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Love playing the game, too old for the population.


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Join a guild that suits your interest.


I know the guilds that i'm in (less imperial entanglements & imperial entanglements) are a mostly mature social guild, we try to keep the chat at a mature level, though at times some things are discussed, but for the most part its mature. also we dont force you to do content, you can be in our guild if you just want to ask others for advice on quests and never group up. we have a members who pvp, members who do FPs, members who do ops, members who just socialize with us, etc.


try finding a guild that advertises to be mature and what all you are looking for




*and no i did not try to put in an advertisement for my guild ;)

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Common decency is thrown out the window when punches to the face are not a viable deterrent.


I know I'd rather be beaten to a bloody pulp than be called a name I can easily ignore after all...

Edited by SkunkWerks
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Join a guild that suits your interest.


I know the guilds that i'm in (less imperial entanglements & imperial entanglements) are a mostly mature social guild, we try to keep the chat at a mature level, though at times some things are discussed, but for the most part its mature. also we dont force you to do content, you can be in our guild if you just want to ask others for advice on quests and never group up. we have a members who pvp, members who do FPs, members who do ops, members who just socialize with us, etc.


try finding a guild that advertises to be mature and what all you are looking for



*and no i did not try to put in an advertisement for my guild ;)



I was in a great one until recently when the majority of the folks suffered burnout all at once and stopped logging in.

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His implication is that people are (or were) polite face-to-face because of the possibility of being hit. Few people go around hitting those they find rude.


I won't argue your interpretation, but I will agree with the notion that people will do and say things online that they would never do in front of someone who might be able to react to it.

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I won't argue your interpretation, but I will agree with the notion that people will do and say things online that they would never do in front of someone who might be able to react to it.

I don't think it has to do with the fear of possibly being punched. Most people will let rudeness slide because it's just not worth getting into an altercation (verbal or physical) over and most rude people know this.

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I don't think it has to do with the fear of possibly being punched. Most people will let rudeness slide because it's just not worth getting into an altercation (verbal or physical) over and most rude people know this.


I am not talking about the fear of getting punched (though that would likely keep a lot of the gits from doing certain things with people around). I am talking about the fear of consequences altogether. On the internet, there are no real consequences for being a complete jackwagon. That is enabling to a lot of cowardly types.

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I am not talking about the fear of getting punched (though that would likely keep a lot of the gits from doing certain things with people around). I am talking about the fear of consequences altogether. On the internet, there are no real consequences for being a complete jackwagon. That is enabling to a lot of cowardly types.

What other consequences do you mean? Being the object of even ruder behavior?

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Pretty much. I'm tired of being judged and condemned because I find "Your mom" jokes amusing.


That is a consequence of acting a certain way in public. You can choose to keep it among your guild or in tells with like-minded folks.

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That is a consequence of acting a certain way in public. You can choose to keep it among your guild or in tells with like-minded folks.


If that were the case, then nobody would use gen chat except to spam help for Heroics and guild invites, because everything entertaining 'can be among your guild or in tells with like-minded folks'.


Yes, there is crassness and indecency, blah blah blah. This is actually the overwhelming minority, in my experience. The rest is simply people trying to enjoy themselves and have fun in a game. Being mature and stoic and what not all the time is boring, and being able to relax and joke around is a major life skill.


But apparently, I'm the lesser for having it? Come on. If you're taking an age old joke seriously you're doing it wrong. Can we please just chill out instead of insisting that some silliness and fun is intolerable, and stop pretending people are somehow better or worse for partaking in it?

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If that were the case, then nobody would use gen chat except to spam help for Heroics and guild invites, because everything entertaining 'can be among your guild or in tells with like-minded folks'.


Yes, there is crassness and indecency, blah blah blah. This is actually the overwhelming minority, in my experience. The rest is simply people trying to enjoy themselves and have fun in a game. Being mature and stoic and what not all the time is boring, and being able to relax and joke around is a major life skill.


But apparently, I'm the lesser for having it? Come on. If you're taking an age old joke seriously you're doing it wrong. Can we please just chill out instead of insisting that some silliness and fun is intolerable, and stop pretending people are somehow better or worse for partaking in it?


You are horribly wrong if you think that it is necessary to be lewd and crass in order to enjoy humor or have fun.


I can see where you believe that I think you lesser for your brand of humor. For that I apologize, I made some very sweeping statements that were meant to be targeted at select types of people. There is still the factor of being decent in public. A person who enjoys your sense of humor is not a lesser person, but a person who brings that behavior out for public consumption is indeed rude and disrespectful.


Just because someone says something lewd in fleet chat and 1, 2, 3 or even 4 people laugh and go along with him does not make OK for the other couple of hundred of other people to have to deal with it.

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You are horribly wrong if you think that it is necessary to be lewd and crass in order to enjoy humor or have fun.


I can see where you believe that I think you lesser for your brand of humor. For that I apologize, I made some very sweeping statements that were meant to be targeted at select types of people. There is still the factor of being decent in public. A person who enjoys your sense of humor is not a lesser person, but a person who brings that behavior out for public consumption is indeed rude and disrespectful.


Just because someone says something lewd in fleet chat and 1, 2, 3 or even 4 people laugh and go along with him does not make OK for the other couple of hundred of other people to have to deal with it.


Yes, but I'm making a "Your mom" joke. It's not horrible like dead baby jokes. It's not racist. It's not antisemitic. I'm not supporting the idea of pedophilia. It is very dumb, but that's about it.


I have my own lines that I draw. I don't let people be seriously insulted. I don't allow people to troll. All I want to do is mess around, but everybody is so focused on being mature that it's treated as deviant to do anything else.


And it's not just you, though thank you for apologizing. It's so many that will be like "Oh, you must be a d-bag. Everyone, ignore this guy because he insulted my mother!" All I do is make jokes to pass the time and maybe get people to enjoy the game a little bit more and not take things so seriously. That's not allowed, it seems, and that's what I'm protesting against.

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put those that you don't want to hear on your ignore list. Trust me, your quality of life will go up. After a little while you'll notice chat gets better when you've ignored most of the offenders.


I agree even though you can only put a certain number of people onto ignore it makes the general chat of whichever planet I am on is more Tolerable for lack of a better word though Dromund Kaas is the worst planet by far where the trolling in General chat is concerned.

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Yes, but I'm making a "Your mom" joke. It's not horrible like dead baby jokes. It's not racist. It's not antisemitic. I'm not supporting the idea of pedophilia. It is very dumb, but that's about it.


I have my own lines that I draw. I don't let people be seriously insulted. I don't allow people to troll. All I want to do is mess around, but everybody is so focused on being mature that it's treated as deviant to do anything else.


And it's not just you, though thank you for apologizing. It's so many that will be like "Oh, you must be a d-bag. Everyone, ignore this guy because he insulted my mother!" All I do is make jokes to pass the time and maybe get people to enjoy the game a little bit more and not take things so seriously. That's not allowed, it seems, and that's what I'm protesting against.


TBH, "Your Mom" jokes aren't anywhere near the line that I am making complaints about in this thread.

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Yes, but I'm making a "Your mom" joke. It's not horrible like dead baby jokes. It's not racist. It's not antisemitic. I'm not supporting the idea of pedophilia. It is very dumb, but that's about it.


I have my own lines that I draw. I don't let people be seriously insulted. I don't allow people to troll. All I want to do is mess around, but everybody is so focused on being mature that it's treated as deviant to do anything else.


And it's not just you, though thank you for apologizing. It's so many that will be like "Oh, you must be a d-bag. Everyone, ignore this guy because he insulted my mother!" All I do is make jokes to pass the time and maybe get people to enjoy the game a little bit more and not take things so seriously. That's not allowed, it seems, and that's what I'm protesting against.

I have no problem with people cracking jokes on the General Chat. However I so have a problem with people doing "Your mom" jokes for alot of people humor like that is very offensive especially to those who lost a family member or parent (the Mother in this case) recently or at a young age. Like I said joking around isn't bad I just think people need to be a little more careful about what they crack jokes about is all. I had to learn that lesson the hard way recently.

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I have no problem with people cracking jokes on the General Chat. However I so have a problem with people doing "Your mom" jokes for alot of people humor like that is very offensive especially to those who lost a family member or parent (the Mother in this case) recently or at a young age. Like I said joking around isn't bad I just think people need to be a little more careful about what they crack jokes about is all. I had to learn that lesson the hard way recently.


The same could be said of nearly any topic. And unless you bring back ridiculous levels of censorship a line needs to be drawn somewhere based on general society tolerances.

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Pretty much. I'm tired of being judged and condemned because I find "Your mom" jokes amusing.

If you find "yer mom" jokes stupid and you say so, you should be prepared to be called on it. If you don't like them, just ignore them. But if you do complain, it does not mean you deserve hateful abuse, either. Maybe a comment along the lines of "If you don't like them, ignore them."


What's worse than a troll? A self-appointed chat cop.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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