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55 pvp :'(


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Notorious doesnt contain almost any Infamous players nowadays. Maybe one or two, but other than that, Notorious is its own guild now.


We're really not trying to ruin PvP for anyone. Just looking to play with people we enjoy. It is an MMO after all. We've always grouped up this much but with the lack of notable PvP guilds on Imp side I guess people are taking note of us more often now. Yeah, late at night we usually have 2-3 four man premades running but that's only because that's when most of our players are online. Mind you before server transfers we didnt complain about the ITK, Grim, or Retal premades. Whenever we got into a match against them our pugs were always just people trying to learn how to PvP. And when solo queuing I almost always lost with my pugs. I guess the rolls are reversed now. :confused:


Sorry to anyone who feels like we're specifically trying to ruin the state of PvP. We're not. It's just unfortunate that a lot of the guilds left and now there's a lot more casual PvPers. :(

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So of those of us still chugging along in Notorious (we took several hits from transfers and plain being worn out by repetative content) I think I am the only one who has a toon in Infamous...that toon is sub 55 and really hasnt been played since Notorious formed. Infamous was kind enough to take me in when Source broke up. The two guilds have simalar roots but they are independant of each other.


I am as concerned about the PVP situation as anyone but this is not Infamous fualt they are good people. what the Imp side needs now is leaders who can work together and make 55's and rankeda viable scene on BC. there is a thread on this forum already adressing that. I will continue to queue up and wor my tail off to win every match I join weather it is a pug or premade on the other side. God knows I prefer playing with friends and I dont begrudge others doing the same. :D


Well Force knows I never was much of a leader as I lack the patience to do it.


Daz is probably the best leader the Imps have left to work with, but Force knows he has an uphill battle should he try to organize the current crop of Imps to do something, let alone train them.


Honestly I look at the situation on both sides right now and the only conclusion I can make is that there is one entity left on the server that actually has the capacity to do anything about the current faction imbalance. That entity is on the Republic side. Now I just got told that Infamous doesn't have much to do with Notorious anymore, but it's not like anything is preventing them from rolling new Imperial toons and leveling together. Except possibly a desire for easy wins.


Now Infamous isn't really doing anything wrong by taking the easy wins while they're there, but they can't at the same time claim they want balanced/challenging PVP while taking the easy route and refusing to do anything to balance it themselves. They can't have their cake and eat it too.

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Well Force knows I never was much of a leader as I lack the patience to do it.


Daz is probably the best leader the Imps have left to work with, but Force knows he has an uphill battle should he try to organize the current crop of Imps to do something, let alone train them.


Honestly I look at the situation on both sides right now and the only conclusion I can make is that there is one entity left on the server that actually has the capacity to do anything about the current faction imbalance. That entity is on the Republic side. Now I just got told that Infamous doesn't have much to do with Notorious anymore, but it's not like anything is preventing them from rolling new Imperial toons and leveling together. Except possibly a desire for easy wins.


Now Infamous isn't really doing anything wrong by taking the easy wins while they're there, but they can't at the same time claim they want balanced/challenging PVP while taking the easy route and refusing to do anything to balance it themselves. They can't have their cake and eat it too.

This is so full of hypocrisy. You don't want to do any work to make the PvP more balanced because you don't have the patience. But you expect Infamous to have the patience to do the work of leveling Imperial characters from 1 to 55 just to balance it out? We've worked hard on our characters so excuse us for not switching factions the second PvP gets bad. It has nothing to do with us wanting "easy wins."

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Wasnt even two months ago when Zuhara was posting this very same rant about GD lol. First he blames it on them for "taking advantage", then says that he's not blaming it on them. (I didn't bother to quote so feel free to edit). Only difference is now rather than breaking up the guild like he suggested with GD (which did end up happening but not to his credit) the infanoobs are supposed to balance pvp themselves. I'm not their biggest fans, but the sense of entitlement from some of the people in here whining over imp pvp and people continuing with the same premading habits they've been known for pre transfers as if there's some malicious intent now that guilds are gone is beyond ridiculous.


You always complain about bad pvpers in fleet chat Zuhara, yet when people brought up your own guild who premades themselves your excuse is always "well were just a casual guild".


Andreus you have CHAINS that you could do something with, yet you run to the pub side and expect a pub guild to play on imperial alts to make pvp better for you?


I mean, am I really reading this lol? People wanting their pvp "fair share". Maybe you should do something about it yourselves rather than blaming all the problems on a guild that's just trying to enjoy what's left of BC. As feken even said, face rolling people isn't any more fun than being face rolled. If the thread wasnt deleted I would love to have shown the Zulu rants on GD. Its pretty much the same here, except you replace GD with infamous now. :rolleyes:

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So let look at it this way just on this thread I see one of the best Sinns and one of the best Sorc, if ya wanna throw this Hack smasher in the mix it would be almost half way to forming a preaty good kickball team... if we found a few others and got some matches in ...I'll bet we might even win once in a while *shrug*
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So let look at it this way just on this thread I see one of the best Sinns and one of the best Sorc, if ya wanna throw this Hack smasher in the mix it would be almost half way to forming a preaty good kickball team... if we found a few others and got some matches in ...I'll bet we might even win once in a while *shrug*


Well, actually, I've won about a little less than half of the matches I've played, between my operative and sin. So today's been a pretty good day, despite the thread's topic.


And head over to the Ranked Kickball thread I made! Post up your times when you're available, and we'll get something going :D

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I'm not going to sweat it at least until double XP is over. My little assassin went from 40-44 and won most of her wzs running with pugs. At 55, I really think the imp side suffers from a lack of healers as much as from lack of good guilds, but I saw plenty of imp healers in the 40-50 range today. Fingers crossed.
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I would spend more time gearin my juggernaut as a full tank (yes a supportive role) but I'm sorta trying to balance that with making toons on another server and gearing my commando up!


Oh and for arguments sake, I have only been getting face rolled by imps in 55 pvp when I solo q which is at least 80% of the time and these infamous premades your talking about, I would love to get a pop with them more often but all I can recall so far is a match with Corun and some dps commando, and another match with Feken, and he hates me (don't know why because myrm never got to explaining it to me before I had a little "tantrum" at him)


Btw this server as of now I have seen allot of newbies join the playing field and yes I have been a bit pissed at em and yes I gotta learn to control my frustration allot better and make the best of what we got, and the ranked field is sorta dead here now (it was dead even before transfers... Sorta) and I can't say I have done anything to help it out but I am willing to do so in the time that I'm not working on my different server characters, oh and I'm Aussie so timing ranks is pretty flippin hard for me!


Btw what happened to ascension, only ascension player I have seen in a while is a scoundrel that's name starts with "t" (yeah I know I'm a very helpful explainer) and that was only 1 match?

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...Btw this server as of now I have seen allot of newbies join the playing field and yes I have been a bit pissed at em and yes I gotta learn to control my frustration allot better and make the best of what we got, and the ranked field is sorta dead here now (it was dead even before transfers... Sorta) and I can't say I have done anything to help it out but I am willing to do so in the time that I'm not working on my different server characters, oh and...


Oh man I am with you completely... raged out on some newbies in a novare match a few days ago for us losing the south bunker when we had plenty of people there, but all of them were fighting off the freakin cap zone. HATE stupid crap like that in 55 pvp. But I hate people that give up and putz around the whole match too and that's exactly what I did. *sigh* Terrible. Took a long break after that. >.<;;; Also alt/server hopping with double xp and transfers around. I moved my Jung Ma toons around to a couple different servers and have been seriously enjoying dusting them off. Currently working on finishing up the "Send them Running" weekly on my commando where you had to collect armaments and kill enemies on Ilum, and/or play a bunch of warzones. XD


Lydiah would be better geared... but I prefer to have all my 55's in augmented partisan rather than worrying about wasting the comms for 2 more endurance a piece on conqueror's. (Ok that's not exact but still, I don't find the comm cost to come close to being worth it save for a few things like the implants.) And I sure don't give two craps about ranked, too much epeen bs involved in that. It's like some people think if they win a ranked match they just gained immortality irl and if they lose a ranked match some one will come kill them in their sleep later that night. :confused: I already know I'm not the best and I don't care to be the best... as long as people don't see me on their team and assume we're doomed to lose, I'm doing good enough. XD I suppose if we had ranked happening more often then it wouldn't be such a big deal to win or lose... for that sake I would be willing to help get ranked going.


TL;DR;BBQ;NOMNOM; I've been ragey at newbies too and I'm sorry for it.

Transfers + double XP = happy fun time.

I'd be willing to help make ranked a more popular thing...I guess. =p

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Btw what happened to ascension, only ascension player I have seen in a while is a scoundrel that's name starts with "t" (yeah I know I'm a very helpful explainer) and that was only 1 match?


I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but it is summer and people have lives/vacations and such.


As for me, I found myself bored due to lack of PvE content outside of raiding. I love the game but just don't really feel like I have much that is meaningful to do during the day besides PvP. I'm a social PvE player at heart and really would like more things to do with other players.


I have a lot of fun PvPing and like a little competitive once in awhile for the fun of it. What started to get on my unending nerves was how things changed. People just started getting downright nasty about PvP. The egos fly, people rage, the forums make me feel sick inside.


I remember a time when we would fight each other hard but there was still a level of respect that there was a breathing person on the other team. It use to feel like that basketball game with a bunch of your friends after school at the playground. You would fight each hard for the ball, you were out to win, and talk smack a little but win or lose at the end of the day it was all in good fun. Now all too often feels like it's like a bunch of bullies trying to prove they are better than the other and they are top dog on the social ladder. Losing a game means you lost the world series or something. And it's happening in both factions. It's so stupid to me. It's just a damn game and why people care so much about who is better then who or who killed who in normals with puggers on teams is beyond my mindset. That aspect sucks the fun out of it for me.


And then I just realised between both the PvE side and the PvP side I just needed a break from this game before I start hating it. So I'm semi retired from this game atm, stopped pvp and retired from my raid team. Checking out a few other games and just hopping on from time to time to level the remaining story lines and chat with people I care about before disappearing for a few weeks on a family vacation. I do miss a lot of you folks I use to see on a daily basis though.


We'll see how I feel about it after a good break and what PvE content we get at the end of Aug. :) Maybe I'll be back. Ya never know. :)

Edited by Desiirea
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I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but it is summer and people have lives/vacations and such.


As for me, I found myself bored due to lack of PvE content outside of raiding. I love the game but just don't really feel like I have much that is meaningful to do during the day besides PvP. I'm a social PvE player at heart and really would like more things to do with other players.


I have a lot of fun PvPing and like a little competitive once in awhile for the fun of it. What started to get on my unending nerves was how things changed. People just started getting downright nasty about PvP. The egos fly, people rage, the forums make me feel sick inside.


I remember a time when we would fight each other hard but there was still a level of respect that there was a breathing person on the other team. It use to feel like that basketball game with a bunch of your friends after school at the playground. You would fight each hard for the ball, you were out to win, and talk smack a little but win or lose at the end of the day it was all in good fun. Now all too often feels like it's like a bunch of bullies trying to prove they are better than the other and they are top dog on the social ladder. Losing a game means you lost the world series or something. And it's happening in both factions. It's so stupid to me. It's just a damn game and why people care so much about who is better then who or who killed who in normals with puggers on teams is beyond my mindset. That aspect sucks the fun out of it for me.


And then I just realised between both the PvE side and the PvP side I just needed a break from this game before I start hating it. So I'm semi retired from this game atm, stopped pvp and retired from my raid team. Checking out a few other games and just hopping on from time to time to level the remaining story lines and chat with people I care about before disappearing for a few weeks on a family vacation. I do miss a lot of you folks I use to see on a daily basis though.


We'll see how I feel about it after a good break and what PvE content we get at the end of Aug. :) Maybe I'll be back. Ya never know. :)




Viva Vrook Lmarr


Sad to see you go, have fun on your break dear! Everyone needs one from time to time.

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We'll see how I feel about it after a good break and what PvE content we get at the end of Aug. :) Maybe I'll be back. Ya never know. :)


So much truth. <3 Miss seeing you around but I think a lot of us understand you're meaning. And hope the vacation is fun!


And you inadvertently brought up a good point I think some of the younger players don't think of. Summer doesn't always = more game time. It seems the older I get, the less I want to game in the summer. But when I was younger, summer meant setting up giant LAN parties with my brothers and nerding out in game marathons. XD Either way, the change in pvp attitude was something I noticed too and even worse, I started taking part in... dunno what happened or what brought it all about but it's a dang good reason (out of several) to take a break.

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The overall skill level of the average pug just plummeted, so any good 4-man group is going to destroy most of the time to the point it may seem unfair. Regular PVP on BC is broken right now. It reminds me of playing lowbies.
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The overall skill level of the average pug just plummeted, so any good 4-man group is going to destroy most of the time to the point it may seem unfair. Regular PVP on BC is broken right now. It reminds me of playing lowbies.


yep D: but it's ok some of us still try ... we can only hope they develop their games better


~edit~ mawthawfawkaws need to learn how to push buttons, son!

Edited by hulcalan
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Like some of you guys were saying I think it all lies in the lack of organization. Thats why I left imp side. But I know that there is still alot of really good players left. and to people who think its the pubs fault that pvp is the way it is are just bein silly... so lets get our big boy pants on and put in work! still love ya guys. :) and if anyone needs me to help them out imp side just lemme know. ill be around.
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You can't blame a player's lack of skill on the developers.


you two clowns know how to twist ppl's words... lol... i was talking about the player's developing their own skills... but i can see how my statement can be misleading

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The reason why we see one side dominating over another and more specifically one guild over many is because the majority of PVP guilds that used to que for regs or ranked either transferred out or simply got bored with the game. I mean you will see more infamous if most other pub guilds stop que'ing. I don't see why this is such a surprise.


As for expecting them to balance things out. Everyone pays for the game for their own personal enjoyment. Criticizing someone else because you aren't having fun isn't the right approach. If they are having fun running 3 pre-mades then that's what they should be doing. When I que for PVP do you think I really care what the other team feels like? If I find it enjoyable to kill a sorc 20 times in a match I will go ahead and do it.


Play the game the way you want it to be played. If you can't step away and do something else. Seriously...


PS. As for myself and my decline in activity. I am slightly burnt out with PVP. I split time between here and the Bastion. However I am also studying for 2 board exams + doing other real life things so my life as become exponentially more busy. I cannot help but not login at times.

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The overall skill level of the average pug just plummeted, so any good 4-man group is going to destroy most of the time to the point it may seem unfair. Regular PVP on BC is broken right now. It reminds me of playing lowbies.


I was levelling my little assassin and new operative yesterday. The lowbie pvp quality was considerably better than 55 from the imp side: no half-empty game starts, no roflstomping rep pugs, and decent players mixed in with the keyboard rotating sitting ducks. Double XP weekend is warping things.

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