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It's been real BC. I've had plenty of great memories. This server will always be held close to my heart, especially with all of you wonderful people on it. Eventually when I get sick and tired of the potential immaturity on the bastion, I'll come back here for some games,cause I'm leaving all of my pub toons.


Thank you, really, for everything guys. I wish you the best of luck. :)

Edited by JamesBalla
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It's been real BC. I've had plenty of great memories. This server will always be held close to my heart, especially with all of you wonderful people on it. Eventually when I get sick and tired of the potential immaturity on the bastion, I'll come back here for some games,cause I'm leaving all of my pub toons.


Thank you, really, for everything guys. I wish you the best of luck. :)


good luck buddy!

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It's been real BC. I've had plenty of great memories. This server will always be held close to my heart, especially with all of you wonderful people on it. Eventually when I get sick and tired of the potential immaturity on the bastion, I'll come back here for some games,cause I'm leaving all of my pub toons.


Thank you, really, for everything guys. I wish you the best of luck. :)


Later Joi! hope you have fun on your new server dude. had lots'ofun playin against you guys lol.

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Have fun on the new server. I would like to say that going up against an ITK premade was always the hardest PVP fights I have faced on BC.


Keep it real on Bastion and I hope you all find the PVP that you have been striving for.

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Farewells are bittersweet. After a little over a year on Begeren Colony, I will miss playing with, and against, the many awesome people on this server. Thank you for the fun games, and for carrying me through many an op and flashpoint.


Best wishes, all, and goodbye!

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How I'm going to miss giving you a hard time. Best of luck to you. As a parting gift to BG take name changer with you, and have him make a video about it. What was I thinking of course he'd make a video about it and save it for all eternity.
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It's been real BC. I've had plenty of great memories. This server will always be held close to my heart, especially with all of you wonderful people on it. Eventually when I get sick and tired of the potential immaturity on the bastion, I'll come back here for some games,cause I'm leaving all of my pub toons.


Thank you, really, for everything guys. I wish you the best of luck. :)


Have fun on the Bastion I will miss all of ITK you guys were always fun to play games with, against is a different story ;) All in all I will miss you guys and wish you the best of luck :D

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Best of luck, ITKers (as well as the other top notch PVPers headed to Bastion, POT5, or wherever). I always enjoyed going up against you guys. Even when it seemed hopeless :) I'll be cheering for ya. Edited by gocard
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Come what may on The Bastion, I'll miss playing with the best of Begeren Colony. I treasure the times we played together, and the knowledge and experience you shared. The only thing more disappointing than parting ways with such an exemplary core community of PvPers is the server-induced separation from longtime friends and allies. So, to those of you wishing us the best - right back at you.
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