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Everything posted by IanSterling

  1. Well, it just hit me today, wondering if there were any other NYC players so I searched and found this thread. I can't believe it's been 3.5 yrs since last post. Heh! I live in Queens and work in Manhattan. Will be moving into Manhattan this spring. Anyone from NY (City or Upstate) still around? I was a beta tester and been a subscriber since launch. I have about 27 different toons (both Rep and Imp) and about half are lvl 70. I think I'm on Jedi Covenant server now -- stopped paying attention after al the server merges. Happy new Year to all!
  2. My first Trooper was a Vanguard tank - loved it. It was great. I have a Commando, it's alright. But then I thought I'd try a DPS spec Vanguard to have a blaster rifle "at range" instead of in the thick of it of all. Totally disappointed on that, as well as some other things.... As DPS spec, the majority of my abilities still have a short 10m range. As DPS, I don't need to be in the thick of things (like a tank would) - why are my blasts limited to short range?? And if I HAVE to have short range abilities and be in the middle of things, then we should get Storm MUCH sooner than level 65! It was PAINFUL to level up this character. Now that I can actually leap into range and actually use these short range abilities without having to SLOWLY jog into battle due to movement suppression, my character is actually playable and somewhat enjoyable. But getting to level 65 was murderous. But the WORST thing about a DPS Vanguard - the absolute worst, imo - is that Stockstrike does MORE damage than any of my rifle blasts!!! SERIOUSLY?!?! Hitting someone with the butt of my rifle does more damage than shooting them?!?! Come on!! I get that it might best to do that mechanically for tank spec and it also helps them to generate threat - but as DPS spec, Stockstrike should NOT be the highest damaging ability. It MIGHT be ok if the range of the DPS Vanguard was extended so you could use Stockstrike on that one mob that tends to rush you. But still, even then, thematically, it's just plain WRONG.
  3. OP - in addition to what JERIMAYUS suggested, you should also pick up Cybertech crafting to make grenades.
  4. I would LOVE this! There are some great robes out there, but I hate the hoods, so I never use the robes. One of the things I hate about hoods is that everyone is bald in them. Maybe I'd wear hooded armor if it wasn't so obvious my character was bald. But nevertheless, a toggle would be great so you could do some scenes with a hood and some without.
  5. Please oh PLEASE make uncovering the fog of war on the maps a legacy perk like the datacrons. Once a character has uncovered an entire map - it should be automatically uncovered for all other characters in legacy. It is SUCH a pain to have to uncover the map on every character and having a partially uncovered map is annoying. I would think my characters would "share the info with one another." The XP gained from exploration is not needed - it is SO easy to get XP in this game without needing it from exploration. Any Codexes can automatically be added onto the characters like the datacrons do. And if making the map uncovered for all AUTOMATICALLY once a character uncovers it is too easy, then at least please make it a purchaseable ACCOUNT-WIDE legacy perk. And please make it retroactive!
  6. THANK YOU! Forcing the repair seemed to work. I tried to log in one more time and of course it happened again and as I was finding my way through my files to follow the repair instructions, the game launched anyway - VERY delayed launch! However, as soon as I clicked "play" on my character, the game closed. (This has been happening all last week but after several attempts I could finally get in game. Not today, though.) However, following your link and forcing the repair worked beautifully. It started right up with no issues. So thank you again!
  7. This is happening to me too. Tried several times. Launcher downloaded the patch, I click "play" and it all disappears with no entry into the game.
  8. Yes, I can attest to this.... I have a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel and I feel the pain of having to maintain Upper Hand to continue my attack chain. It can be quite difficult especially with mobs/bosses that like to move around. I would much rather have made him a Dirty Fighter GS. I LOVE my Concealment (Scrapper) Op and the melee playstyle of it and maintaining Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) is fairly easy on that tree.... But again, as my Dirty Fighting Scoundrel... it just hurts and I do NOT do as much DPS as my guildmate's Dirty Fighting GS. If you don't want another melee character, then definitely do not go Scoundrel. Also, If you want to do a DPS Scoundrel/Op... go Concealment with an IA Op (imo, more fun than Scrapper b/c of the knives)... but for Dirty Fighting... go Gunslinger.
  9. GS's do not HAVE to use cover, but some trees lean more on it than others. Sharpshooter and Sabateur more so than Dirty Fighter. But even with my Sharpshooter GS, I sometimes don't use cover for just mob-to-mob running with my team. I can dish out some AoEs, kick, whip, and run onto the next fairly fast. But dropping into cover really quick (in place for me and my playstyle) can be done in a split second and I can burn down the bigger mobs as needed. Best advanced class?? Best tree?? Completely subjective. All are good for what they do. I like all the GS trees but prefer my IA Ops over my Scoundrels.... probably just because I like the knives and the animations. I like the Dirty Fighting GS over the Dirty Fighting Scoundrel (maintaining Upper Hand to continue my attack Chain is a pain -- and for some reason I find it easier to maintain Tactical Advantage on my Op. But anyway, it's all up to you and your personal playstyle. Again, they are all good for what they are/do, imo.
  10. Having played all and enjoying each of them... It sounds like your playstyle is more of the Scoundrel/Op. I LOVE my Sharpshooter Gunslinger (my first toon and still top fav after all classes). And I LOVE my Concealment Op (now tied to my Gunslinger as top fav). My Dirty Fighting (shared tree) Scoundrel, not so much -- I disagree with the other poster... I find the DPS lacking on the Dirty Fighting Scoundrel because of having to maintain Upper Hand all the time as compared to a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger who does not have to. (digression and semantics.) I also agree with the other poster... the IA Op story and stabby-stabby goodness of the Concealment tree is SO very awesome compared to the Scoundrel Scrapper that you may want to consider doing a Gunslinger Rep side and Op Imp side. instead of Scoundrel/Sniper combo. I also come from CoH/CoV and loved my blappers as well!! So you'll feel right at home with the Scoundrel/Agent. The Gunlsinger/Sniper has some AWESOME damage output and some great AoE trees so you should like that as well. You really cannot go wrong with any Smug/Agent.... so it's really down to how you want to experience the stories and the playstyle mechanics. Even though your playstyle may lean mostly to the Scoundrel/Op... I think you'll get an better overall experience by going Sabateur (AoE heavy) Gunslinger and then the Concealment Op for your Imperial. you'll enjoy the familiar AoE mob thrashing from your CoH blasters and then get a great blapper experience with the Op Agent.
  11. I understand your point in that the Scrapper tree is less than it should be. But I don't think that just adding a bunch of shotgun attacks is the solution. While I *do* think all scoundrels should have an additional shotgun attack or two to make more use of their secondary weapon (a two-handed "double-barreled" blast from the hip would be cool)... the issue is, the "Scrapper" tree is less scrapper'ish since they took out Cheap Shot. ...in my opinion, anyway. I think all smugglers took a hit when they took out Cheap Shot -- I know my gunslinger did -- it was perfect for those pesky melee mobs that rushed me: Dirty Kick, Pistol Whip, Cheap Shot and the mob was done, maybe a Quick Draw for a higher level one. But I think the Scrappers felt it the most because their primary attack chain is punching. (I know my Concealment tree (same as Scrapper tree) IA Op feels it with Lacerate being gone.) I know it was not as useful against bosses (and I felt the pain of the missing ability in my chain there too) and that's why people whined and why the Devs removed it... but there could've been an alternate fix instead of just removing the abilities. If they're gonna have a Scrapper tree... they shouldn't remove an attack and not give another punch/kick/stab/slice back in its place.
  12. I can understand the Op's point in that it did seem a little embarrassing being chastised by Satele in such a public forum for being -- however, that is me (the player). My character who is dark sided (and is not me) wouldn't care. So I it didn't bother me at all. I also agree with others about the LS JK story ending -- it was perfectly done, imo. however, if you're going to give an alternate ending for DS JK's... then DO IT RIGHT! Agreed, Aeneas. Bioware should have stuck to their guns (or uh... lightsabres!) on the DS JK ending from beta. I just got my DS JK completed and was excited about receiving the General title like I saw others had back in beta. Not receiving the title highly disappointed me. Still being actually given the Master title ticked me off. Finding out that it was removed from the game because some people whined, completely saddened me. But more than that -- there is now a HUGE hole in the story... Satele said I am not a Master... so I shouldn't have the darned title; the Republic granted me the "honorary" rank of General and even Satele sent me an in-game email and addressed me as "General"... I should have the General title. Bioware is known for their storytelling and I am completely at a loss for why they would cave to such foolish people and allow such a horrible ending to the story. Devs, if you read this, I beg of you, PLEASE reinstate the General title for Dark-sided Jedi Knights. Thanks in advance!! ...it's such an easy fix for a glaring problem with the DS JK story.
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