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Should Smash knockback in PVP ?


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it should stun.... like it is supposed to do


Knocking back is something you don't want for Melee classes.


If it stunned in PvP, and it was a group stun, do you know how OP it would be for 3 warriors to chain Charge + Smash/Stun?


No thanks. It's fine the way it is. Well, if they made it to do a 25% slow or maybe a 10% reduction in damage the enemy does for 5 seconds, that would be cool, but then they'd nerf the damage component on it. So I say leave it as is.

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Not really.... knockback is given to melee class, the sith inquisitor assassin is melee. I don't think knockback is effected by the resolve bar system. However stun IS effected by resolve, at least it should be.


You have a resolve bar every time you take CC it builds and you become immune to stuns and slows and such.


I don't think it would be any more over powered than a knockback aoe that isn't effected by our resolve bar

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Honestly I'm not sure why someone would want it to knock back. I mostly have to worry about chasing down people running away / kiting me; knock backs are not really useful for a melee class like ours.


Plus, if you are really getting overpowered by a couple enemies, we can just Leap way the heck away from them, usually.

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Honestly I'm not sure why someone would want it to knock back. I mostly have to worry about chasing down people running away / kiting me; knock backs are not really useful for a melee class like ours.


Plus, if you are really getting overpowered by a couple enemies, we can just Leap way the heck away from them, usually.


Meh it is pretty useful in hutt ball and situations you can instant kill people by tossing them off a ledge. I think a aoe stun would be more useful for melee anyway so I would have to agree with you

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i would rather it not have a knockback. Let the assassin have the aoe knockback... i dont want every class to have all of the same moves. I would however like to see marauder with some type of knockback. a single target push would be great. maybe have the jugg talent into there force push hitting multiple mobs. marader just seems so limited in its utility, especially in huttball. example when they are standing on a balcony waiting for fire and you cant knock them off before they are going to score. it just seems like a high handicap to have to deal with that many if not most other classes have a push/knockback of some sort.


i absolutely love this class and will continue with it no matter what, but having that type of spell would really make it shine for me.

Edited by Endofwow
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A stun would be nice, but like everyone is saying, would also be very OP. I think either a reduced damage or movement speed affect would be nice though. Something like that.


Rage tree says hello. 20% movement buff whenever you obliterate. 7% passive damage reduction in the tree.

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