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petition for the ewok to be buyable via CC


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hk is buyable via CC, so why isnt the ewok?



admittedly, to get hk via legacy you need to do a quest, but that is bioware fault for not making us jumping some form of hoops to get the ewok


i get why bioware is doing this (you know, the cathar was once promise to be free to those of us who have a legacy that is lvl 40 plus, so i guess this is some token attempt to try to appease that fact), but come on....haven't that ship sailed already?



all im saying, that i (and i assume other ppl) would like to buy the ewok via CC like hk.



now time for me to put on my flame retardant shield for the inevitable "omg dont be:lazy.entitle (prefixes and suffixes),or etc" comment that is sure to come my way :rak_04:



seriously though, ewok for CC

Edited by astrobearx
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No thanks


I want to see more earned items and less cm items


Something not as tedious as hk but takes me across the galaxy doing things, basically get me to leave fleet every once in a while


Something that is soloable, but takes you to every planet (Excluding Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and the starter worlds) in the galaxy on a long and very fun quest chain would be awesome

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No. There aren't any Ewoks in-game because Ewoks won't even be discovered for several thousand years, duh.


It is hard to say when Ewoks were discovered. 3P0 was able to speak a dialect of their language. That means that at some point in galactic history, they were met and known and their language was preserved for Protocol Droids.

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It is hard to say when Ewoks were discovered. 3P0 was able to speak a dialect of their language. That means that at some point in galactic history, they were met and known and their language was preserved for Protocol Droids.


According to Wookiepedia, Ewoks were known about during the Rise of the Empire period (The timespan between the two movie trilogies) but it doesn't say much more than that.


But this is the expanded universe. It's constantly evolving. Bioware could add a storyline that becomes canon in future games, books and maybe even movies. Who knows.

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But if you REALLY want to pay CC for the Ewok....buy some armor or packs with "bought" CC, sell on GTN, take credits and buy Ewok........


that is a good idea to get credit....except for the fact i need to get the legacy lvl 40 to get the ewok ! :rolleyes:


i know it is form for everyone to go


again, ewok for CC

Edited by astrobearx
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are you certain that you wont be able to buy it with CC? i'm pretty sure its possible that when it goes live you'll be able to.


nope, you can only get it via the new cartel bazaar. which require you to have 1 million credits AND legacy lvl 40

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are you certain that you wont be able to buy it with CC? i'm pretty sure its possible that when it goes live you'll be able to.


Well, that guy is attempting this petition in the PTS forum as well. This thread shouldn't be here...... But he's posting because currently in the Legacy Tabs where you pick up HK etc, the little furball is right underhim. However, you can only purchase him with 1 million credits and no other method is made available.

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that is a good idea to get credit....except for the fact i need to get the legacy lvl 40 ! :rolleyes:




again, ewok for CC


So let me get this straight. You're not legacy 40 so you're petitioning to go around the stipulation and just get the ewok?


No. Go do some quests/raids and earn the furball. The community has already stood up against the Pay2Win bs with the Space pack bundles that hit the market awhile back. If you don't think a companion is pay2win... you're already mistaken since it's pretty well geared, way more then your current companion probably is.

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So let me get this straight. You're not legacy 40 so you're petitioning to go around the stipulation and just get the ewok?


No. Go do some quests/raids and earn the furball. The community has already stood up against the Pay2Win bs with the Space pack bundles that hit the market awhile back. If you don't think a companion is pay2win... you're already mistaken since it's pretty well geared, way more then your current companion probably is.


by this definition, HK is also p2w. as you can unlock via CC for 350 and hk is geared to the balls


a post from the PTS



there is nothing p2w about this.at best , its as ppl say "pay 2 speed"

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To all those crying about the Legacy 40 requirement. As someone who has a high Legacy level and has had very little to show for it, kudos to BW for giving something special to the veterans that have been loyal to the game.
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I think that this is meant to be mainly for subscribers. Hence the Legacy Level requirement and high price.


i realized that, but come on...legacy 40? i have been playing since november when f2p launch and i only recently just got to legacy 25.



8 months of daily gameplay = legacy 25



COME ON....it would take me to the end of the year to get to legacy 40

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by this definition, HK is also p2w. as you can unlock via CC for 350 and hk is geared to the balls


a post from the PTS



there is nothing p2w about this.at best , its as ppl say "pay 2 speed"


but hk would be better in a fight with a butterknife than the gear he has if you are below 50

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To all those crying about the Legacy 40 requirement. As someone who has a high Legacy level and has had very little to show for it, kudos to BW for giving something special to the veterans that have been loyal to the game.


ok sure,kudos to you for being here for a long time and tbh it should be available for points for you;however, as i stated above, i join in november and only now have a legacy 25.this isnt my fault that my legacy it still 15 lvls below the requirement.i login in everyday since november and leveled my toons only to achieve legacy 25.at eh current rate,im looking towards the end of the year to just get my favorite species in star wars (it really is my favorite). im not being lazy here im not asking to cheapen your achievement , all im trying to say is that the ewok should be able to be unlock via CC. double the price that hk CC price is as a penalty or something;just offer the choice though



ewok for CC

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but hk would be better in a fight with a butterknife than the gear he has if you are below 50


well we havent seen the ewok in action yet, so no comment there. my point though, that HK can be brough with full purple gear at lvl 1. the ewok should be no different.



hell, bioware could just strip the gear of the ewok if (s)he is brought CC. there...that is a penalty that the guys with legacy 40 can have over those who brought it via CC

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