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Powertech greatest challenge


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What's a greater challenge for a Powertech in PvP: (1) be able to burn healers as Advanced Prototype or (2) be able to burn healers as Pyrotech?


If there is anything more challenging as DPS Powertech, please comment.

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If I may


Chill lol I understand my protection was low thats my fault I was slacking.

Lol I apologize op I have turned your thread into a vanguard showcase.


Everybody calm down damn just chill out the intent of my post was not to say wow look at me I'm the best vanguard ever just showing people that reaching top damage in a warzone is still possible.


So can't we all just get along.:o

Edited by ChaoticDynamite
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1. AP has all of the defense, but you will never kill a healer. Ever. Your highest damage attack is immolate, and it usually doesn't do more than 4.5K. 5k if you are REAL lucky. There are derp PVE heroes that claim the class DPS is fine, but they are probably just fighting mobs that sit still and don't heal. The AP will never earn a 6K damage medal. The 7 rocket shoulder cannon helps DPS some, but that ability is on a two minute CD. You can't put it in any rotation. It can't be counted on when you need it.


2. Full pyro can still burn any healer except for an operative, those just scamper off and heal. The damage is still okay without being over the top, rails consistently crit for 5.5-6.5k. You I'll earn a 6K damage medal in every match guaranteed. The spec has no defense though, and it dies constantly. Seriously, pyro PT is a constant ride on the damn med-center merry-go-round.


You get automated defenses, so you can use kolto overload more often. Big effing deal. You can only use it at 30% health, so you hit the button and die anyways to the next smash/dispatch. Just another bad idea from the bad developers and terrible designers.


PT has energy shield, but the duration is so short and the CD so long, you only get to use it every couple of minutes. It can't be counted on to save you when needed most of the time, unlike AP with the energy rebounder skill.


TL;DR. The class sucks for PVP. The BW idiots broke it. AP survives longer, PT has more burst to kill healers.

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Hate to say it but I could pull those numbers on my PT before the Xpac. I've only played my pt once since the xpac and its not terrible but its not good either. Rail shot hits like a bb gun and flame burst is only good for frying squirls.


When they nerfed the hybrid spec they should have only touched the auto crit rail shot not nerf a bunch of other stuff. Austin Peckenpaugh has no idea what he is doing.

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16 kills, 7 deaths, only 7 medals, and what, 3K protection?


You didn't kill hardly anyone for having done enough damage to kill at least fifty. You either lacked the burst to kill the healers, or you're the kind of player that doesn't focus them.


You died constantly. Even with a pet healer running 1.27 MILLION, you died twice as often as any other team member. Not your fault entirely, PT defenses suck.


Your job is to derp the smashers with taunt, so that their overpowered attack deals a third less to their many unhappy victims. 3K protection is almost nothing.


You only managed that DPS because you had a pet healer that healed 1.27 MILLION of the damage to you, that your poor defenses couldn't handle. Try doing anything close to that in a match without a healer.


Look I'm not saying you're a bad player, but a match like this proves nothing other than that PT has issues.

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16 kills, 7 deaths, only 7 medals, and what, 3K protection?


You didn't kill hardly anyone for having done enough damage to kill at least fifty. You either lacked the burst to kill the healers, or you're the kind of player that doesn't focus them.


You died constantly. Even with a pet healer running 1.27 MILLION, you died twice as often as any other team member. Not your fault entirely, PT defenses suck.


Your job is to derp the smashers with taunt, so that their overpowered attack deals a third less to their many unhappy victims. 3K protection is almost nothing.


You only managed that DPS because you had a pet healer that healed 1.27 MILLION of the damage to you, that your poor defenses couldn't handle. Try doing anything close to that in a match without a healer.


Look I'm not saying you're a bad player, but a match like this proves nothing other than that PT has issues.


Well the other team had 5 healers so whether I had the burst or not doesn't matter at this point because unless someones burning down the other four theres nothing I can do if they just heal each other. Now I totally agree I was lacking in terms of protection I should have peeled and taunted way more than I did. And for your statement about our poor defenses I will say van/pts are extremely squishy but in this case the 7 deaths were my fault because I constantly am putting myself in a situation that's helping us win a warzone.Whether it's holding enemies back in the first room so my teammates can bring the bridge down or attacking a door to draw attention to myself to make it easier on my teammates at the other door.

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a) lol prot

b) not even that big a number

c) you didnt outstrip anyone by a large margin

d) that is mostly fluff damage

e) lol prot


No i didn't break a mil nor did I get 25 kills but the fact of the matter is people are saying Van/Pts can't compete with others at ALL and that's simply not true. No I didn't beat anyone else by a large margin by I did place top something that most seem to think is impossible I didn't say I was the best or anything like that its just suppose to show that it can be done.

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CGC applies a burn effect with almost every attack, that seems pretty easy to me.


Lol :D

Also to the OP, any spec in the game can pull those numbers tbh. Yes there are lots of bads filling the bottom rows but that is standard in any wz.

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4m interrupt is the Powertechs greatest challenge.


It will bring you into melee range when otherwise you have no business being there. Should be increased to 10m.


Full utilization of interrupts are for tank builds. A hybrid-tank build will give you reasonably high survivability, plus an interrupt at 6 second cooldown, which is considerable, since it means anything that needs a cast-time of over 2 seconds will be infinitely blocked -- so long as you can latch on and remain within range.


Ofcourse, from the perspective of a tank-build Vanguard, :rolleyes: all this bickering about DPS builds is hardly anything more than a bunch of people doing what is known as 'DPS-masturb****n' -- since they have nothing to contribute to the team, they define their existence through how large the "numbers" can get in an end-game stat screen... as if that means anything.


I'd rather have someone do a meager 100k damage and 0 kills, but still has the wits to focus with the team at the exact right moments to kill who needs to be killed, pull who needs to be pulled, activate slow/immob immunity to chug through the Huttball end-line at the right moment... and really do what the Vanguard/PT class can do -- rather than a bunch of idiots arguing who can get higher in damage by just freedealing damage by mashing attack buttons.


I mean, usually, these "who can deal higher damage" stuff is actually for the PvE folk -- as in WoW, where you can get a stat add-on... and then all the PvE folk will start bickering about who can deal more damage to a dumb raid-boss with stupid AI and gazillion HP. :rolleyes:


A PT's greatest challenge is the same as any other classes' greatest challenge --- how to be a smarter, better player that really knows the game. Anything else is just plain ol' , short-sighted, useless bunch of crap.

Edited by kweassa
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If I may


Chill lol I understand my protection was low thats my fault I was slacking.


Damn you are a bad vanguard :-) So little protection. Only thing you did was spaming dmg with explosive surge to obtain high dmg numbers in overal, but not really able to kill anyone. You may probably be even the reason for your team losing the game...

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If I may


Chill lol I understand my protection was low thats my fault I was slacking.


You were fighting a team with 5 healers, that is a bad example. I am surprised no one noticed this.


Not saying that getting those numbers is not possible. I still do it all the time on my pyro. But it is much easier to get high damage when no one is attacking back.

Edited by KillaDeuce
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Are you a tank? How do you get those prot numbers without guard?


If I'm taunting around 100K with sonic missile, I'm usually happy with it.


Tactics on Ion Cell.


100k prot on taunts only is good, you should be happy with it.

Edited by Lajota
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