" few people would even know it. It's only special to you.


In fact, showing off can be detrimental. For example, I saw someone on the fleet the other day in a huge Star-Trek-looking speeder. The guy even came up to the VIP lounge and did a turn around there before poking his nose in the GTN kiosk. Yeah, it's true. I had never seen a speeder quite like that before, but my reaction to it was,


"What a creep!"


Bottom line is that your special things are special to you, but no one else really gives a crap that you have them.

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So you're running around with a "unique item" and want everyone to notice.


But nobody does. What's a bowcaster, anyway? Why does it matter? When I'm in game I'm not looking at other players wondering if something they are carrying is unique. I barely notice them. They are either moving fast, or they are so small I can't make out any details. If you are carrying something "reahlly speshul!" few people would even know it. It's only special to you.


In fact, showing off can be detrimental. For example, I saw someone on the fleet the other day in a huge Star-Trek-looking speeder. The guy even came up to the VIP lounge and did a turn around there before poking his nose in the GTN kiosk. Yeah, it's true. I had never seen a speeder quite like that before, but my reaction to it was,


"What a creep!"


Bottom line is that your special things are special to you, but no one else really gives a crap that you have them.


Personally, I do not care who has what item or how many people have the same things I have. I do, however, recognize, that other people DO care.


I also find it ironic that the people who want bowcasters make statements like "Bottom line is that your special things are special to you, but no one else really gives a crap that you have them". If those people weren't concerned so about someone else having virtual pixels they do not have, then no one would be worried about not having a bowcaster.

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