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Combat Logs are coming! Damage meters & analysis soon to follow!


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Let all the whining end! It is over, we're getting combat logs and with that, the ability to parse and analyze the data.


Source: http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcasts/fan_sum_02_qa_georg_zoeller.mp3


EDIT: Dropbox suspended my public links because you guys downloaded that file too much. lol




Interviewer: So we talk about analytics and what you guys do on the developer side. Players like to do their own analytics and how to improve their characters. What tools int he game help you do that? Will you be able to export a combat log or anything like that?


Georg Zoeller: Not at this point, but it's something very high on our priority list


Interviewer: What's the pro and con of having something like that in? What's your approach to players min-maxing?


Georg Zoeller: I have no problem with players min-maxing. I'm min-maxing myself. We do have pretty good... the tooltips are pretty good. The information on the items I think is pretty good. We're right now lacking a bit is in the evaluating your performance or your group's performance. Umm what I can tell you is there's no conspiracy where we're like we're hiding this so people aren't discriminating against other players. If you want to, you know, run a very competitive operations group and you wanna improve, having this data is certainly interesting. Umm and we're not against it, it's just right now not in. Will it make it in for launch? We don't know at this point but it's very high priority.

Edited by ironix
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You can keep your damage meters and combat logs.


Personally i do like performance meters :(

But aswell been plaing MMO's since 2000 and i have seen the community go from

Only idiots would pay 2 play and do it badly ........................to yes we know you are an idiot lets all be friends and let all bad things like performance go under the rug....................


After that GS and **** happened in WoW

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Oh look another thread about this. It'll go the same way.


I'll just leave the same question here as the other.


Why are you afraid of metric evaluation tools?


Are you talking to me? The OP? Cause if you are, I think perhaps you misunderstand my intent. I'm happy! We're getting a combat log! I'm looking forward to having evaluation tools up the yin-yang.

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Why don't they just have some servers with the combat logs enabled and some servers without? Then people can play how they want with other people who want to play the same way.


Hahahaha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

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Hopefully, the combat log will only show your data, so you can only see your own dps. Personal parsers are beneficial tools. Group meters, do more harm than good.


You are fighting a boss for 2 hours, and someone keeps killing the wrong thing, but you aren't sure who's doing it because it's a 16 person op group and it's chaos. What do you do? In your world, you quit trying because you don't know who's failing. In my world, I check the log and see who killed the wrong thing, and tell them to stop or remove them from the group. Are you worried that you'll be that guy or what? It's not fair to the other 15 people who have no idea who's doing the totally wrong thing.

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I've never understood the aversion to more information. Analytics is the key to improvement.


My guild is just a bunch of friends, and we don't look at things like damage meters and get on people for not being as good as others. We merely use them because some of us like to know how much more damage we'll do if we spec X skill versus Y skill, or in the case of say Jedi Sentinel, which skill tree would be the best DPS for raiding.


More information is ALWAYS a good thing. How it's used is another story, but that's about the person behind the screen, not the information.


Further, a combat log lets you get more information on the enemies you're fighting. Case in point: We were doing Mandalorian Raiders yesterday. The fight can be kind of tough if you don't have a healer who is specced for it. A combat log would make it very easy to look at the log to see which of the guys should be killed first, second, third, and fourth based on their damage dealt. Without it you're pretty much playing guesswork.

Edited by Ashmadai
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You are fighting a boss for 2 hours, and someone keeps killing the wrong thing, but you aren't sure who's doing it because it's a 16 person op group and it's chaos. What do you do? In your world, you quit trying because you don't know who's failing. In my world, I check the log and see who killed the wrong thing, and tell them to stop or remove them from the group. Are you worried that you'll be that guy or what? It's not fair to the other 15 people who have no idea who's doing the totally wrong thing.


Believe it or not. Some of us played, and succeeded in MMORPGs before combat meters. There are games with no combat meters now, and people are able to succeed in those as well.


This is not WoW. We don't need Chuck Norris here.

Edited by Brad-
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Believe it or not. Some of us played, and succeeded in MMORPGs before combat meters. There are games with no combat meters now, and people are able to succeed in those as well.


This is not WoW. We don't need Chuck Norris here.


You are forgetting that a combat log can do a lot of good for players as a whole. For starters it lets you analyze data so you can develop an accurate explanation of the combat table. A working knowledge of the combat table lets your tanks know how to gear better to make your healers job easier.


A combat log parse will also let you know where you damage is really coming from. Some attacks hit really hard, but have long CDs while other are used more frequently for smaller amounts. Without a combat log to parse you cannot get an accurate assessment of the damage breakdown. Knowing the damage split you can start tailoring your gear to maximize your damage. This can also filter down to talent choices as well.


You are right this isn't WoW, but that isn't justification to exclude things just because they are present in WoW. WoW does a lot of things wrong, but it does quite a few right. Giving players a large amount of information was one of the things it did right.

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Believe it or not. Some of us played, and succeeded in MMORPGs before combat meters. There are games with no combat meters now, and people are able to succeed in those as well.


This is not WoW. We don't need Chuck Norris here.


Illusion of succeeding =! succeeding

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Every MMO I've played or tested has had a combat log. This is needed to help you figure out what's going on. I was actually surprised not to see combat text when I started beta.


As for DPS meters, I really don't care if they make one. But it definitely wouldn't hurt.

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