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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It... urks me.


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It orks me when people correct the "urk" spelling of "irk".


People who correct online spelling are about 2 steps below "typing L2P Baddie" as that is at least related to the post, and about equal to a postal worker saying "next window please".


I would rather see a direct insult instead of passive aggressive innuendo.


Had to get that off my chest.

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... says the person who lacks capitalization and punctuation in all his posts. lol. Glass houses, bud. :p


I suppose I could type in perfect English as is common among the gentry elite, but alas sir, I careth not, and beseech you, sir, to forgive my failings and look past my laziness to the true meaning of my words. This thing I ask of you.

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People who correct online spelling are about 2 steps below "typing L2P Baddie" as that is at least related to the post, and about equal to a postal worker saying "next window please".


I would rather see a direct insult instead of passive aggressive innuendo.


Had to get that off my chest.



Edited by OldSpiceSwag
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Zer vill be no fighting in zis thread! Zat must be reserved for ze battlefield! Calm zyself, and cheel out vith ze corrections of ze grammar before I vip out ze eensults about ze voman who birthed youuuuu. mmyeesss

Reading this made my brain hurt (early morning), but I chuckled nonetheless.

People who correct online spelling are about 2 steps below "typing L2P Baddie" as that is at least related to the post, and about equal to a postal worker saying "next window please".


I would rather see a direct insult instead of passive aggressive innuendo.


Had to get that off my chest.

I think you're looking a little too deep into it. And take it a little too personal. The grammar warrior doesn't hate you personally, they hate how you mangle their great language. Once you start writing properly, the hate is suddenly gone and they switch to another target.

Edited by Helig
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