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A New Type Of Vs Thread


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Now, I know this has been done before, but I think that debating with you all is extremely fun, even if I don't always particpate in every debate. It actually becomes main parts of my day (is that sad?) and I think I should give it a shot. So, after seeing many different threads, I felt inspired to do my own, however with a twist. I propose a new kind of vs series- a hunger games(ish) version. Combatants (around 8) fight to the death all at one time. All on the same field, to see who is the most intelligent, deadly, and cunning in the lot of them. Rules are still in the works, but I want to see if this would even be worth creating.


As of now, the combatants are as follows:


Aurra Sing


CT-7567: Captain Rex

Kir Kanos


Dash Rendar


Canderous Ordo (pre Mandalore)


Wilhuff Tarkin(?)


Judder Page




They are subject to change, either through my choice or if this gets rolling, your choices. I went for a "Scum and Soldier" theme, I like the ring of that.


So, what do you think? Like? Dislike? What's the verdict? I'm anxious to know what everyone thinks of this idea. I could be good, or a complete train wreck. But you never know until you board the train:rolleyes:!

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It could work, though I dunno about Tarkin. As to my recollection, he hasn't been in combat and plus he is quite old. Sing is also another matter...while only just a former Padawan that still puts her above pretty much everyone with the exception of perhaps Kir Kanos. I guess it depends on the rules, would need to see them first to make a better judgement. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Ooh this sounds interesting! As for your choices, a few interesting characters in there, but I could think up a whole lot more. I suggest maybe a tournament format, consisting of eight rounds, and with the winners of those eight rounds progressing to the final.


Or alternatively (if you feel 8 is too many) a series of standalone matchups perhaps with different themes. This might be a more interesting idea as you wouldn't have to worry about a universal level of ability (though given the format, not relying completely on battle skills that might not be a problem.)


Alternatively you could amalgamate the two, have 8 rounds with different themes e.g. Jedi, Sith, Underworld, etc. and then have a final death match.


You pick, but I'd highly suggest having more than one round.


EDIT: And as a general piece of advice, try to stick with well-known characters or at least those who have been fleshed out considerably. Enough to have a reasoned debate with.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Ooh this sounds interesting! As for your choices, a few interesting characters in there, but I could think up a whole lot more. I suggest maybe a tournament format, consisting of eight rounds, and with the winners of those eight rounds progressing to the final.


Or alternatively (if you feel 8 is too many) a series of standalone matchups perhaps with different themes. This might be a more interesting idea as you wouldn't have to worry about a universal level of ability (though given the format, not relying completely on battle skills that might not be a problem.)


Alternatively you could amalgamate the two, have 8 rounds with different themes e.g. Jedi, Sith, Underworld, etc. and then have a final death match.


You pick, but I'd highly suggest having more than one round.


EDIT: And as a general piece of advice, try to stick with well-known characters or at least those who have been fleshed out considerably. Enough to have a reasoned debate with.


The more characters the merrier (to some degree)! Please, give your suggestions!:D It would make everything easier. I'm thinking of removing Page and Embo, simply as they don't have 1. a huge chance of winning, and 2. not a lot of information regarding them (more so a problem for Embo). Wolf, I want to incorporate Train or some other form of manipulator. However, I want to also retain the "Scum and Soldier" theme. The reason I picked Tarkin was because it would be interesting if I decided teams could come into play. This is a large part of the hunger games aspect. Tributes (characters) could form alliances with one another to help fight off enemies. However this could be hard to implement.


Beni, for your systems, would the tournament be eight rounds of two tributes fighting (much like the Kaggath) or eight rounds of eight tributes, and the winners vs each other? That could be interesting. I have to admit, more than one round makes a lot of sense. I was planning on doing multiple games- such as Jedi, Sith etc. But I wasn't planning on having them fight each other. However, that could also prove to be interesting. AS of now, I'm trying to figure out solid rules, and when I finish I will post them.

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Ok for teams, then I would actually suggest replacing Tarkin with Veers, seeing as Veers is more a combat oriented person if they are gonna be fighting against one another and the latter would be able to devise strategy.


Though ya teams maybe difficult to do.


I would actually see about putting in more non-sith/jedi people into the fighting, there have been many Jedi vs Sith threads and the like, I think it would be nice to exclude them for once, of course in doing so the battles will be small, as there aren't a lot of fleshed out non-Jedi/Sith people compared to Jedi/Sith.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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The more characters the merrier (to some degree)! Please, give your suggestions!:D It would make everything easier. I'm thinking of removing Page and Embo, simply as they don't have 1. a huge chance of winning, and 2. not a lot of information regarding them (more so a problem for Embo). Wolf, I want to incorporate Train or some other form of manipulator. However, I want to also retain the "Scum and Soldier" theme. The reason I picked Tarkin was because it would be interesting if I decided teams could come into play. This is a large part of the hunger games aspect. Tributes (characters) could form alliances with one another to help fight off enemies. However this could be hard to implement.


Beni, for your systems, would the tournament be eight rounds of two tributes fighting (much like the Kaggath) or eight rounds of eight tributes, and the winners vs each other? That could be interesting. I have to admit, more than one round makes a lot of sense. I was planning on doing multiple games- such as Jedi, Sith etc. But I wasn't planning on having them fight each other. However, that could also prove to be interesting. AS of now, I'm trying to figure out solid rules, and when I finish I will post them.

I can't say I'm too keen on non-combatants. I mean if this is going to be real Hunger Game style (great book by the way) they'll all start at the Cornucopia and anyone in their right mind is going to shoot the old, unarmed man. Lol.


That's a thing though, despite the tributes being pretty tough they didn't try to duke it out in the middle, largely due to lack of weapons. So I'd assume they'd be stripped of weapons here. I say that because this poses a problem for Force users who can't be stripped from the Force (tactically placed Ysalamir perhaps?)


And I meant 8 rounds of 8 tributes, each with one winner who would progress to a 8 tribute final.


But either way, I think the first thing you should try to do is make as many strong teams as possible, some suggestions of mine would be:


Non-Force Sensitive


Boba Fett/Jango Fett



Cad Bane

Zam Wessel




Pre Vizsla



Han Solo

Kyle Katarn (pre-Jedi)




Asajj Ventress

Savage Opress

Darth Maul

Any PT Jedi e.g. Kit Fisto, Unduli, Plo Koon etc.

Bastila Shan

Mara Jade (pre-Jedi)


I think all of these guys could be interesting without their weapons.


If I can think of more I'll post.

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I still dunno about adding in Force Users, as they have an advantage over the non-Force users. I mean what exactly is going to stop them, from just throwing around everyone who isn't a force user? I mean if were not going to take in plot/story and have this be a fight, this is more then likely what would happen unless the non-force users struck first....probably not exactly throwing around everyone, but you know. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I can't say I'm too keen on non-combatants. I mean if this is going to be real Hunger Game style (great book by the way) they'll all start at the Cornucopia and anyone in their right mind is going to shoot the old, unarmed man. Lol.


That's a thing though, despite the tributes being pretty tough they didn't try to duke it out in the middle, largely due to lack of weapons. So I'd assume they'd be stripped of weapons here. I say that because this poses a problem for Force users who can't be stripped from the Force (tactically placed Ysalamir perhaps?)


And I meant 8 rounds of 8 tributes, each with one winner who would progress to a 8 tribute final.


But either way, I think the first thing you should try to do is make as many strong teams as possible, some suggestions of mine would be:


Non-Force Sensitive


Boba Fett/Jango Fett



Cad Bane

Zam Wessel




Pre Vizsla



Han Solo

Kyle Katarn (pre-Jedi)




Asajj Ventress

Savage Opress

Darth Maul

Any PT Jedi e.g. Kit Fisto, Unduli, Plo Koon etc.

Bastila Shan

Mara Jade (pre-Jedi)


I think all of these guys could be interesting without their weapons.


If I can think of more I'll post.


For me, the cornucopia would be a hard pressed matter, mainly as all combatants are used to their weapons, as opposed to someone else's, meaning that they would essentially be geared at the start. However, that gives me another idea. The true match would start before the games ever began- in "training"


I had most of those people in mind, however, I was only working with one bracket at a time. I will now be working on multiple brackets to solidify the tournament.

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I still dunno about adding in Force Users, as they have an advantage over the non-Force users. I mean what exactly is going to stop them, from just throwing around everyone who isn't a force user? I mean if were not going to take in plot/story and have this be a fight, this is more then likely what would happen.
Well it depends on whether we are going to have pure Force user competitions or not. That said, there are many ways in which a Force user can be killed and the nature of this battle (no weapons, not open arena) would make them vulnerable. Then throw so yslamari into the mix.
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Well it depends on whether we are going to have pure Force user competitions or not. That said, there are many ways in which a Force user can be killed and the nature of this battle (no weapons, not open arena) would make them vulnerable. Then throw so yslamari into the mix.


But then the Yslamari would be the 1st thing to die then, and thus boom Force Powa! But ya...I guess it does depend how this is gonna play out.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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For me, the cornucopia would be a hard pressed matter, mainly as all combatants are used to their weapons, as opposed to someone else's, meaning that they would essentially be geared at the start. However, that gives me another idea. The true match would start before the games ever began- in "training"


I had most of those people in mind, however, I was only working with one bracket at a time. I will now be working on multiple brackets to solidify the tournament.

I think stripping them of their weapons would be the best idea. Else the beginning will just result in them all duking it out and it will be over in a few minutes. Not having weapons gives them a reason to run and hide, then set traps, team up etc. I'm thinking it also might be better to scale it down just a little to make it easier to track. Or alternatively introduce a turn-based system, have rounds within a match in which events happen which potentially knock out an opponent.
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On that note...why not have each combatant start in a specific area rather then all in the same area? Strip them of their weapons, and have them instead look for them and try to kill any they come across. But I know, your trying to make this like Hunger Games...but just a thought.


Though even unarmed, a lot of these guys are trained in H2H.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Agreed, force-users don't belong with non-force users, even relatively weak ones.


As for the original list, I'd probably go with Page. He was a veteran of both Hoth and Endor, survived a bunch of stuff that a lesser willed/skilled person would have not, served in several elite special forces units, and was leader of what was possibly the Havoc Squad of the Rebellion/New Republic days/Vong War.

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Hmm...perhaps actually you should make a test thread to see how it works, before you start adding in more people. Have the rules and such, and just use the guys you have on your list Canino so as to test the waters. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well, the hunger games is just inspiration. I'm perfectly fine with changing things to make this a unique and interesting fight. As of now, I've decided some key rules:


1. Teams are allowed and encouraged

2. Before the final round, force users will be in separate rounds than non-force users (this may change) Exception: Aurra Sing and perhaps Mira

3. The arena will be different in every round, from easy landscapes such as plains to more difficult landscapes, such as urban terrains.

4. All tributes begin weaponless. Weapons will be hidden around the map and the debaters will come up with creative ideas as to where they may be (almost D&D style creativity) However, tributes will only find weapons that they have knowledge and experience in using. Other weapons will be found at cornucopia.


I'm still debating on how I want the debates to go. We could do it normally with multiple people fighting for some tributes, but it could be interesting to try a hand at an almost first person experience. Debaters choice a tribute and essentially become the tribute, debating on behalf of said tribute and going for the win. Debaters have to stay in the personality of the tribute then, teaming with tributes they would actually team with as opposed to simply teaming. This would go to other actions as well.


EDIT: Oh Wolf, I will be! I. Will. Be! :D

Edited by Canino
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Well, the hunger games is just inspiration. I'm perfectly fine with changing things to make this a unique and interesting fight. As of now, I've decided some key rules:


1. Teams are allowed and encouraged

2. Before the final round, force users will be in separate rounds than non-force users (this may change) Exception: Aurra Sing and perhaps Mira

3. The arena will be different in every round, from easy landscapes such as plains to more difficult landscapes, such as urban terrains.

4. All tributes begin weaponless. Weapons will be hidden around the map and the debaters will come up with creative ideas as to where they may be (almost D&D style creativity) However, tributes will only find weapons that they have knowledge and experience in using. Other weapons will be found at cornucopia.


I'm still debating on how I want the debates to go. We could do it normally with multiple people fighting for some tributes, but it could be interesting to try a hand at an almost first person experience. Debaters choice a tribute and essentially become the tribute, debating on behalf of said tribute and going for the win. Debaters have to stay in the personality of the tribute then, teaming with tributes they would actually team with as opposed to simply teaming. This would go to other actions as well.


EDIT: Oh Wolf, I will be! I. Will. Be! :D


Hm, hm....alright sounds interesting enough.

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I have the first thread pretty much done, but one thing is stumping me... the arena. Any suggestions? Should it be an entire planet, or a smaller location?


Where ever the arena is make it hazardous.... here is the thing I actually think following the hunger games rules entirely would almost be better every one is non jedi every one starts in center all the weapons and equipment are dead center with back packs and small arms and supplies scattered around the edge and an eviroment that's just as likely to kill you as the combatants are. If the person has enough repior with the people they can get occasional small supplies sent to their location. Anything goes if you want to team they can but are not required but the team can not win as a whole only 1 may be crowned champion. my 2 cents.

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Well, the hunger games is just inspiration. I'm perfectly fine with changing things to make this a unique and interesting fight. As of now, I've decided some key rules:


1. Teams are allowed and encouraged

2. Before the final round, force users will be in separate rounds than non-force users (this may change) Exception: Aurra Sing and perhaps Mira

3. The arena will be different in every round, from easy landscapes such as plains to more difficult landscapes, such as urban terrains.

4. All tributes begin weaponless. Weapons will be hidden around the map and the debaters will come up with creative ideas as to where they may be (almost D&D style creativity) However, tributes will only find weapons that they have knowledge and experience in using. Other weapons will be found at cornucopia.


I'm still debating on how I want the debates to go. We could do it normally with multiple people fighting for some tributes, but it could be interesting to try a hand at an almost first person experience. Debaters choice a tribute and essentially become the tribute, debating on behalf of said tribute and going for the win. Debaters have to stay in the personality of the tribute then, teaming with tributes they would actually team with as opposed to simply teaming. This would go to other actions as well.


EDIT: Oh Wolf, I will be! I. Will. Be! :D

All good, except for perhaps the teams idea. As these leads to too many variables to track and no definitive arguments being able to made. Simply put anyone could ally with anyone.


Oh and I suggest you come up with were weapons are hidden before the debate begins, just to make it more objective.


And yeah, small arena's would be preferable. Perhaps a jungle, city district or something of that kind.

Edited by Beniboybling
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