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55 pvp :'(


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so many good people left, i looked up to alot of you guys. right now 55 pvp is full of people with like valor 30-40 this sucks! i miss you guys.


Stay sick n twisted.


(btw im the new deyvon hahaha)


Edited by Kallpa
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Some folks pulled the ninja transfer. Our Population seems to still be higher than any other server.


I did notice on my Vanguard late night that we had 3-4 pubvpub matches that ended due to lack of people joining the game lastnight and who knows how many more after I stopped trying to queue..

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Aww. Ill miss you guys too. Sickntwisted grown alot in PvP before I left. You guys will be great! Hold down impside for me and ill come through to say what's up every once in awhile on Char. ;D


deyvon, so you did decide on leaving afterall! Good luck, I know many people gave you ****, but I wish you the best of luck! It was always fun seeing people complain about you :)

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The PVP queues were still popping (more than normal this morning, 3 huttballs and a Novare in an hour) so we must have had an influx of players, although most of those seem to be imps.


I do agree that the quality of the PVP may suffer for a little while as even my mediocre PVP skills were enough to top the leaderboards :eek:


I would like to welcome any new PVPers to the fray from someone with a valor rating a bit above 30 :rolleyes:


Prepare to be dotted to death, hahahaha

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I'm also sorry to see a lot of the Veterans go.


Lot of my matches were with mostly noobs, and some newer people that didn't seem half bad. Lots of matches 6v7 6v6, and 7v7s. I only had two matches out of 9 that were actually full on both sides *waves to Grim*. I was done for the night when Grim was premading tho, but I imagine they lol(bleep)ed the field.


Oddly, out of the 9 only one was vs Pubs.


RIP old 55 queue. Heres hoping the new one shapes up.

Edited by Maelael
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Just because ITK WSP and Retal left doesnt mean PVP will die. we still have pvpers. hopefully some transfer over here but for now we still have the players. DONT GIVE UP!!!!


Retal was a PvP guild? That's funny I never saw them in ranked.

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That was sarcasm on his part. He considers himself a top player, so when everyones saying how all the good players are gone, it hurts his feelings. :)


Actually it was a sarcastic jab. And I've never stated that I thought I was a top player on the forums, but you have. Thx.

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That was sarcasm on his part. He considers himself a top player, so when everyones saying how all the good players are gone, it hurts his feelings. :)


In the desert

I saw a creature, naked, *******,

Who, squatting upon the ground,

Held his heart in his hands,

And ate of it.

I said, “Is it good, friend?”

“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;


“But I like it

“Because it is bitter,

“And because it is my heart.”


----------("In the Desert" by Stephen Crane)

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Double XP weekend seems to be hard on imp-side 55 PvP. My fresh-to-55 sorc healer is going to have nightmares about being beat on by Herroh for the rest of his career. It was ugly! Talk about ugly, we won a Huttball where we only had 6 on our side the whole game...against another apparently even worse imp pug. Mid-level PvP seemed much more like normal 55 PvP with some good players.
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Has a crappy pvper i dont see this has a bad thing i see it like an oportunity to see new pvpers :D in the past i was always like oh crap ITK kickking my *** oh crap asention kicking my *** oh crap grim d kicking my *** :( i was fightning the same pvpers over and over again becouse the new pvpers got frustrated lossing a lot...now we are like more "balanced" and its time to see new pvpers rise!!! :D i´d love to see new people pvping like crazy and becoming the new generation
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All this could be said about an Imp side guild too who I've seen run more than 4 deep. This is a moot argument and really should stop. Premades are not going away on either side. While I generally only solo que, unless my friend Skeith comes on, I prefer seeing an organized group to go against.
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All this could be said about an Imp side guild too who I've seen run more than 4 deep. This is a moot argument and really should stop. Premades are not going away on either side. While I generally only solo que, unless my friend Skeith comes on, I prefer seeing an organized group to go against.


That's the problem though: there is no Impside guild at the moment lol. This isn't an argument to drive away premades, this is an argument showcasing the problem that occurs when there is only one active PvP guild to represent a faction. It creates a negative opinion in the minds of the other faction, and we were hopefully progressing away from it due to the numerous amounts of guilds that were rising up on both factions before server transfers.


But with server transfers, it's like we moved back to square one. Think about it, when you wonder what guild on the Impside represents PvP, there was a time when everyone could easily point and say "Grim". That, in itself, led to numerous problems and complaints to create a general pug opinion that was negative whenever they qued against them, some players giving up before the WZ even starts as we experience it now on this side with Infamous.


My problem isn't with premades or guilds or anyone in specific. My problem comes in the fact that we're lacking a guild that everyone can claim is a PvP guild that can shape the course of a WZ in response to the one that Pubside has now. This isn't a direct attack on Infamous for doing nothing wrong, it's more of an attack on the Imperials for not having an answer to their impact in the WZs.


Which, like I stated in my post above, could just be a problem that requires time to solve. This isn't something that I feel genuinely angry about, and nothing I can claim now that people are specifically exploiting. It's just the way it is.

Edited by ZooMzy
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It's an issue with the playerbase on BC, not an issue with any of the mechanics. People on other servers que up against 4 man + premades all the time and occasionally win. Love it or hate it roleplay servers have an environment that is perceived as super casual. PvP, to be healthy, requires people willing to do the research into their class, a realistic assessment of your own ability, and the humility to discuss and talk with people who regularly beat you. That's a lot of time investment toward what is basically a sub-game a large portion of this particular server. Add to the fact that the only thing that takes more time than a proper roleplay scene being a raid night or finishing every daily and you're going to run into a lot of folks who aren't willing to put in the time.




Trying to make a healthy pvp environment on this server may well be the equivalent of pounding a square peg into a round hole. With transfers showing that the old canard "PvPers are just as good on rp servers as on others" is false, it may be time for people to re-evaluate their expectations for pvp on BC since it turns out that it was a lot more than just "one small pvp guild" that left.

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A couple of observations:


1) With the exodus of good Imperial PVPers, those of us who are left don't play Imperial side as much. For example, my tank refuses to queue now, and


2) Those of us who stay (at least to get dailies done, beyond that I flee Impside) find it tempting to respec out of support roles and into DPS, because let's be honest there's not much point healing 6-7 people who struggle to break 100k output! Pubs say LOL I need to be carried but there are those matches where teams are literally incapable of doing absolutely anything with any support received, thereby rendering the support role utterly useless. So why not gimp Imperials of healers (they're useless anyway in the current environment) and go DPS?


Because there's nothing like being spawn camped in Voidstar and losing AHG 972-0 to demonstrate that it's literally impossible to carry the current population of Imperial PVPers. (I was one of maybe 2 people to break 200k the first one, the only one above 300k the second one, but the warzones themselves were an exercise in futility.) Technically it was another pub guild who rolled us in this particular case, but I'm sure said pubs were exercising their LOLs.


Now if Infamous REALLY cares about balanced and/or challenging matches, I would expect them to put their credits where their mouth is and see them on Notorious more in an effort to balance out the skilled server population a bit more, at least until it stabilizes on its own. It certainly will provide them with some challenge! But I'm not holding my breath because I expect I would die of asphyxiation if I do.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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