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Does the Republic/Empire factions take place in the same realm/universe?


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It may be a silly question but one that has been bothering me fore a while. Long story short, do the stories of the Empire/Republic take place in the same universe or more like a parallel universe? I would like to believe that they take place in the same realm but there are plenty of faction story points that just contradict one another. On planets like Nar Shaddaa the Republic and Empire both have victories in the world arc as well as the Bonus Series arcs. The Republic's victory does not overshadow or contradict the Empire's victory on that planet and vice-versa. However, then you get to planets such as Balmorra and Taris where the Empire's victory on those planets contradicts the the Republic's victory and so on. This is true on various other planets as well. Then you have the whole issue of Revan and how that plays out on the Republic side vs the Empire side which again, contradicts each other.


So is it safe to say that these arcs takes place in a parallel universe/realm where in one realm, the Republic is victorious while in the other the Empire is? Or do they take place in the same realm?


As for a side question, does the Cartel Market XP boost stack with the Double XP? I've asked this many times in General chat and got two different answers. What about rested XP? Next, does Double XP/XP Boost go with Legacy XP as well?


Thanks, and enjoy the game :)

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Republic and Imperial questlines take place at the same time, though their placement tends to be bit tricky to decipher. There is no such thing as a multiverse. Only thing that doesn't work, I'll admit, is Flashpoints like The False Emperor. There is no canon resolution for things like that.


Cartel Market Boosts (both the timed stim and the individual character perks you can buy off your Legacy tab) do stack with the Double XP event. During a Double XP event, there is no such thing as Rested XP. Rested XP only grants twice the amount of XP from killing enemies, whereas the Double XP event grants you two times the experience from any activities: killing enemies, quest rewards, exploring planets etc. During Double XP weekends, your state of restedness is not affected whatsoever. And yes, you also gain twice the amount of Legacy XP.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Republic and Imperial questlines take place at the same time, though their placement tends to be bit tricky to decipher. There is no such thing as a multiverse. Only thing that doesn't work, I'll admit, is Flashpoints like The False Emperor. There is no canon resolution for things like that.


Cartel Market Boosts (both the timed stim and the individual character perks you can buy off your Legacy tab) do stack with the Double XP event. During a Double XP event, there is no such thing as Rested XP. Rested XP only grants twice the amount of XP from killing enemies, whereas the Double XP event grants you two times the experience from any activities: killing enemies, quest rewards, exploring planets etc. During Double XP weekends, your state of restedness is not affected whatsoever. And yes, you also gain twice the amount of Legacy XP.


Well if Republic and Imperial story takes place at the same time in the same "realm" then how do you explain situations like Balmorra and Taris where the outcome of one faction contradicts that of the other faction? What about Tattooine where the the outcome is virtually the same (boss wise) so you would have on one end a Jedi Consular taking out the boss while on the other end, an Imperial Agent taking down the same dude. So which one really happened? This is what is confusing me.


On places like Nar Shaddaa it is okay because each faction has a TOTALLY different arc so the Republic arc victory wouldn't contradict the Empire victory on Nar Shaddaa, same goes for it's bonus series.

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Taris and Balmorra are easy to explain, because they take place during different times in the timeline. Republic Taris and Imperial Balmorra take place in the first year of the game (Chapter 1), Republic Balmorra and Imperial Taris (Chapter 2) a year later.


As for Tatooine and the Imprisoned One, well, that's one of those instances where it gets dicey because it's the same boss. Like with the Flashpoints, you can't go out and say "That version is the canonical one!" (yet). Aside from a few key factors, there is no such thing as canonity in this game since the whole point of the game is to make you feel like this is your story and not anyone else's.

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Think of each class's storylines per faction as the way lord of the rings is told, you have multiple stories going on at once.


And yes, some planets like balmorra do take place in separate times as can be seen based on the structures that are built or are not built yet depending on which faction you play

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Well if Republic and Imperial story takes place at the same time in the same "realm" then how do you explain situations like Balmorra and Taris where the outcome of one faction contradicts that of the other faction? What about Tattooine where the the outcome is virtually the same (boss wise) so you would have on one end a Jedi Consular taking out the boss while on the other end, an Imperial Agent taking down the same dude. So which one really happened? This is what is confusing me.


On places like Nar Shaddaa it is okay because each faction has a TOTALLY different arc so the Republic arc victory wouldn't contradict the Empire victory on Nar Shaddaa, same goes for it's bonus series.


Balmorra and Taris happen at totally different times depending on sides. Imp Balmorra happens roughly when Rep Taris happens and vice versa. Tatooine makes no sense whatsoever, however, because no matter what you do, imprisoned one is either taken away or destroyed.


In the end, Balmorra is taken by Reps. Taris by Imps. Corellia by Reps. Voss is unclear, but they do have different "end bosses". Alderaan, like Tatooine makes no sense but there's evidence that Reps win it because the Consular class story happens when they are discussing peace, meaning that Boris has already been disposed of but it's completely unclear. Reps win Quesh (as you can kill the dude you do quests for on the imp side, so imp side must happen before rep quest even starts). Ilum is sorta hazy, it should happen at the same time but that makes no sense either if you pay attention so don't know.


In the end, it's very hard to sort it all out as it seems the devs didn't really think the planetary quests out very well. The Empire is losing ground everywhere though, so it's safe to assume most rep planetary stories happen after the imp ones in a chronological sense.

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Balmorra and Taris happen at totally different times depending on sides. Imp Balmorra happens roughly when Rep Taris happens and vice versa. Tatooine makes no sense whatsoever, however, because no matter what you do, imprisoned one is either taken away or destroyed.


In the end, Balmorra is taken by Reps. Taris by Imps. Corellia by Reps. Voss is unclear, but they do have different "end bosses". Alderaan, like Tatooine makes no sense but there's evidence that Reps win it because the Consular class story happens when they are discussing peace, meaning that Boris has already been disposed of but it's completely unclear. Reps win Quesh (as you can kill the dude you do quests for on the imp side, so imp side must happen before rep quest even starts). Ilum is sorta hazy, it should happen at the same time but that makes no sense either if you pay attention so don't know.


In the end, it's very hard to sort it all out as it seems the devs didn't really think the planetary quests out very well. The Empire is losing ground everywhere though, so it's safe to assume most rep planetary stories happen after the imp ones in a chronological sense.


That's not exactly accurate, unless you take away player choice, since imperials have the option to kill...


Broga, The Hutt.

And he plays a major role, republic side. If there's one where they've made things really complicated, it's Quesh.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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However, then you get to planets such as Balmorra and Taris where the Empire's victory on those planets contradicts the the Republic's victory and so on. This is true on various other planets as well. Then you have the whole issue of Revan and how that plays out on the Republic side vs the Empire side which again, contradicts each other.


So is it safe to say that these arcs takes place in a parallel universe/realm where in one realm, the Republic is victorious while in the other the Empire is? Or do they take place in the same realm?


As for a side question, does the Cartel Market XP boost stack with the Double XP? I've asked this many times in General chat and got two different answers. What about rested XP? Next, does Double XP/XP Boost go with Legacy XP as well?


Thanks, and enjoy the game :)



Balmorra and Taris actually have a timeline.


Imps get to Balmorra first, fight rebels with some unofficial republic aid, Imps win and build up the area. Rep side of it is later and you can tell because the places that you fight in on the Imp side are more built up on the Rep side. Look at the area right outside Sobrik base on imp side, you will see that it is just a bunch of ruins. On Rep side there are walls, barricades and some extra stuff in that same area.


Same thing for Taris but reversed...Rep get there first have to deal with Rakghouls and a minor imperial presence. Later on Imps are back in force and you even take the fight right to the spaceport. That spaceport where you have your final battle for imperial side? thats the same spaceport that you arrive in on Rep side. Some of the NPCs that you did quests for on the rep side, you will actually end up seeing as prisoners on the Imp side. The agent storyline has you meeting up with a doctor that you did a quest for on republic side.


Now as far as stuff like Nar Shadaa, Hoth, Voss and Corellia. They could have traded off wins and losses...meaning Imp could have won Nar Shadaa, Rep wins Hoth, Imps win Voss and Rep wins Corellia. But then that means that as you level on all those worlds, despite your efforts you will win some and you will lose some. So instead they chose to go with each faction winning when they get to a planet. Rep goes to Hoth you do your stuff and you win, Imp goes to Hoth does their stuff and they win too.

Edited by swtonewbie
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