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Remove vote kick


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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play
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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play


Sorry but this feature should NOT be removed. You need decent gear to do flashpoints. Maybe he should either buy the unlock or not do (which I am assuming he is) doing HM flashpoints.


The vote kick is there 2 get rid of 2 types of players:


1. People who do not have the NECESSARY gear to finish the flashpoint.

2. People who do stupid things/do not know how to play their class

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Here's a better solution. Do your "friend" a solid and treat him to an equipment authorization unlock.


Surely you can afford to buy your friend one if they are actually your friend. ;)


good idea


but my argument stands if they are going to restrict people with some stuff that was implemented pre F2P it needs to go


as for the other reply my point still stands if your not happy their is an exit area button to use , no need to humiliate someone

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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play


You're mixing things. Someone doing a hardmode flashpoint with lvl 50 blues at best is someone with inadequate gear. Period.


Reasons as to why someone has nothing but blues stuff are another matter and they have nothing to do with vote kick being abused (which seems to be the implication here )


Ask to remove the restriction on purple gear for "freepers" and I'll sign it.

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good idea


but my argument stands if they are going to restrict people with some stuff that was implemented pre F2P it needs to go


as for the other reply my point still stands if your not happy their is an exit area button to use , no need to humiliate someone


To the contrary, I would rather be kicked for gear reasons than for l2p reasons. I don't think there is anything humiliating about being kicked for having crappy gear. In the past, I've had no problem letting people know when their gear isn't sufficient, and most people have no trouble accepting this. But the fact of that matter is that unless the rest of the group outgears the content, level 50 blues are not sufficient for HM FP's for MOST players. Your friend should not be queuing for these FP's until he gets himself the artifact equipment auth, or subs. Simple as that.

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but my argument stands


No actually it doesn't. Vote Kick is an important feature and if you or someone else is repeatedly being vote kicked it's because they are doing something wrong. If he's going into HM flashpoints with the wrong gear level he deserves to be kicked. He needs to, as has been said, either buy the unlock or not run the HM. The game won't be remade because your friend won't play correctly, sorry.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Sorry but this feature should NOT be removed. You need decent gear to do flashpoints. Maybe he should either buy the unlock or not do (which I am assuming he is) doing HM flashpoints.


The vote kick is there 2 get rid of 2 types of players:


1. People who do not have the NECESSARY gear to finish the flashpoint.

2. People who do stupid things/do not know how to play their class


I understand your point and I agree with you. I would not remove the Vote Kick. BUT! Allowing players to kick people is also assuming the risk that dumb players will have fun kicking others for almost no reason. For example : Kick the guy at the first mistake he makes.

Edited by Deamonition
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good idea


but my argument stands if they are going to restrict people with some stuff that was implemented pre F2P it needs to go


as for the other reply my point still stands if your not happy their is an exit area button to use , no need to humiliate someone


We have very little detail about which flashpoints he is running. If he is doing HM, him being in there will RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE. He deserves to be kicked. Sorry. The group finder very clearly tells you the minimum gear. Unfortunately it does not block you from entering.

There is a gear requirement for a reason. The 3 other people should not have to leave because someone, for whatever reason it may be, does not have the necessary gear.


Needing the right gear is a simple fact for MMO's. He is F2P, bioware provides a one time fee way to be able to get the gear you need. If he does not want to do that, than I feel absolutely no sympathy.


Regardless of the reason for not having certain gear, 1 person should not be able to ruin the run for everyone else in it. No "but I am f2p", or "I don't have the time" or whatever. I don't care what the reason it.

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I understand your point and I agree without. I would not remove the Vote Kick. BUT! Allowing players to kick people is also assuming the risk that dumb players will have fun kicking others for almost no reason. For example : Kick the guy at the first mistake he makes.


That happens and is unavoidable. But that is also a completely different story. That sucks and I wish there was a solution but I honestly can't think of one.

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I understand your point and I agree without. I would not remove the Vote Kick. BUT! Allowing players to kick people is also assuming the risk that dumb players will have fun kicking others for almost no reason. For example : Kick the guy at the first mistake he makes.


That happens, but it's far from the norm. When someone is repeatedly kicked that should be their wake up call that they are the problem. Getting kicked once because someone was a jerk happens, but not enough for a thread like this to pop-up or to remove the feature.

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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play


Please, come back here when someone nicks away precious equipment you could've used , while the other guy is gonna sell it at a vendor most likely. :)

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I actually have to agree with the OP, as f2p you can do the content but cant wear the rewards. You are limited on the number of rolls per week, so if you win 1, you cant wear it, why bother with all the redtape?


This is where the incentive to either sub or buy the corresponding unlock comes into play. Why should subscribers lose another tool to people too cheap to pay for the game?


And if your friend is repeatedly kicked from groups, there are bigger reasons than that he is F2P.

Edited by TheBBP
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im sorry guys but vote kick was implemented before f2p gear restrictions where put in and needs to be amended or removed so that people can enjoy content without getting removed simply because some guy feels hes not up to scratch . and i will say it again YOU have the option to hit EXIT AREA if your not happy .
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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play


How is this group finding out he is free to play? A players subscription status is unknown to people.

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Needing the right gear is a simple fact for MMO's. He is F2P, bioware provides a one time fee way to be able to get the gear you need. If he does not want to do that, than I feel absolutely no sympathy.


This. F2P is NOT intended to be a permanent free-to-play option. F2P is intended to be an extended trial. That is all. There will be some things free players cannot do and other things the community does not wish them to do.


Removing votekick will force players to remain grouped with poor players, afk leeches and severely undergeared players (have the skills, but not the gear). There is no beneficial reason for Bioware to remove an option that benefits it's paying playerbase to please the free players that they want to sub. If anything, Bioware would WANT this annoyance in place to encourage that player to sub.


Stop thinking like an over-entitled player and start thinking like a businessperson.

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good idea

but my argument stands if they are going to restrict people with some stuff that was implemented pre F2P it needs to go. as for the other reply my point still stands if your not happy their is an exit area button to use , no need to humiliate someone

F2P is riddled with restrictions. We're now getting 5 levels higher. It would be like Raiding in WoW with someone who never bought Cataclysm or Mists. Sorry to hear about the issue, but it is more of a personal issue than a design flaw.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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How is this group finding out he is free to play? A players subscription status is unknown to people.


The player who lags behind everyone else due to lack of sprint is an easy tell.

Edited by TheBBP
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im sorry guys but vote kick was implemented before f2p gear restrictions where put in and needs to be amended or removed so that people can enjoy content without getting removed simply because some guy feels hes not up to scratch . and i will say it again YOU have the option to hit EXIT AREA if your not happy .


I am going to say this as politely as I can so here goes...


There is a gear recommendation level for a reason. This game is gear based FIRST and skill based second. If the player does not meet the minimum requirements to gear then the group has every right who are geared to make the decision to carry him, or drop him.

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Friend of mine is repeatedly kicked from flashpoints because he is a F2P player. and because of restrictions. he can only equip level 50 blue mods . After all if anyone is not happy they have the option to leave without humiliating the guy with a game mechanic that promotes bad feelings and not enjoyable play


There is no way to know if you are a f2p player or not unless you tell people. So being f2p is not why your friend is being kicked.

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im sorry guys but vote kick was implemented before f2p gear restrictions where put in and needs to be amended or removed so that people can enjoy content without getting removed simply because some guy feels hes not up to scratch . and i will say it again YOU have the option to hit EXIT AREA if your not happy .


You also have the option to kick the player and that won't change. :p

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im sorry guys but vote kick was implemented before f2p gear restrictions where put in and needs to be amended or removed so that people can enjoy content without getting removed simply because some guy feels hes not up to scratch . and i will say it again YOU have the option to hit EXIT AREA if your not happy .


yes we have the option. But because we have the necessary gear, we are now forced to potentially wait 15 minutes before we can queue gain.

If vote kick was not there. Everyone would keep leaving until he gets in a group with all f2p. And guess what. THEY WILL NEVER FINISH TEH FLASHPOINT because they are under geared.


I don't care when it was implemented. The purpose of it still remains, get rid of people who are UNABLE to do the flashpoint, regardless of the reasons. F2P is not meant to be perm free. Bioware wants you to spend money in some way. It is moronic to assume that you can play this game with no problems without giving them money.

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