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does anyone else get instructed what to do because you dont follow the norm?


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now im not max level yet but i do see my fair share of idiots in pug party's (fp)

im a healer and im fully specced for healing im not thinking damage i think about how much i try to heal


so when i get swamped with mobs i usualy start avoiding them rather then fighting them (again im a healer i try to focus on those that are losing hp)


i think it was yesterday that i joined a party with a jedi gaurdian as a tank

she (yes she) kept going after the lowest mobs while almost every player knows that trash mobs are for dps to take out and the tank should focus on those that actualy do alot of damage

wel this tank didnt

she first goes after a weak mob and i start doing my job i heal

i get rushed by 5 strong/elite mobs and nearly die before the dps noticed im in danger

then the dps try to pull agro away wich htey barely succeed in saving my ***

i turn my heals on the dps seeing as they are usualy not specced for tanking yet they started to tank my agro(wich im very gratefull for)


then the tank gets mad at me for not healing her and pulling all the agro

wile i was doing my job she was focusing on trash mobs

i told her that she needs to get her act straight


and she suddenly says you wanna tank?

at that point i thought bleep it if you die its not my fault

however at the same time that i was thinking that i also rememberd that she is the tank and without a tank we wont survive so in the end i try to do my best while she keeps focusing on trash

in the end i think all the dps that was with us were the tank

and the tank itself handled trash


long story short

know what you need to do or ****

and yes that girl is now on my no no list

i will no longer party with some one like that


so yes i tried instructing her BUT she clearly did not know how to tank at all


I add those types of tanks to my ignore list, i don't care if there is a tank shortage, I am willing to wait a little longer in the Q in order to not have to group with people who are not willing to learn how to play their class.

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Ran Scum and Villany SM last night. There was about 4 of the same guild there rest people recruited to run. I know the fights have done it many times.


First boss everything went about as well as it could so was feeling pretty happy....then we got to the second boss.

Titan 6 is a fun boss fight and is prob my favorite boss in the game.

Now if you understand his mechanics he is pretty easy to dps as a rdps.

Well one problem: The off tank did not drag adds to boss so we could burn them down with aoe still damaging boss. Instead, they milled around in the center of the battle drawing dps away from boss and then he did not even hold their aggro so the adds scattered attacking the various dps'ers creating a big mess.

I said in ops chat: Don't we drag adds to boss for us to burn?

Off-tank replied: Don't tell me what to do!

I said: yes sir lol


Of course, we wipe and then everybody leaves.

I stay near the ops entrance and I see that same off-tank and he runs up, waves, lols, and runs off. I try to send him a message to say good luck and find that he is ignoring me.

I just shake my head and run tfb with an awesome ops group.


Long post short there are many ways to do something and I am more than willing to learn. But there are also people who have no idea what they are doing and god help you if you suggest a different way.

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this kind of stuff drives me crazy.


normally i will ask 'does everyone know how to do this fight?' before explaining anything and even then, usually only after a wipe.


if we get to a boss fight without any problems on the trash, i normally just assume people know what they're doing.




and one thing to remember is that, as a tank, you have all the power. if the group pisses you off and you leave, they're the ones sitting around for 2 hours waiting for a new pop while you only have to wait a few seconds.

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There needs to be some "norm" to tanking...Tanking 101..A tank can make or break a group...


I have tried, on several MMO forums over the years, to post both tanking standards and grouping standards. Those threads were met with some of the best support and worst trolls I have ever seen. I use standards that were set in place with Everquest, back when screwing up would cause not only great irritation in the group/raid (with raids of 70 people, this was significant) but also hours of work lost due to level losses.


It's a pointless thing to do. Those that will listen already know, those that won't listen will only troll. These days I will train new tanks 1 on 1, but that's a rare thing.

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This problem goes both ways. Just as you have no reason to believe your group knows what they're doing, your group also have no reason to believe you know what you're doing. Generally speaking if what the group suggests doesn't sound outright ridiculous I'll go with the plan. If it's something I'm sure it won't work I'll tell them. This game is easy enough that you should have plenty of margin of error to work with. I don't like the random 'tricks' people do but usually I figure if people want to use their tricks it's because they're not good enough to beat it normally so might as well do it the way they're comfortable with. Usually I opt for the "There will be no survivors" strategy but not every random group you get into can pull it off. Ironically, it takes a lot of skill to pull off the brute force strategy.
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"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion." ~Jeffrey Goines

That being said ...

The tank sets the pace. If nobody dies and you don't go below 50% HP, tell em to let you do

you job; they can kindly sod off.

OR, leave the pug. Control freaks thrive on intra-group conflict.

They will still be in que looking for another tank before you get the next group started along.

Don't forget to block the mouthy one first.

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When I do end-game tanking, I generally try to absorb the info from other peoples' advice. Sometimes I learn something new -- an easier or faster way to do things. Whether or not I actually follow the advice depends on how well I already know the particular op and how well the person giving the advice is playing their own role.


Also, +1 if the advice is from a healer. The tank and healer need to be on the same page. If a healer has specific play-style eccentricities or preferences (and performs well within them), sometimes it's just best to adjust.

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There are so many ways to do many of these encounters. I figure I'll give most strategies a shot at least once. Whether it works or doesn't, I'll learn something.


I wouldn't get too upset about someone giving out instructions unless they're being rude about it. If nothing else, it makes sure everyone's on the same page. If you're feeling disrespected by it, then a 'I know this flashpoint/op/whatever' should quiet them down, UNLESS you really don't know what you're doing or they're an a**hat :p

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The simple answer for me is, I never PUG. Ever.


Sometimes, I will answer a call over general chat for help with group missions, but that's as far as I go.


For the most part, I stick to running group content with family members. They know how to follow my lead, and we do quite well as a result. Getting wiped is a very rare occurrence for us, and usually only happens when running a new flashpoint, as we don't look up guides online, we prefer to try it first as a new experience, not knowing what to expect. More fun that way. But, if we get wiped, yes, we'll check a guide. Some of those flashpoint bosses are required to be beaten in only one way, and most of the time, that way isn't very clear.


I believe you learn more by NOT relying on guides, instead, learning to adapt to new situations/tactics. Learning to be ready for the unexpected. As a result, my family has no problems playing solo, and we do very well in group content, and the game is more fun without fore-knowledge of coming battles. :)

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Some tanks just don't take it kindly if you would like to give them any advice (yes I do tank frequently myself and have so for the first six months of this game almost every night...) . If a healer tells you that tanking a mob in a particular corner will break los because of a 1mm tall stone laying on the ground.... don't tank the mob in said corner. If the healer draws aggro and asks several times for guard.... give them guard or if you don't know what they are talking about... ask. I've seen tanks thinking they are gods best creation while tanking itself is so easy in this game.... .
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