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Dirty Fighting, Gunslinger or Scoundrel?


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I'm thinking i want my smuggler to be a dot based player, but I havnt decided if i want to go towards scoundrel's dirty fighting or gunslinger's dirty fighting. Below are my pros/cons for going scoundrel/gunslinger, keep in mind i plan to (at least for now) go for dirty fighting either way. I did have an IA that was healer but never did a dps spec with her, so gameplay wise if i do make my smuggler a scoundrel it wouldnt have the same gameplay



Pros Scoundrel:


-Off Heal

-Could spec to heal for FPs which would give quicker queue times


Cons Scoundrel:

-one blaster (aesthetically i prefer 2)

-melee (have played a lot of melee based classes)



Pros Gunslinger:

-2 blasters (aesthetically pleasing)

-also get engineering skills in AC (which could intertwine with dirty fighting)


Cons Gunslinger:

-no stealth

-no off healing

-long FP wait times as pure dps AC

Edited by Skodan
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The other part to remember is that with the Gunslinger, you only have to worry about 1 resource for your wounding shots (energy). Scoundrels require energy and upper hand, so not only do you have to hit your shrap bomb, vital shot, and Hemorrhaging Blast before your WS, but you have to have hit a blaster whip, or killed someone, etc. and worry about keeping your upper hand.


That's just personal preference though. I've just never really gotten along with the smuggler/operative playstyle (except healing which I really dig)

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  • 3 weeks later...
The other part to remember is that with the Gunslinger, you only have to worry about 1 resource for your wounding shots (energy). Scoundrels require energy and upper hand, so not only do you have to hit your shrap bomb, vital shot, and Hemorrhaging Blast before your WS, but you have to have hit a blaster whip, or killed someone, etc. and worry about keeping your upper hand.


That's just personal preference though. I've just never really gotten along with the smuggler/operative playstyle (except healing which I really dig)


Yes, I can attest to this.... I have a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel and I feel the pain of having to maintain Upper Hand to continue my attack chain. It can be quite difficult especially with mobs/bosses that like to move around. I would much rather have made him a Dirty Fighter GS.


I LOVE my Concealment (Scrapper) Op and the melee playstyle of it and maintaining Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) is fairly easy on that tree.... But again, as my Dirty Fighting Scoundrel... it just hurts and I do NOT do as much DPS as my guildmate's Dirty Fighting GS.


If you don't want another melee character, then definitely do not go Scoundrel. Also, If you want to do a DPS Scoundrel/Op... go Concealment with an IA Op (imo, more fun than Scrapper b/c of the knives)... but for Dirty Fighting... go Gunslinger.

Edited by IanSterling
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Assuming you want to play a 36-point, "pure" Dirty Fighting spec rather than a hybrid, a Scoundrel can keep up with (if not exceed) a Gunslinger in PvE (with the exception of Dread Master Styrak NiM, because Scoundrels don't have much useful CC for that fight). Go Gunslinger for PvP though, no doubt. Scoundrel DPS is fun, but too squishy in high-level PvP. Edited by Gondolindhrim
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IMO i think running DF on a GS is rather pointless.. why run a dot spec when the burst that class is capable of is beyond ludicrous?

I mean is were talking pure PvE grinding or lower level leveling then yeah.. it makes sense, but when you get to higher levels SS or even Sab can put out ridiculous burst.

If you are set on a dot spec though... fine, but i would go Scoundrel over GS due to the added utility and survivability with heals stealth etc...

i tried it on my GS on Makeb after using it on my Scoundrel and i felt gimped... but to each their own i guess, hope it works out

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IMO i think running DF on a GS is rather pointless.. why run a dot spec when the burst that class is capable of is beyond ludicrous?

Because Dirty Fighting has great burst too? Wounding Shots is insane. DF may well be the most well-designed DoT spec in this game right now, because you actually get rewarded for the setup time with superb burst damage.


I mean is were talking pure PvE grinding or lower level leveling then yeah.. it makes sense, but when you get to higher levels SS or even Sab can put out ridiculous burst.

I'd say the exact opposite in terms of low level play or solo PvE grinding. I'd rather have on-demand, no setup damage (SS) or better AoE (Sab) for that. DF burst is at least on par with the other specs at higher levels, however. Again, Wounding Shots is absolutely beastly.

Edited by Gondolindhrim
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Because Dirty Fighting has great burst too? Wounding Shots is insane. DF may well be the most well-designed DoT spec in this game right now, because you actually get rewarded for the setup time with superb burst damage.



I'd say the exact opposite in terms of low level play or solo PvE grinding. I'd rather have on-demand, no setup damage (SS) or better AoE (Sab) for that. DF burst is at least on par with the other specs at higher levels, however. Again, Wounding Shots is absolutely beastly.


wounding shots is insane... after using a bunch of cooldowns to get the dots all in place.

Im not knocking it, i love the spec on my scoundrel over scrapper by a long margin.. but on a GS SS is soooo OP its hard to even consider anything else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bottom line: If you're aiming to be a DPS there is absolutely no reason to roll a scoundrel over a gunslinger.


There's a reason why dps scoundrels aren't taken seriously and in fact aren't taken a all in high end PvP; they simply cannot get the numbers. Also, the difficulty playing a melee dps opposed to ranged is much greater. Scoundrel DPS is probably the most difficult class to play. Half of their DPS skills require you to be behind your opponent. Their damage is mediocre as well. Why deal with all of that heartache, when easymode is staring you in the face?


Look, just go slinger...

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Bottom line: If you're aiming to be a DPS there is absolutely no reason to roll a scoundrel over a gunslinger.


There's a reason why dps scoundrels aren't taken seriously and in fact aren't taken a all in high end PvP; they simply cannot get the numbers. Also, the difficulty playing a melee dps opposed to ranged is much greater. Scoundrel DPS is probably the most difficult class to play. Half of their DPS skills require you to be behind your opponent. Their damage is mediocre as well. Why deal with all of that heartache, when easymode is staring you in the face?


Look, just go slinger...

A well timed and a good critical (with surge) of the scoundrel/operative stealth only backstab (with top mid tree power) power can severely cripple an enemy healer, then with a stun and extra stabs they are almost dead.


With dirty fighting I have no clue, and I thought all dirty fighting powers were 30m, even for scoundrel. Likely confusing this with assassin, which has 30m madness tree abilities.

Edited by Biotic_Warlock
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Bottom line: If you're aiming to be a DPS there is absolutely no reason to roll a scoundrel over a gunslinger.


There's a reason why dps scoundrels aren't taken seriously and in fact aren't taken a all in high end PvP; they simply cannot get the numbers. Also, the difficulty playing a melee dps opposed to ranged is much greater. Scoundrel DPS is probably the most difficult class to play. Half of their DPS skills require you to be behind your opponent. Their damage is mediocre as well. Why deal with all of that heartache, when easymode is staring you in the face?


Look, just go slinger...

Ignore all of that.


Dirty fighting parses practically the same for both. So neither does more damage. It's a case of do you want ranged and Dps only or melee with heals.


The real drawback for Dps scoundrels in PVP, is that you'll end up being asked to node guard more than a slinger would.


For ranked slinger is more needed, but most PVP is not rated. Only about 20% if that play rated, so don't base your decision on that.


Also I'd expect major balance to be done for 2.4.


Bottom line is both are great in dirty fighting, that's why I have both and I don't regret that for a second.

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  • 1 month later...

I play a Lethality Op (and a Sab Slinger).


I enjoy Lethality (DF) on my Agent because I do not rely at all on taking cover. I stay mobile, keep my dots up and use tactical advantage like it's going out of style. Also, on the Op/Scoundrel side of the house, you have the ability to break combat and pull an out of combat rez if needed.


I "feel" like my Sab gets higher DPS, but that's just because I don't see those big numbers as often in the flytext on my Op.


It really comes down to three things. Your preferred playstyle, how well you know your spec and the exact role you want to fill.

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