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Love playing the game, too old for the population.


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Don't let them get to you.


Just remember that the trolls and internet tough guys are the same people, that in real life, can't look you in the eye while they ask you if you want fries with that.


I remember that Trolls haven't existed on the internet since the mid-90's.

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Smart money says you must not participate in GC very often.



And that's your choice. Personally, I find it just as easy to not pay attention to it when it goes "full retard."



Most RP I see in MMOs is "full retard" (every other person is a super-major bad-a**, or every third person claims to own the fleet cantina). Which is why I don't bother with RP in MMOs.


4/10 troll points. Thanks for playing!

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"I disagree with you, or you disagree with me. You must be trolling."




Actually, I was referring to your style choice of discourse, having a different viewpoint is good, and encouraged imho.


Not sure it'd be any different if you went 500.


Incidentally, I have a monopoly board I'd like to sell you...


Only if I can use the money in it to pay my bills.


We should prolly get back on topic :(

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For a guy who always enters condescending posts in other people's threads, you should know that this is the internet. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:


Not trying to hijack your thread or anything, but out of all people I thought you would've known that.

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For a guy who always enters condescending posts in other people's threads, you should know that this is the internet. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:


Not trying to hijack your thread or anything, but out of all people I thought you would've known that.


Condescending or even trolling =/= crass and lewd behavior.

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Condescending or even trolling =/= crass and lewd behavior.

And? Don't go into threads if you're not going to make any constructive statements at all. One time you went into one of my threads and posted "No one cares."


LOL really? :rolleyes:

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And? Don't go into threads if you're not going to make any constructive statements at all. One time you went into one of my threads and posted "No one cares."


LOL really? :rolleyes:


I am not the best troll, but I am certainly better than "No one cares." You are mistaken on who you think said such a thing to you.

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Unfortunately, I'm in complete agreement with you, OP. It's hard to imagine a normal adult turning into a raging maniac on the internet, but that is, alas, the anonymity of it bringing out the worst in people. It's always funny to me how people completely change their personalities when they get on a computer, but there really isn't any changing them. I too enjoy helping out players and having civil chat, but in general, it's pretty dang hard.


I think the hardest part of it to stomach is the blatant sexism, racism and homophobia. I get that the anonymity of the internet brings out all sorts of bizarre behavior, but man, you can't go more than two comments into general chat without seeing downright ignorant statements. It stuns me, and I'd like to think the people doing that are younger, but I somehow doubt it.


I suppose the best way to combat it is to find a like-minded guild and stick with people who act maturely. It's a shame you have to work around people like that and it may inhibit your experience, but that's the way of the world.


Good luck in your future gaming!

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The average mmo gamer is still an 18-24 year old guy. That's changing, but not fast enough. On the internet, that's the Douchebag Demographic.


You must not follow politics.


50+ can be serious douchebags. They've had more practice at it.


Age does not make you a better person. It just makes you better at being whatever kind of person you are.

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So, I still enjoy playing quite a bit. However, the chat in fleet and just about every populated planet is so crass and juvenile that it is a turn-off to be around. Tonight I log into some junior high discussion about panties. No joke. I have gotten to the point where that sort of thing is no longer even remotely humorous.


If I turn off General Chat, I miss out on being able to help newer folks with their questions (helping folks is another fun part of the game for me) or any other legitimate discussion. I don't want to ignore all the folks, because I am sure that they aren't bad folks, I just don't want to be party to their public and juvenile idiocy.


I guess I am not really looking for a solution. Just venting.


Enjoy your night!


Without reading through the slew of posts, I'm sure the following has been mentioned a number of times. This is a game, and kids will play games. On the flip side, I've met a number of adults my age who are very immature as well. This is the risk you take when playing online games with others.


I get the venting though. Never healthy to keep stuff in.;)

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So, I still enjoy playing quite a bit. However, the chat in fleet and just about every populated planet is so crass and juvenile that it is a turn-off to be around. Tonight I log into some junior high discussion about panties. No joke. I have gotten to the point where that sort of thing is no longer even remotely humorous.


If I turn off General Chat, I miss out on being able to help newer folks with their questions (helping folks is another fun part of the game for me) or any other legitimate discussion. I don't want to ignore all the folks, because I am sure that they aren't bad folks, I just don't want to be party to their public and juvenile idiocy.


I guess I am not really looking for a solution. Just venting.


Enjoy your night!

too old but not mature.


an adult would be able to maturely ignore chatter they dont want to read.


so in conclusion, you need to grow up

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Actually, I was referring to your style choice of discourse, having a different viewpoint is good, and encouraged imho.


It's also a majority of the time that word "troll" tends to get used. Or should I say, 'abused'? The word truly is meaningless these days. May as well just change it out with "jerkface". Honestly it serves the same function to most people using it.


Only if I can use the money in it to pay my bills.


Uh, sure!


We should prolly get back on topic :(


We are on topic.

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too old but not mature.


an adult would be able to maturely ignore chatter they dont want to read.


so in conclusion, you need to grow up


Your input is noted and appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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I am not the best troll, but I am certainly better than "No one cares." You are mistaken on who you think said such a thing to you.

The thread was unfortunately removed by Allison Berryman back during server merges, when the Server Group Forums were recreated. I would have linked it to you if it was possible, but unfortunately, I can't. My memory isn't always the best, but there are always those little things I will never forget.


You said that. I'm very sure of it. :\

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The thread was unfortunately removed by Allison Berryman back during server merges, when the Server Group Forums were recreated. I would have linked it to you if it was possible, but unfortunately, I can't. My memory isn't always the best, but there are always those little things I will never forget.


You said that. I'm very sure of it. :\


OK. Well, if you believe that I did it, I will offer my apologies for being mean-spirited. My apologies.

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OK. Well, if you believe that I did it, I will offer my apologies for being mean-spirited. My apologies.

I honestly didn't get it overall, but oh well. /Back_on_topic


I believe the best you can do is just ignore it. And by "ignore it", I don't mean /ignore. The command won't block all the trolls as it ends up filling up at some point, and to be honest, if you PvE with the Group Finder I don't think it's the best idea. You'd just be hurting yourself.


There's lots of immature activity that happens on my server. As much as I hate it, I know the only thing I can do is just ignore it. I'm not sure what makes people discuss such stupidity or take part in such ridiculous debates. It's really mind-boggling, but I don't know... it just leaves me speechless, in fact. Can't really describe it, but internet personalities tend to make people stupid. :p


Oh, and I apologize for coming in here very rudely. I saw in your OP you just wanted to vent. Everyone wants to do it in a while. Me... I would do it a ton, but I feel as if there's no one to vent to, when all I'll hear is some comforting message like "It'll be alright." from someone who wish they could help, but can't... :(

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Roll a toon on Prophecy of the Five, get to the fleet around 7pm EDT Imperial Side and you will be inundated with the most wretched hive of scum and villainy any MMO has ever had transpire in general chat. It's seriously demented, stupid, outlandish, disgusting, juvenile, vulgar, homophobic, heterophobic, if there's a slur you name it, it'll be said. etc etc etc etc etc


Not my cup of tea.

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Oh I'm pretty certain those idiots haven't been in junior high since '87.


This is just how people act on the internet. Juvenile, childish idiots with foul mouths and no morals.


One of these days, a mad scientist is going to create a lethal pathogen that wipes out humanity for good.


And I will point him to the water supply without a single second thought.



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I like the way the Imp side seems to generally have the more inane "offensive" chatter. Fits in quite nicely.

Does it? At least on the Red Eclipse it seems to be about the same for both sides. (Dromund Kaas and Coruscant being the worst offenders, naturally.) Although I can't speak for end-game areas on the Rep side as my highest level Rep is level 37.

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Does it? At least on the Red Eclipse it seems to be about the same for both sides. (Dromund Kaas and Coruscant being the worst offenders, naturally.) Although I can't speak for end-game areas on the Rep side as my highest level Rep is level 37.


It does in my experience (im on RE too, btw). DK and Coruscant are equally "childish" on both I guess but the lure of being "super cool bad guy" seems to draw the worst offenders over to the Imp fleet, rather than the Republic one.


Only my opinion though it might just be the times I play at.

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