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Rep Exchange Vendor.


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So I wanted to post about an idea that I had.


As people get their reps to cap people will always ending up getting rep tokens that have basically no use. After you get to cap with the faction of the planet there has to be a better use of the rep tokens, other then destroying them?


A Rep exchange vendor would give people other ways to get the rep that they need in other ways as the reps come out and expand in the swtor universe.


Basically the way I would see this working is this.. There are currently 3 "levels" of rep tokens, Basically Green, Blue, and purple. By selling rep tokens to the vendor you would earn a currency based on weather its Grreen, Blue or Purple. Then that currency could be used to purchase another rep that said players need. There should be some cost in using a vendor so say it would cost have an exchange rate of say 2 rep currency for 1 token of some kind. While I am sure this may not sit perfectly with the other players. Its better then say destroying the extra rep tokens, because there is no other use for them.

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I doubt that they would allow to exchange them for rep, since certain reps are quicker and easier to max out then others (I mean... run Voss heroics on 2 characters, once a day - and I'm maxed for the week... and at lvl 55 they are very easily soloable)


however - making them useful in some way, other then vendor trash would be nice... I mean... like say trading makeb/gsi/section x rep tokens in for basic coms,


for example.


green rep token = 1 basic come, blue = 3 basic coms purple = 6 basic coms


since isotop 5 is sold for basic coms - it makes them useful all over again.


something similar could be done for space rep (like trading them for space coms and adding material boxes for lvl 9 and 10 materials... or do those already exist?) gree could be traded for gray helix components and Voss - for planetary coms.

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Anything is better then just as it is now, Thats why I was thinking about rep trade in ect, or maybe make it a 4 to 1 trade in ratio something that hurts but at least keeps them useful . As it is now is just... depressing.


oh, agreed. especially since makeb/GSI tokens can't even be vendored..

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