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Combat Logs are coming! Damage meters & analysis soon to follow!


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People just dont want damage meters so they can still raid in ops even if they are complete **** at this game. I dont understand how people can be so against damage meters? Like if you are attempting a boss for hours on end and cant meet the dps check. How the hell are you going to figure out which player is holding you back with out a meter? I just dont understand people. World of logs is out there for a reason so one can maximize the efficiency of the raid. Why would people want to settle for a second rate raid instead of a top tier raid?
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Keep the data and combat logs account specific and I'm okay with it.


In other words, only I can see my damage in and out, make my data invisible to others. Not interested in some 12 yo screaming at me because my DPS is 1.2093287450293846502398465019347520983475893333124365 too low.

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Keep the data and combat logs account specific and I'm okay with it.


In other words, only I can see my damage in and out, make my data invisible to others. Not interested in some 12 yo screaming at me because my DPS is 1.2093287450293846502398465019347520983475893333124365 too low.


Baddie detected

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Keep the data and combat logs account specific and I'm okay with it.


In other words, only I can see my damage in and out, make my data invisible to others. Not interested in some 12 yo screaming at me because my DPS is 1.2093287450293846502398465019347520983475893333124365 too low.


This is exactly why I want damage meters, to see who is slacking. And of course to max my own damage.

Edited by Ripebear
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If you aren't bad you don't have to worry about damage meters.


Riiight. I have had a jerk call me out for doing little damage. he wanted me kicked...until someone pointed out I was on a priest doing the healing. I just stopped healing him after that. There are always people trying to use this kind of data to foster a sense of superiority....in a game.

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You can keep your damage meters and combat logs.


Damage meters? I don't really need them, but I understand why people do.


But combat logs? That is usefu. If i get spanked in some boss encounter and don't know what killed me, I definitely do prefer having the ability to look back over the combat log to figure out where the damage was coming from.

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The only reason why I can see them blocking the combat log for this game right now is to hide the very good probability that half their talents aren't really doing anything. Gotta iron out dupe exploits, performance issues first before they can tackle messed up talent trees.
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The only reason why I can see them blocking the combat log for this game right now is to hide the very good probability that half their talents aren't really doing anything. Gotta iron out dupe exploits, performance issues first before they can tackle messed up talent trees.


That and probable high variance in damage/heal/mitigation between classes.

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I could care less about a damage meeter but a combat log would be a nice addition. Especially in PVP I often wonder what attacks the oponent use against me and for how much damage they hit me for.

Additionally I would like to see actual text for my own damage aswell and i dont always notice the flying combat text. Just a simple x skill does x dmg to x mob. for each of my attacks. Most if not all mmo's have this. Damage meter on the other hand would be nice but I dont think its needed. just add the log and the min maxers will figure out how to parse the data themself.

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Cool, OP you and all the other kiddies that need that sort of thing to win can have it. Me and my guildies will still do it the real way, through superior gameplay and experience.


Dont get me wrong, I've used them to gauge damage and such to check for bugs and inconsitincies in abilities, but never would I use them as George Z. or people like you suggest.


No parser can track a player's worth and ability. Such tools are shallow and ruin good communities and should only be usable for solo play.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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Cool, OP you and all the other kiddies that need that sort of thing to win can have it. Me and my guildies will still do it the real way, through superior gameplay and experience.


Dont get me wrong, I've used them to gauge damage and such to check for bugs and inconsitincies in abilities, but never would I use them as George Z. or people like you suggest.


No parser can track a player's worth and ability. Such tools are shallow and ruin good communities and should only be usable for solo play.


Unlucky. Because we're getting them. Now stop crying

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The only reason why I can see them blocking the combat log for this game right now is to hide the very good probability that half their talents aren't really doing anything. Gotta iron out dupe exploits, performance issues first before they can tackle messed up talent trees.


that's possible. though the more likely reason is that there are just bugs in the engine that routes the log to the chat channels so they've kept it hidden until they fix them.

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Seeing all the chat problems they've had, it might be possibility. But the thing is that the combat log is a log. An actual file that is generated inside your installation directory. It doesn't really need to be routed to the in game interface for it to do its job. If they really wanted to give us a log, they could have done it on day one (as they need the parser to actually test their classes). So we can only assume that they dont want us to see something thats only apparent when the log is enabled. Edited by Caonimah
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lol people who don't like damage meters or any meters that measure metrics in a fight are the nubs that can't be competitive. L2P Nubs.




I know that you people who are obsessed with efficiency, speed and all of that are probably not going to get this, but ... it's a game. Something played for fun.


If I have someone in my raid who has never done it before and is making some mistakes, I can carry them, and probably not even notice. If the ONLY use of these meters was to identify people and actually help them so they could enjoy the game more, no one would have a problem with these tools.


But you have posts like the one from the person above. This posting is all I need to know about how most people who support this think.


They aren't playing the game to have fun, they are playing it for massive epeen, and without these sort of things they can't feel superior to others, or belittle another person's playstyle.


I honestly have no use for people who are more concerned about DPS output than enjoyment of a game. It's something I do when I get off work to relax, it's not a second job. And the more you clowns cry about how terribad some people are and work yourself harder in the game than you do at your job, the harder I'll laugh.


Finally, with this level of analysis, and prep, and details of all the minutua, you still don't get why old school MMO vets who never had these things and raided laugh at you and your silly meters?


There's nothing to brag about in beating a raid you have analyzed down to the most minute factor and created specific cookie cutter builds to beat. You're not doing anything at all, just following some instructions. You could LITERALLY be replaced with bots by that point. There is no skill, no daring, no fun, just grinding.


If that is your cup of tea, then I wish you enjoyment!

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I like meters for character betterment, nothing more. Spamming sets of attacks is great fun. But to me, not knowing which series of attacks hits the hardest takes away from my fun. I like to know how I'm doing. Not out of any 'leet need, or group analysis. Just me, even solo'ing.


So I'd like to see them added.

Edited by Spynnal
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Just to actually learn to raid and handle an encounter most people can benefit greatly from performance logs, feedback and leadership. Just like in any other group endavour.


Some people harrass good players having a bad day, and those I don't raid with more than once. But just because some people abuse a performance log doesn't mean everyone will, nor does it mean that it shouldn't be in the game. Logs help take the guesswork out of things and allows you to evaluate performance more scientifically.


Personally I think that if you show up to a raid without wanting to do your best, and learn the encounter properly, you should either make sure you go with like-minded people or just stick with chat rooms or single player games because you will end up slowing the rest of the group.

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Cool, OP you and all the other kiddies that need that sort of thing to win can have it. Me and my guildies will still do it the real way, through superior gameplay and experience. .


I like to use it to help myself improve and gauge the healing i'm doing. How does a combat long help you win, i think i missed something.

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I don't think I've ever, ever heard of a guild that requires any mod. Raid teams, yes, guilds? No.


I haven't either, but I lol at the one's that have the 6page online application, interviews, and screening process. I already have a job, thank you. I play games to enjoy myself.

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You know, your car doesn't need a speedometer for you to be an excellent driver. But I don't know many people who don't glance up now and again, just to check their pace. Kinda feel the same way about meters. Not much more than a self-check on pacing, but something a lot of folks like to have available.
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