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Smuckering knights. 15v1 pvp murder.


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Now..let this be known i have nothing against any of these people.




Anyone who has sought out the dreadseed pieces knows as well as i do, the damn thing is a time eater and very time consuming. Now i didnt say it is not enjoyable? I have been able to do it a every now and then when i can..


The reason i bring this up pertains to something that happen in the outlaws den on tatooine. being bored...seeking...in the outlaws den of course, i chose to write in general chat "100k to somone who comes and kils me.

now i didnt get any hits all day and i played for a good amount of time {let it be known it was saturday :cool:

but there was a bite at about 5 pm by some guy who def set out to

"troll as everyone calls it" Minding my own business waiting for the guy on the south west end of the den, he came up over the hill with about 7 to 8 level 55's. What the **** am i suppose to do? i attack.. lol

and yes it was brutal and sad and it hurt haha! :mad:

but really it was a lot of fun just for the sake of a whole damn guild was coming after me and killing me.. i felt like an outlaw :cool: and **** know i didnt pay them.. i said "somone" not "EVERYONE IN YOUR GUILD"

it was just funny because they were calling me a troll for not paying. those ******es took about 1 minute to take me down, of course i had pvp gear on {full part}

and each and everyone one of those stupid piles of toot toot's health was below 50 %

and they just kept killing me. I clearly stated... i will fight each and everyone one of you 1v1 and if you all can beat me ill give you all 100k..yeah they just kept killing me. screw them..lol:D


sundering knights i think they are called.. bunch of mean people.. but it was a damn good time i tell ya that much

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