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Payed Character Transfer intercontinental!


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Hi there,


its so much apriciated and was as well needed to implement a character transfer option.


Thanks for the implementation today in the patch, BUT guys its so much not making sense to restrict it US-US and Euro-Euro.


My wife and me played since release and we started with friends on US server but live in europe, after the first 2 forced server transfers all friends left the game, and we are leftover on a US server.

We waited long time for this patch note of a payed char transfer option.


Now we had to read its restrictd not to be able to transfer from US server to a euro server :(


please remove this restriction, we got alot high lvl chars and are ready to pay for transfers but cant still. We really not want to level all again. I am sure alot other people might would want to move servers intercontinental as well.



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After moving from europe to asia for my job, and now with the oceanic servers moved to america, I was waiting on the payed transfert to move my main character from europe to US in order to play with people in my timezone.


I would be really happy if Bioware could allow transfers between Europe and America servers.

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Normally, I would understand the restriction, like on WoW, but with WoW you need a EU account or a US account, so its understandable for the restriction, but in swtor's case, where there is no playing restriction, I see no logical reason why there is a transfer restriction in place.
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I concur with everyone in this thread. Please make it where we can transfer between regions. I was so stoked for character transfers and was willing to pay what ever it takes to move characters, but alas, I guess you guys don't want my money. Sad really if you think about it.
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I also agree.

I am stationed in Germany and I started characters on the EU server so I could do things with people on normal times. Now that I am going back to the states I would like to transfer my characters to a North American server where I now have my other characters.


Help a Soldier out.

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An answer on this would be really nice. I joined a European guild pre-launch that fell apart last year and would really like to transfer those characters, especially my main, to the NA server on which I now play. I made the switch since I live on the east coast of the US.
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I completely agree. I am so disappointed there is not transfers between regions allowed. I don't understand the restriction. I've been waiting for months for this paid character transfer only to find that I won't be able to do it. So frustrating.



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Developers, I know there are no technical restrictions to do that because I have already transfered one of my characters from (US) Ebon Hawk to (Europe) TOFN. So why you don't allow us to move our characters? Any reasonable answer will do. Thanks.
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Developers, I know there are no technical restrictions to do that because I have already transfered one of my characters from (US) Ebon Hawk to (Europe) TOFN. So why you don't allow us to move our characters? Any reasonable answer will do. Thanks.


Dev's, care to answer this? What is going on??

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I too am disappointed at the lack of transfers between US and Europe. I joined a great guild but due to the smaller numbers I can't participate with any of them now. Now moving ten toons might be too expensive but I'd like the choice. Please look at facilitating to consolidate. Thank you! B
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