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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why the disappointed don't leave...


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Your point is like arguing "My computer would totally suck, if there were no CPU !" or "My car would be totally broke, if it did not have wheels!"



Your examples are flawed and wrong. A Computer NEEDS a CPU to work. An MMO does not need the name of a well known franchise to be good, there are several examples out there to prove it. His point that if it was not for the name this MMO would have fallen much further and is a good example. Bioware made a poor MMO and a poor Star Wars game, not the worst Star Wars game or MMO, but not good either.

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I would say this.


The game launched as an average MMO and a good Star Wars game. As a single player game it would have been stellar, but my expectations were higher because it was an MMO.


In other words in the modern market I expected it to at least be a good MMO. It was not.


It is now.


Good on both counts. Still not great on either...but getting very VERY close.


It also suffers from the same problem SWG did...what it does right it does the best in the industry IMO. And what it does badly is embarrassing. But as days pass and changes come the latter becomes less and former becomes more.


Good days ahead I think.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I would say this.


The game launched as an average MMO and a good Star Wars game. As a single player game it would have been stellar, but my expectations were higher because it was an MMO.


In other words in the modern market I expected it to at least be a good MMO. It was not.


It is now.


Good on both counts. Still not great on either...but getting very VERY close.


It also suffers from the same problem SWG did...what it does right it does the best in the industry IMO. And what it does badly is embarrassing. But as days pass and changes come the latter becomes less and former becomes more.


Good days ahead I think.


I kind of agree with this. The only thing that I would say is.... it depends on how much support comes in the future. I still believe they lag on content a bit but I can see some effort to see they are trying. I still think they are trying to suck everything they can get away with as an added cost.


I think if EA takes the added bucks, that they are surely getting from the cartel market, and invests back into the game. It should have a better future.

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I've been thinking about this for a while.


For me personally, Bioware used to be one of the last bastions of awesome RPGs. Which are my favourite genre of game. I looked at SWTOR and originally I wasn't going to play it, but the promise of a furthering of the story and some closure on KOTOR2 was too much so I caved in the end. To begin with though I wanted to support them. Especially with Australian servers. That was pretty cool.


What I really wanted from Bioware was some innovation, some really deep story that really sucked me in. I think they almost got there. But not quite. It didn't quite scratch that itch I have. Being able to play KOTOR as a multiplayer really had me going as well. Which basically is what this game is. I also wanted a better character progression scheme, not be locked in to one thing or another. Something much more liquid and diverse.


I don't think SWTOR is bad, I have stopped playing a number of times and come back a few months later to give it another go/experience another class story line.


Some things definitely left a bad taste in my mouth about it though, which is a discussion for another thread. But suffice to say I believe they could have done so much more with this game then they did. The character progression I think should have been much different than it was. I didn't like the game engine. I don't like the cartel store(among other business decisions they have made). End game content.... lol.


But the game has that Almost there quality to it that keeps me hooked just a little bit, hoping one day they will just push it over the edge and make it great. I still come back here and check out the forums sometimes hoping to see discussions just like this one, or some announcement of more story (actual story progression) or they are finally fixing some really annoying bugs that are STILL in the game, and just seem to keep getting ignored.


In short, I guess it's the bitter sweet feel I get with it. That's why I come back every few months and play for a little while, or level another character. Always hoping they actually do something great. Bioware certainly have it in them despite EA's heavy hand.

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Definition of 'Freemium'

A combination of the words "free" and "premium" used to describe a business model that offers both free and premium services. The freemium business model works by offering simple and basic services for free for the user to try and more advanced or additional features at a premium. This is a common practice with many software companies, who offer basic software free to try but with limited capabilities.


The word is being used correctly.




From CosmicKat.




Definition of Newspeak:


The use of positive words to infer something is a positive when it is often not.

Example: "Lay-offs" is bad, "Right sizing" is also bad, but sounds good.

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Sadly it's the only Star Wars mmo around. Sadly. Yes indeed.


As a player that has been around since beta off and on.... it has the potential to be something great. Even now... it is there. It is fading and if BioEA doesn't do something they will lose it. They have been safe this year as there have been few if any MMORPG release. Next year there is at least one big name hitting the internet and then TOR will see if it can hold up.

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I kind of agree with this. The only thing that I would say is.... it depends on how much support comes in the future. I still believe they lag on content a bit but I can see some effort to see they are trying. I still think they are trying to suck everything they can get away with as an added cost.


I think if EA takes the added bucks, that they are surely getting from the cartel market, and invests back into the game. It should have a better future.


I think that's a fair point. I do think there is room for concern over the pace of subscriber "value-added" content, especially considering, at least to me, it seems they are promoting subscriptions.

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