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<Lookin Cute Feelin Cute> is queueing for ranked PvP. Other guilds planning to queue?


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No off topic posts??? Well there goes my forum trolling. Delete me! :D:eek::D


i don't understand my posts are always on topic and yet i'm deleted.


i feel sort of violated. like they went back in time and took the words out of my mouth.


not cool, bro.

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Krath you aren't on imp side so you didn't see me spamming gen chat telling everyone we were qued for like an hour ....also went to bunch of guilds on imp side ..most of the guilds who post on this page in fact..if i missed some of u sorry...but we agreed a week ago we would play jesters ... and they came on.....otherwise we were just just gonna que for rest of night ...People in CR knew me cuz i would always pug random ranked teams together i never cared bout winning or losing just wanted to get comms and play ranked....that was when i was diggler...before i took a 6 month hiatus from the game...everyone knows ds is a pve guild who is looking to do a lot more pvp....legend i liked your attitude on building the pvp community and I too am for building a thriving pvp community... if anyone wants to contact me to get a match going i am receptive....my toons are coreeps, biggiesmallzz, sose,healmetomcruise and all-in...cant always promise that i will get a team together but will try....I wish ID and Exitium and all the rest of the ppl who left well and hope they kick *** on pot 5....Do you really think trolling ppl or calling ppl out is the way to get them to que against you....if you do hey its ur 15 bucks.....if i can make a suggestion why not guilds post a day or a couple of days beforehand when they plan on queing and hopefully we can get multiple teams queing ....just a thought.
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Yea, what he said. Until we get consistant ranked every night, chances are we are going to try to play the guild that set up times to play with us before hand, it would be rude not to. Really I wish I could play more ranked, I am never on when ranked matches are happening :( I only get to rofl smash people late at night/early morning... Having twins is keeping me busy :D
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Yea, what he said. Until we get consistant ranked every night, chances are we are going to try to play the guild that set up times to play with us before hand, it would be rude not to. Really I wish I could play more ranked, I am never on when ranked matches are happening :( I only get to rofl smash people late at night/early morning... Having twins is keeping me busy :D



I'd just like to say that <Unconquered> will play whatever enemy we are faced against. I understand the fighting the guilds you set up with in advanced however I will not drop a match and take the nonsense loss by making another team stand inside an empty war zone. It has happened to me and it was funny the first time but its really a waste of time. So if I tell you in advance that we will have a team queuing on Sunday then know that this is our way of playing. You are welcome to your way of playing but I think it is just as rude to the team sitting in the empty war zone who got excited when a ranked queue finally pops.


On this we can agree to disagree but just know that's how we will play. :cool:

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Hey, I wanted to let everyone know that we'll be queuing for ranked PVP regularly. Specifically, tonight starting around 7 PM EST. Feel free to whisper or PM myself, or any other cutie in my guild if you get a team ready. We had about 5 games against Kungfu Treachery last night, and I know Death-sentence and Dark Jesters did some queuing as well.


I know some guilds haven't been queuing ranked for whatever reason, but we started queuing when we formed this guild ~1 week ago. Unfortunately, Infinite Darkness and Exitium (Inferno) left and we can't queue against them.


I'd like to use this thread to see who else is interested in ranked, be it a guild run or some captains getting their favorite friends together.


Teams I'd like to hear from:

- Undercon

- Kungfu Treachery




-Bad Motivator Units

-Dark Jesters



and even Grey Order or Wook?


Right now from BMU... only regular pvpers are Ivan, Mitches and KeyKey, we have others that do it on alts. And we do sometimes bring the ultimate ringer... but right now lucky if I am queuing with anyone other than Cielo.

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I'd just like to say that <Unconquered> will play whatever enemy we are faced against. I understand the fighting the guilds you set up with in advanced however I will not drop a match and take the nonsense loss by making another team stand inside an empty war zone. It has happened to me and it was funny the first time but its really a waste of time. So if I tell you in advance that we will have a team queuing on Sunday then know that this is our way of playing. You are welcome to your way of playing but I think it is just as rude to the team sitting in the empty war zone who got excited when a ranked queue finally pops.


On this we can agree to disagree but just know that's how we will play. :cool:


To be honest i try not to leave normal wz even I take my punishment when we have only 2 dps that break 120k damage... and one of those guys got top heals:P


I notice many more people in PVP whose names i dont recognise, however it is on both imps/pugs...

Edited by Itchy_Bum
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I'd just like to say that <Unconquered> will play whatever enemy we are faced against. I understand the fighting the guilds you set up with in advanced however I will not drop a match and take the nonsense loss by making another team stand inside an empty war zone. It has happened to me and it was funny the first time but its really a waste of time. So if I tell you in advance that we will have a team queuing on Sunday then know that this is our way of playing. You are welcome to your way of playing but I think it is just as rude to the team sitting in the empty war zone who got excited when a ranked queue finally pops.


On this we can agree to disagree but just know that's how we will play. :cool:


Thats cool, I would agree with you here, I would much rather take the loss in an actuall fight rather than take the loss by quitting... But in the instance in question, a previous agreement was made by dig and someone else, im not sure who. What often happens is teams of equal skill try to get together to practice while not getting roflstomped and usually if a (greedy) solid team hear about it, they will try to jump in and get some free comms/rank from the underskilled/undergeared team that is queing, in effect runing 16 peoples fun. All that needed to be done is communicate. If you are getting que dodged, make sure to come whine about it on the forums, that solves alot.

Edited by Lafay
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Thats cool, I would agree with you here, I would much rather take the loss in an actuall fight rather than take the loss by quitting... But in the instance in question, a previous agreement was made by dig and someone else, im not sure who. What often happens is teams of equal skill try to get together to practice while not getting roflstomped and usually if a (greedy) solid team hear about it, they will try to jump in and get some free comms/rank from the underskilled/undergeared team that is queing, in effect runing 16 peoples fun. All that needed to be done is communicate. If you are getting que dodged, make sure to come whine about it on the forums, that solves alot.


tbh we been doing this for a month and a half and we didnt even have to worry bout other teams queing....we ran into id a couple times and omini a couple of times in the whole month and a half otherwise the que was empty.......we did ranked usually 3 times a week and ran into other teams like 4-5 times overall in a month and a half thats how empty the ques were....kyarra has a good point about being on the other side ...but if u dont try to arrange something beforehand u will be in que for hours without a pop unless u talked to id to que or inferno back then......but that was then and this is now....letting ppl know we will be queing tuesday starting round 8 pm .......inviting other guilds to que at that time if u want......would do it earlier but it is double xp and most guildies will be levelling....my hope is that we have multiple guilds queing....see u there

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Thats cool, I would agree with you here, I would much rather take the loss in an actuall fight rather than take the loss by quitting... But in the instance in question, a previous agreement was made by dig and someone else, im not sure who. What often happens is teams of equal skill try to get together to practice while not getting roflstomped and usually if a (greedy) solid team hear about it, they will try to jump in and get some free comms/rank from the underskilled/undergeared team that is queing, in effect runing 16 peoples fun. All that needed to be done is communicate. If you are getting que dodged, make sure to come whine about it on the forums, that solves alot.


You can "practice" in non-ranked as well if you're so concerned about getting face rolled. That's a (greedy) risk you take by insisting to queue ranked. Queue dodging is no fun for anyone and doesn't promote consistent ranked pops. The goal for ranked should be that you don't have to make special arrangements to queue - it's going to take a while to get to that point, but dodging is a step in the wrong direction. Take your lumps - we all do.

Edited by Typeslice
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Kyarra, what time are you all queing on Sunday?


I am hoping I find 7 willing victims.... errr I mean teammates starting around 6ish pm est this Sunday (6/28). I have spoken to at least 4 diff guilds saying they plan to queue Sunday as well so we should be able to get something fun rolling. :p

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Sorry, but the part in bold is funny to me. I'm curious as to how this discovery came about.


You're right though, everything else you said was true. Ranked was long dead before 2.0, which I will partially blame on the state of the meta-game at the time (smash-a-bubble-stun). But the truth was that even despite that, our guild would have preferred to play against another team that was closer to our skill level. This is just conjecture now, but I assume that had we and another closely-matched guild done ranked against each other and both guilds were roughly the same skill level, both guilds might have improved. Like I said earlier, the gulf in skill/teamwork was too large for any non-masochist to bear (again, my opinion). Oh, and we switched allegiances from the pub to imp side so that took a month to level all-new toons...


Here's a smiley I offer to the BW gods :D




Not that I don't trust you guys (I don't :p), but isn't it difficult to prove if someone is even actually naked nowadays with all the covert armor? Just playing devil's advocate here...


What I honestly want out of ranked is for two teams of eight players who are only separated by skill and teamwork/composition. Gear should be standardized, as I suppose it's meant to be but we'll let BW sort that out.


Another offering :)



The bolster bug discoveries came about because our members in ID took the time to test old pvp/pve gear and new crafted gear, removing/reinserting things in warzones, and generally trying to understand completely how bolster works, since it is about the least transparent mechanic ever introduced into an MMO. We also did this on the PTS, warned Bioware of all the bugs and misbalances, and the bolster patch went through anyway. To their credit, Bioware did fix the 900,000 hp / 20k hits bolstering bug, which was the most game breaking one, but a slew of other bugs got through. We do this because we want a fair, balanced game. We want that game to be THIS game, that we have all grown to love so much. We also test these things because, as a top pvp guild, we do not want to lose matches because someone else is using a "best in slot" item that we did not know about. Silly us, thinking the "best pvp gear" should be "the best in pvp".


As for the ranked dying thing, your guild wanting to queue against opponents that are closer to your skill level etc (and the argument that a less lopsided game will help a team improve more than getting stomped), there are arguments to both sides of that. While you will "discover" strategies naturally in more competitive games, you could also just look at the team stomping you and say "what are they doing that we aren'?" and make corrections. EVERY time ID has been beaten, we have done this. When Nostrum Dolus stomped us in Ancient Hypergates the first time we played them (yes, ID got stomped, we got not a single kill), we had about a 2-3 hour long chat in mumble where we brainstormed and discussed every strategy, for every warzone. We brought up EVERY scenario we could think of (if someone attacks this node, who goes how do we react? I'll give you a clue, the answer for that is nowhere near as simple as it may seem). We also watch other teams stream, learn their strats, try to find their weaknesses, much like a pro football team would watch games from their upcoming opponent to identify their plays, strong/weak members, etc. Merkave in particular literally watches ranked games from other teams and takes notes on them, compares their strats to ours, and we brainstorm the best way to go about beating those strats. Every move that we make has been a debated, calculated decision. I'm not saying this to beat my own chest, I'm just trying to give you a comparison of the level of play that it takes to be one of the best.


And to think, on top of that, each and every player is an absolute master of their own class, and in come cases (like Somnax), most or every class. Even the ones who don't play alts heavily (Like me, marauder 4 life!) have had such vast experience in pvp, so many hours played, so many duels, so many situations, that although we are not an expert at playing every class, we are an expert at beating every class, and those classes limitations etc.


In principle, they are very similar since they were both unintended. The difference I see is that the relic is much easier to acquire (it's only one piece). Also, I don't know what percentage difference the crafted gear gives over full conqueror versus with the relics. All I will say is that I hope you guys found it worth it to augment out all that crafted gear.




Really, my point is this: if you guys were the best (you were), do you really need that advantage against the rest of us? You could probably beat most teams while wearing battlemaster gear. I think this argument would resonate stronger if we had a situation like POT5 where there's multiple high-quality teams queuing and everyone is using the crafted gear.


Smiley, BW? :o



We are elite players, and we strive for every edge we can get. The idea of NOT using every tool available to us (given to us by BioWare), is like a devout christian skipping sunday church. Blasphemous.



I did state that you were the victims of your success, but that's more a compliment than a jab.

What can I say, no one likes to lose. However, the next best thing is to have a close match and there were maybe two or three guilds on this server that could give ID a "close" match. But hey, now you've got all the competition you could ever want for so I hope you guys enjoy it.


Here's your smiley, BW :mad:



p.s. I'm copying this response, so go ahead BW... your move.


The PVP on POT5 is leaps and bounds more competitive, both normal and ranked. There are still mediocre players, but there are FAR LESS serious bads in each warzone. In general, the average player on POT5 seems to know how to play their class and warzone objectives a lot better. Perhaps this is the "PvP" vs "PvE" server thing, but it also could jsut be that every american guild that has a competitive ranked team is now on POT5. We love it. I already feel that we have grown a lot as a guild, and our strategies have been tested, revised, and honed. This is truly the competitive environment that we have needed to grow as a ranked team.


Oh yeah, and Kyarra, there is a reason literally every post that I make is timestamped somewhere in the 9 AM - 5 PM range ;).

Edited by Aluvi
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At this point, I don't think ID needs to justify their actions or rationalize the way they approach pvp.


There are grey areas in every MMO pvp game. When I got gladiator in season 6 on my warlock, people were pissed that I wore 2 piece PVE gear from Sunwell. Oh well. Not my fault for having access to it.


Anyways, there is no question that ID was the top team and would have been, regardless of gear, or what have you.

Edited by Getzeitzuu
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At this point, I don't think ID needs to justify their actions or rationalize the way they approach pvp.


Yep, people just need to drop it. Besides, it's not like the PvP community here couldn't have come to an agreement of what's acceptable for ranked PvP. The people over on PoT5 have actually done it.

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The bolster bug discoveries came about because our members in ID took the time to test old pvp/pve gear and new crafted gear, removing/reinserting things in warzones, and generally trying to understand completely how bolster works, since it is about the least transparent mechanic ever introduced into an MMO. We also did this on the PTS, warned Bioware of all the bugs and misbalances, and the bolster patch went through anyway. To their credit, Bioware did fix the 900,000 hp / 20k hits bolstering bug, which was the most game breaking one, but a slew of other bugs got through. We do this because we want a fair, balanced game. We want that game to be THIS game, that we have all grown to love so much. We also test these things because, as a top pvp guild, we do not want to lose matches because someone else is using a "best in slot" item that we did not know about. Silly us, thinking the "best pvp gear" should be "the best in pvp".


As for the ranked dying thing, your guild wanting to queue against opponents that are closer to your skill level etc (and the argument that a less lopsided game will help a team improve more than getting stomped), there are arguments to both sides of that. While you will "discover" strategies naturally in more competitive games, you could also just look at the team stomping you and say "what are they doing that we aren'?" and make corrections. EVERY time ID has been beaten, we have done this. When Nostrum Dolus stomped us in Ancient Hypergates the first time we played them (yes, ID got stomped, we got not a single kill), we had about a 2-3 hour long chat in mumble where we brainstormed and discussed every strategy, for every warzone. We brought up EVERY scenario we could think of (if someone attacks this node, who goes how do we react? I'll give you a clue, the answer for that is nowhere near as simple as it may seem). We also watch other teams stream, learn their strats, try to find their weaknesses, much like a pro football team would watch games from their upcoming opponent to identify their plays, strong/weak members, etc. Merkave in particular literally watches ranked games from other teams and takes notes on them, compares their strats to ours, and we brainstorm the best way to go about beating those strats. Every move that we make has been a debated, calculated decision. I'm not saying this to beat my own chest, I'm just trying to give you a comparison of the level of play that it takes to be one of the best.


And to think, on top of that, each and every player is an absolute master of their own class, and in come cases (like Somnax), most or every class. Even the ones who don't play alts heavily (Like me, marauder 4 life!) have had such vast experience in pvp, so many hours played, so many duels, so many situations, that although we are not an expert at playing every class, we are an expert at beating every class, and those classes limitations etc.




We are elite players, and we strive for every edge we can get. The idea of NOT using every tool available to us (given to us by BioWare), is like a devout christian skipping sunday church. Blasphemous.




The PVP on POT5 is leaps and bounds more competitive, both normal and ranked. There are still mediocre players, but there are FAR LESS serious bads in each warzone. In general, the average player on POT5 seems to know how to play their class and warzone objectives a lot better. Perhaps this is the "PvP" vs "PvE" server thing, but it also could jsut be that every american guild that has a competitive ranked team is now on POT5. We love it. I already feel that we have grown a lot as a guild, and our strategies have been tested, revised, and honed. This is truly the competitive environment that we have needed to grow as a ranked team.


Oh yeah, and Kyarra, there is a reason literally every post that I make is timestamped somewhere in the 9 AM - 5 PM range ;).


Pvp in a video game = serious business guys.

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