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whats the state of PvP in jung ma?


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Interestingly enough, we had more peeps in Imp Fleet yesterday than we have had since the Server Merges. I don't think people are transferring here, but there were a lot of peeps on for some reason. Maybe the update?


People ARE xfering here. I've been seeing in general over the last two days lots of "Hey guys, just xfered here from xxx"


People are leaving too, but we are getting new blood

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People ARE xfering here. I've been seeing in general over the last two days lots of "Hey guys, just xfered here from xxx"


People are leaving too, but we are getting new blood


Numbers are up some and I've been getting faster q pops both wz and fp

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Good imps transferred in, good pubs transferred out. I would say pubs are the underdog now in PvP on this server. Funny how people think grass is always greener on the other side. Had the good pubs stayed, there would have been great and balanced competition.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I transferred my main OFF of Jung Ma because it's always dead! Part of that reason is because when they moved us Ajunta Pal people to here we are West coast and this server is east coast. So I would log on at 7pm and there would be 65 people in fleet. Take forever for WZ queues to pop...could NEVER get an instance queue to pop...SO much happier now that I'm off this dead server...WZ queues pop quickly...always at least 2 instances of fleet 150+ peeps...it's nice to PLAY with people again!
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Good imps transferred in, good pubs transferred out. I would say pubs are the underdog now in PvP on this server. Funny how people think grass is always greener on the other side. Had the good pubs stayed, there would have been great and balanced competition.


Yep I'm one of those good pubs you mentioned who transferred off! :D

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Played on JM off and on during the last week and the State of PvP is not looking good. Rated WZs only seem to happen once a week now, so there is no Rated at all on a nightly basis. And when they do happen, there have only been 3 teams queuing.


Yesterday afternoon (12p PST), the 30-54 Lowbie WZ queues took forever. I sat in queue for an average of 15+ minutes per pop, except for once when I got a back-to-back. I didn't see any Pubs in Lowbies at all last weekend. Every match was Imp v. Imp, and even then, it was pretty much the same 20-30 Imps every time.


10-29 Lowbie queues don't pop for me off-peak. Looks like my noob Operative will never get past level 11 since all I do is PvP. He sat in queue twice for 20+ minutes without a pop, both on Saturday and Sunday. Sorry, but after 20 minutes I just scrapped the idea and jumped over to The Bastion.


50 Regz are the only thing popping with regularity on this server now when it's not a Double XP weekend. Please keep in mind, I would like the Server to do well, as I really dig most of the peeps. However, it's not looking good.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Played on JM off and on during the last week and the State of PvP is not looking good. Rated WZs only seem to happen once a week now, so there is no Rated at all on a nightly basis. And when they do happen, there have only been 3 teams queuing.


Yesterday afternoon (12p PST), the 30-54 Lowbie WZ queues took forever. I sat in queue for an average of 15+ minutes per pop, except for once when I got a back-to-back. I didn't see any Pubs in Lowbies at all last weekend. Every match was Imp v. Imp, and even then, it was pretty much the same 20-30 Imps every time.


10-29 Lowbie queues don't pop for me off-peak. Looks like my noob Operative will never get past level 11 since all I do is PvP. He sat in queue twice for 20+ minutes without a pop, both on Saturday and Sunday. Sorry, but after 20 minutes I just scrapped the idea and jumped over to The Bastion.


50 Regz are the only thing popping with regularity on this server now when it's not a Double XP weekend. Please keep in mind, I would like the Server to do well, as I really dig most of the peeps. However, it's not looking good.


If its taking that long, I recommend moving to Pot5. Our pops are pretty much instantaneous. We already have lots of ranked teams running everyday. A server that does everything PvP, from OWPvP to reg warzones to ranked warzones, choosing pot5 is a no brainer. Not only that, we have some mature PvPers also. If your in the right guild you'll get to avoid the trolling environment. The PvP community is so massive, its hard to run into the same guild/team more than once.

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*sees a post from Zigna*

Is she back on Jung Ma?!

Nope, just talking to someone who transferred.


You tease! :(


Holy crap!!! KJ! <3


Miss you punk! =) But sorry to tease. =( Most of the Kupos there were transferred off or deleted. D:

Just 2 impies now... I'll be sure to /flap at any Mahr toons I may run into though. =p

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If its taking that long, I recommend moving to Pot5.


At the moment, when it dries up on Jung Ma I just roll over on The Bastion where the PvP is non-stop, like it is on Pot5. The only drag is I don't run Ranked over there because none of my Pubs are geared.


I certainly wouldn't mind if BW let the PvPers on JM merge with Pot5 though, and the PvErs with BC or some other server. I'm not kidding when I say it's slowing down on JM. I'm really concerned that the server isn't going to make it to 2.4. Very disappointing.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I certainly wouldn't mind if BW let the PvPers on JM merge with Pot5 though, and the PvErs with BC or some other server. I'm not kidding when I say it's slowing down on JM. I'm really concerned that the server isn't going to make it to 2.4. Very disappointing.


Although the server is easily the smallest of the U.S. available, I doubt they would get rid of it at this point. It seems to offer a perfect niche for players that prefer smaller and more tight-knit communities. I do wish they would change the way server status displays though, it's very misleading. Jung Ma standard =/= PoT5 standard.


I noticed the pop drop way off last summer about two weeks after the forced mergers. There was the merger swell and then... I dunno what happened. WZ pops were longer than I wanted, though I wouldn't say they were unbearable. My biggest problem was trying to sell crap on the GTN, lol. But that was when I rerolled to BC. And now with transfers, I have most of my Jung Ma oldies on Harb and Bastion. (My commando still has the old Ilum pvp weekly... XD)


So really all I'm saying is... don't wait around for them to close it and force your toons off. Go ahead and start transferring and rerolling if you're really unhappy with the server. It'll likely be around longer than you think. Or gear up the toon(s) you mentioned having on Bastion so you can partake in their ranked. =)

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