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Help me choose the right kind of Jedi for the right story... (RP dilemma)


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Greetings all,


I'll cut to the chase, I finally found time to play The Old Republic and I already have a majority of my characters ready for eventual play, however, I am stuck for the Jedi stories. I want to roll a Jedi Guardian and Shadow.


I have two kinds of Jedi in mind:

a) The young foolish Jedi, a little naive but dedicated to both the ideals of the order and the republic, he will generally be making LS decisions whilst learning about the force.

(Inspirations like: young Anakin and Obiwan, possibly Luke come to mind)


b) The older grey Jedi, Thing's are not so black and white for this guy. He doesn't have the stick/light saber and the Jedi code stuck as tightly up his backside, he is the type to follow the will of the force

(Definitely more of a Quigon Jinn, Jolee Bindo, or Kype Katarn character)



In my attempts to research both stories without spoiling to much for myself, I fear I managed to do just that, still,

My questions are as follows:

- Which character has the better sense of humor or comes with better one liners? Are either charming or cheeky?

- Which character comes with the more enjoyable companions? Do you find yourself really connecting with them?

- I am to understand both characters will take on a Padawan, Does either character pull off the mentor role better?

- Does either character have that many grey options? Am I even able to take the whole "will of the force" approach?

- Does either class give me the chance to explore the force or am I generally just going to be thrown into the war and running the councils errands?

- Is either character challenged by the dark side at any point or is it a heroic journey from start to finish? Are the DS choices difficult to make or does the story really challenge your Jedi ideals?


I probably had other questions, but this is probably good for now.



I would welcome and appreciate some insight to the stories without spoiling things to much, I just want to really know if the type of characters I want to play can be pulled off by either of these classes.


Edited by Kaeden
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My questions are as follows:

- Which character has the better sense of humor or comes with better one liners? Are either charming or cheeky? I'm not sure if it was because one was male (Knight) and the other female (Consular), but, playing through both I found the Jedi Knight had more

- Which character comes with the more enjoyable companions? Do you find yourself really connecting with them? Depends on how you view them. I love to mess around with Doc and Kira for the Knight (They're fairly laid back) Whilst Nadia for Consular can be pretty cool as well

- I am to understand both characters will take on a Padawan, Does either character pull off the mentor role better? This depends on a few things. 1: Would the character be male or female? (Both padawans are relationship options) and 2: If male, would you start a relationship. Although (I believe) Consulars have the best mentoring storyline with Nadia, the cheeky, naive jedi you talked of is seen more in the Knight and Kira

- Does either character have that many grey options? Am I even able to take the whole "will of the force" approach? I would say they both have a fairly equal amount of grey options

- Does either class give me the chance to explore the force or am I generally just going to be thrown into the war and running the councils errands? The Consular gives you a bit more of an opportunity to explore the force but both do offer aspects of this

- Is either character challenged by the dark side at any point or is it a heroic journey from start to finish? Are the DS choices difficult to make or does the story really challenge your Jedi ideals? Without spoiling anything, the Jedi Knight has a few awesome moments when you get challenged by the darkside that definitely change your ideals :D


With all this in mind I would say your idea of a younger Jedi Guardian would be your best bet :)

Edited by zXBurntToastXz
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- Which character has the better sense of humor or comes with better one liners? Are either charming or cheeky?

- Which character comes with the more enjoyable companions? Do you find yourself really connecting with them?

- I am to understand both characters will take on a Padawan, Does either character pull off the mentor role better?

- Does either character have that many grey options? Am I even able to take the whole "will of the force" approach?

- Does either class give me the chance to explore the force or am I generally just going to be thrown into the war and running the councils errands?

- Is either character challenged by the dark side at any point or is it a heroic journey from start to finish? Are the DS choices difficult to make or does the story really challenge your Jedi ideals?


- Tbh, this is a little up to your convo options. Haven't noticed anything as great as what smuggler comes up with, but both my ds sage (consular) and my kind-of-gray sentinel get nice lines here and there, while my ls sages lines were usually pretty boring.

- This is a hard one. I'd probably say knight, and at least female knight's romance option is so much better than female consular's. However, if I have to pick my favourite companion from all of the jedi companions, that one would be consular's healer companion. That's one original personality for a jedi companion imo.

- This is a hard one too. Knight gets their padawan earlier and they get to train her a little longer and see her getting the rank of knight (can't remember the consular one getting the knight rank at any point, correct me if I'm wrong). However, to my female sent at least, my knight padawan really never felt like a student when I had convos with her, more like a friend or a colleague. The consular padawan actually asks for your advice and talks about her training a lot. However, both padawans are romance options, and since you can romance the knight companion when you both are knights (as far as I know), it might feel a little less creepy than romancing a padawan when you have the rank of master.

- Hard to say what you mean buy "grey options". Can't remember many times when you could choose an option like "it's the will of the Force" (consular Tython story is the only one where I remember this being present).

- Consular story's first chapter is a bit like this at least, though the 2 other chapters aren't as much about the Force as the chapter 1 is. But knight is running more errands imo, though they are heroic errands.

- This really is up to you. You can be heroic all the way if you feel like it or decide not to be. However, I think consular story is better in this, with knight I sometimes feel that you are either a hero or a supervillain. Consular might get away with ds choices with the "I'm just being practical"-excuse. But that might be just me.

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I'll cut to the chase, I finally found time to play The Old Republic and I already have a majority of my characters ready for eventual play, however, I am stuck for the Jedi stories. I want to roll a Jedi Guardian and Shadow.


I have two kinds of Jedi in mind:

a) The young foolish Jedi, a little naive but dedicated to both the ideals of the order and the republic, he will generally be making LS decisions whilst learning about the force.

(Inspirations like: young Anakin and Obiwan, possibly Luke come to mind)


b) The older grey Jedi, Thing's are not so black and white for this guy. He doesn't have the stick/light saber and the Jedi code stuck as tightly up his backside, he is the type to follow the will of the force

(Definitely more of a Quigon Jinn, Jolee Bindo, or Kype Katarn character)


In my attempts to research both stories without spoiling to much for myself, I fear I managed to do just that, still,

My questions are as follows:

- Which character has the better sense of humor or comes with better one liners? Are either charming or cheeky?

- Which character comes with the more enjoyable companions? Do you find yourself really connecting with them?

- I am to understand both characters will take on a Padawan, Does either character pull off the mentor role better?

- Does either character have that many grey options? Am I even able to take the whole "will of the force" approach?

- Does either class give me the chance to explore the force or am I generally just going to be thrown into the war and running the councils errands?

- Is either character challenged by the dark side at any point or is it a heroic journey from start to finish? Are the DS choices difficult to make or does the story really challenge your Jedi ideals?


I would welcome and appreciate some insight to the stories without spoiling things to much, I just want to really know if the type of characters I want to play can be pulled off by either of these classes.


The Knight suits the naive young jedi role better, while the Consular suits the more considered role better, or at least that's my opinion, this is because the consular is involved in politics more, and because he has option of

forgiving erring Jedi masters in first chapter



The Consular story has fewer one liners than the Knight story, in fact most of the Consular lines are of a philosophical bent (if you know your philosophy).


The Knight has the more fun characters on the whole, for a given value of fun, but Theran Cedrax and his beau Holiday are quite charming and funny.


The Knight has his Padawn longer, but the Consular feels more mentorish, Nadia actually wants his advice, and it affects how she develops.


Neither character has many grey options, but some of the dark option for consular do make sense both militarily and politically, but I viewed these as temptations my Sage had to overcome.


Consular learned a special force technique, but you didn't really explore the force, the Consular story is more about politics, while the Knight is more about crisis control.


Both sides face temptations in Dark side choices, and both overcome huge obstacles, they are different obstacles and temptations but both feel good.


I would say that if you don't appreciate the underlying philosophies the Consular story is tedious for Chapter 1, which is half the story, but the Knight story lacks the same degree of depth, but it's up to you to say which is more important to you.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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JK gets a padawan, but at least to me (could've been the choices I made), she felt more like a partner than a padawan.


Yes, they call her your padawan, but when you meet her, you're both padawans to another Jedi. You just happen to save the day before she does, so you get the rank sooner (think military...two privates working together...then one gets promoted to a higher rank before the other). But I do know there are options to say such things as "You're the padawan you will do as I say"-ish, so perhaps it plays out differently that way.


Haven't gotten to Nadia yet, but my impression from others is it has more of the Jedi/Padawan feel.


In playing my Consular, I just never felt any of the Chapter 1 Jedi's you get the option to let live or die (haven't finished Chapter 1 on my Consular yet...waiting for DXP to better enjoy the story) deserved the death option, because of how the story plays out (there are other side quest storylines I feel differently on when one wants to play that route).


Must agree with a previous poster however. Consular and Jedi seem to have their moments when it comes to their lines, but it's the Smuggler who really wins in that area.

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- Which character has the better sense of humor or comes with better one liners? Are either charming or cheeky?

this is interesting I would say the consular has a better sense of humor but is alot more reserved/observent so rarely jokes. The knight pulls off alot of "ok" one liners but some are cheeky

- Which character comes with the more enjoyable companions? Do you find yourself really connecting with them?

the knight had 3 companions I liked and they were all the first 3 ones you got. the last 2 where just meh. the consular also had 2 companions i was invested in, 1 i kind of cared about and 1 i hated with a passion which was the first one you get so it takes some patience at first if you have the same views as me.

- I am to understand both characters will take on a Padawan, Does either character pull off the mentor role better?

the consular definently takes on the mentor role better in my opinion he has a qui-gon type quality to him always spouting lessons every other sentence but not in an annoying way and the padawan is very open to learning from him. for the knight however it seems like a padawan was forced on him and he does not know what to do with it. the padawan kind of just tags along and he treats the padawan more as a fellow knight then a learner.

- Does either character have that many grey options? Am I even able to take the whole "will of the force" approach?

there are not many grey options for either. but I think there are alot more "grey" options as the consulor by "grey" I mean things that might be considered dark side by most jedi but seem right from another point of view like "should i kill someone who murdered many or arrest him with the chance he might be judged not guilty due to lack of evidence". the jedi knight has more black and white boring choices like "do i save them or do I murder all their children while they watch then chop their head off for the lulz" while those are most of the choices offered there are still a few grey ones for the knight as well.

- Does either class give me the chance to explore the force or am I generally just going to be thrown into the war and running the councils errands?

the consular is a more explore the force kinda guy, learning techniques long gone, finding holocrons of ancient jedi, trying to find peaceful solutions type stuff. the knight is just a fighter like anikan kill the bad guys, thrown into war, running errands.

- Is either character challenged by the dark side at any point or is it a heroic journey from start to finish? Are the DS choices difficult to make or does the story really challenge your Jedi ideals?

even though i said the consular has more grey options he isent realy challenged by the darkside that much. the knight however has a couple of points where he could struggle. but i played heavy lightside most of the time with both characters

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Grey Jedi + all your other questions fits the Jedi Knight more.The consular is a goody two shoes monk type,and the male voice actor is quite insufferable.Any dark side choice for the consular doesn't make any sense.Without spoiling it i would say that the Jedi Knight's grey and dark moments are nicely done.You can even RP him to be just like Anakin.Struggling with your dark side and falling in love against all jedi regulations ,which brings you even closer to the dark side(of the force)


The consular has a minimal advantage of exploring the force a little more in Act I.Also Shadows are a good class ,gameplay and animations wise.If the voice actor wasn't so uptight and the lines weren't so cheesy,the consular(Shadow) would be not be a bad choice.


I would recommend Jedi Knight story wise.Act 1 is comparatively monotonous ,only the ends of each planet class story is excitable.+ the end of act Act 1 is good.Act 2 and 3 is what you would except from Kotor 3,which means good.

Edited by Kaedusz
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